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Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction.

Properties) of space was a controversial topic of scholars of all time. They vary depending on the degree of development of the knowledge accumulated by mankind throughout different historical periods. Space is now considered a philosophical category designating targets and universal forms of existence of matter in motion. Unit with matter causes infinite nature of space and time eternity . Ancient Atomic scientists ( Democritus and Epicurus ) considered as a receptacle space and infinite vacuum of material atoms . Aristotle believes that space is the amount of seats they occupy bodies and that both matter and space would be finite . Atomistic conception of space and time (which underlies the Euclidean geometry ) was developed by Newton in modern philosophy . For Newton space and time are absolute , objective and universal, ie independent of matter in motion. Engels believes that the basic forms of all being are space and time and timeless existence is as great an absurdity and one outside space. Philosophers like Berkeley, Hume, Mach , Bergson denies the objectivity of space and time , putting them in dependence of human consciousness or subjective forms his subjective feelings . Kant believes that the two categories are a priori forms of human sensibility . Hegel considers space and time as two categories of the absolute idea . Formation of non-Euclidean geometries by Lobacevski , Bolyai , Gauss , Riemann contributed to conception after geometrical properties of space are not everywhere the same, being determined by the physical properties . Space is so heterogeneous and anisotropic . Einstein's relativity theory (also called physical theory of space and time ) showed that the spatial and temporal properties ( length bodies and duration of events ) depends on the velocity of material systems and the structure and properties of the space-time continuum varies by concentration substance mass and gravitational field strength generated by them.

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