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Math 1040 Term Project

Skye Galley London Pope Brittany Wooten

Our Research Question:

Is length of forearm related to length of hand?

Summary of Project
Our first variable was the length of a persons forearm and our

second variable was the length of a persons hand. The unit of

measurement was in inches.

Our group gathered data from 60 random people, half were

men and half were women. We then measured the length of their forearm (from elbow to wrist) and their hand length (from wrist to top of middle finger) and recorded our data.

Statistics for First Quantitative Variable (Length of Forearm)

Mean: 11.242 inches Standard Deviation: 1.696 inches Range: 11 inches Five-number summary: minX= 7 inches Q1= 10.5 inches med= 11.25 inches

Mode: 11
Outliers: 18 inches

Q3= 12 inches
maxX= 18 inches

Graphs First Quantitative Variable

(Length of Forearm)

Statistics for Second Quantitative Variable (Length of Hand)

Mean: 7.129 inches Standard Deviation: 0.608 inches Range: 3.25 inches Mode: 7 inches Outliers: 5 inches Five-number summary: minX= 5 inches Q1= 7 inches med= 7 inches Q3= 7.5 inches maxX= 8.25 inches

Graphs First Quantitative Variable

(Length of Hand)

scatter plot that includes line of regression

Statistics for testing the correlation between the two variables

Linear Correlation Coefficient: 0.66768825
Line of Regression Equation: y= 4.4385785+ 0.23934068

Analysis, Interpretations, & Conclusion

The linear correlation coefficients from our research are 0.668 and 0.898 , which is close to +1, meaning there is a strong relationship between our X and Y variables. One of the people we measured had a long forearm (18 inches!) our data became thrown off and skewed. Because of our high correlation coefficients we conclude that there is a strong relationship between length of forearm and length of hand.

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