Unit Plan Lesson 2

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Ashley Weesies Date 4/14/11 Subject/ Topic/ Theme West African Drums and Rhythm Grade _____ rd_______

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This is a continuation of the study of the son! "un!a Alafia #ith added instruction about the percussion of West African music$

Learners will be able to#

Describe or demonstrate the concept of a drum circle and #hat they are commonly used for$ ,mpro%e their steady beat and play a composed rhythm #ithin a 4 -uarter note beat pattern$ ,dentify differences in different %ersions of traditional son!s in melody. %o#els. dynamics. duration. etc$

co!niti%e& R ' Ap An ( )*

physical de%elopment

socio& emotional

' Ap. ) R. An

+ + +

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# ART$/$,$

$1 'se de%elopmentally appropriate sin!in! %oice. sin! melodies accurately. and physically demonstrate macro and micro beat$ ART$/$,$ $4 Sin! melodies #ith confidence in a lar!e !roup$ ART$/$,$ $0 (1pand the comple1ity of patterns$ ART$/$,$ $2 3lay instrumental parts independently #hile other students sin!$ ART$/$,,$ $1 )reate throu!h e1ploration. impro%isation. and composition. rhythmic and melodic ostinati accompaniments$ ART$/$,,,$ $0 'se music %ocabulary to e1press personal reactions for musical #or4s and styles$ ART$/$,5$ $6 Describe ho# elements of music are used in e1amples from #orld cultures. usin! music performed and presented in rd !rade$ ART$/$5$ $ Discuss the %arious rationales for usin! music in daily e1periences$ 78ote# Write as many as needed$ ,ndicate ta1onomy le%els and connections to applicable national or state standards$ ,f an objecti%e applies to particular learners #rite the name7s9 of the learner7s9 to #hom it applies$9 *remember. understand. apply. analy:e. e%aluate. create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

Students should be able to mo%e their arms up and do#n so their hands hit a drum head$
Pre-assessment (for learning):

;a%e the students tap on their laps to see #ho has a stron! beat in them and #ho needs more !uidance$ Outline assessment activities 7applicable to this lesson9
Formative (for learning):

;a%e some students transfer this onto drums #hile other students #atch and 4eep each other to!ether$
Formative (as learning): ;a%e students place a <ch= sound bet#een their bi! beats to internali:e the small beat. e%entually only drummin!$ Summative (of learning9>

;a%e students sho# their composed rhythmic pattern #ithin the 4 beat measure durin! the son!$
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation 3ro%ide options for perception& making information perceptible 5ideo. sound. touch. respondin! throu!h sin!in!$ Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression 3ro%ide options for physical action& increase options for interaction ;it drum. tap 4nees. tap the shoulder of the person ne1t to you. sin! the response 3ro%ide options for e1pression and communication& increase me ium of e!pression Sin!in!. playin!. ans#erin! -uestions. !i%in! ideas and connections$ 3ro%ide options for e1ecuti%e functions& coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement 3ro%ide options for recruitin! interest& choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats )ircle. #atch others. different drums. #atch real Africans play in a drum circle$ 3ro%ide options for sustainin! effort and persistence& optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back Students focus on one person?s rhythm. impro%isation. compare our sound #ith the %ideo$ 3ro%ide options for self&re!ulation& e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"
3ro%ide options for lan!ua!e. mathematical e1pressions. and symbols& clarify & connect language )hoose a student?s rhythm to notate and ma4e sure it fits into the 4 beat pattern$ 3ro%ide options for comprehension& activate, apply & highlight

Repeatin! and re&usin! %ocabulary #ords. as4in! students to recall and try to use them throu!hout the lesson$

Short term is to learn the son! and the rhythmic patterns. lon! term is to 4eep steady beat$

The students must stay to!ether #ith the beat and focus on the son! #hile it?s bein! played$


/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use" How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 6#78 Com!onents /otivation 7openin!/ introduction/ en!a!ement9

0 drums. %ideo. projector

The students #ill start in ro#s on the floor. and soon be as4ed to turn and face the screen$ The drums #ill start near the ed!es of the classroom around it. and later they #ill be mo%ed into a lar!e circle shape bet#een students$

3evelo!ment 7the lar!est component or main body of the lesson9

3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. https>//###$youtube$com/#atchA%B41l6j0j,Cd' Watch %ideo as they come in the door and 3lay %ideo$ Tell students #hat this is a drum circle$ sit in their ro# by silent teacher direction$ As4. <#hat mi!ht you use a drum circle forA= before tellin! them ho# the Africans use it$ /any African cultures participate in drum circles$ Gi%e su!!estions for the use of music in a 'ses> (-uality. enjoyment. friendship. rela1ation$ drum circle$ )ircle the students by turnin! around the front ro#. splittin! the middle ro# in the center and ha%in! each side scoot and Get in the circle as the teacher directs$ face the middle of the classroom$ De the caller for "un!a Alafia and as4 the students to be the responders$ As4 drummers to join in #ith steady beat demonstrated by the teacher #ith the hand shape of the Respond #ith <"un!aH= ,n the chant and teacher$ Ashe Ashe in the melody section$ When the <bom bom= section comes in. #arn them by Students on drums join in the beat and sayin!. <no# just listen= and play the rhythm. !esturin! for follo# the hand shape of the teacher$ the students to sin! on <Ashe Ashe=$ Then say. <try it= and do the rhythm a!ain. still 4eepin! in time #ith the son!$ "inish after the melody section and say. <8o#. #e #ill come ;it the drum as closely to the rhythm for bac4 to the chant section but the drummers #ill be doin! a this section as possible rhythm$ Coo4 up on the screen and you see 2 -uarter rests$ ;o# many beats does each rest !etA= They are one beat each$ ;a%e the drummers all 4eep a steady beat and the rest of the students clap and count 1. 6. . 4. E. F. 0. 2 repetiti%ely$ Say in tempo. <Geep the beat and count for me as , play my o#n thin!$ Stay on your o#n partH Ready here , !o. andH= The remainin! student acti%ites are 3lay a simple rhythm #ithin the 2 beat pattern once and !o described in the teacher?s ri!ht bac4 to 4eepin! the beat #ith them$ /a4e sure they don?t rush and in tempo. say. <Stay on your part and , #ill do instruction$ another oneH= De!in doin! another rhythm that fits into 6 4 beat measures$ Say in tempo. <and one. t#o. hands upH= ,f the students don?t !et that that means stop. say. <This time. #hen , say hands up that means e%eryone?s hands are up and silent on my count$ Try a!ain$= Tell students to join in the beat a!ain. say. <and one. t#o. hands upH= Don?t accept any e1tra noise$ Tell the students that the ne1t step is to !o around the circle to the drummers and ha%e each do t#o four beat measures #ith t#o more four beat measures in bet#een$ As4 them to count to 2 durin! the solos in a -uiet %oice on the beat$ As4 them to loo4 at the screen a!ain$ Say. <Iour rhythm #ill fit into these ei!ht beats. and then #e #ill all play 2 steady beats to!ether #hile , choose the ne1t person to do a rhythm$=


Closure 7conclusion. culmination. #rap&up9

Tell the students to join in once they feel the steady beat$ De!in the beat$ Jnce all students on drums ha%e !otten a turn. do the Kone. t#o. hands up? endin! and ha%e the students mo%e one spot o%er to their ri!ht$ 8o# is a !ood time to mention that F students #ill be chosen at the end of class to play a special part in performance mode$ Tell the students that these special F people #ill be the best direction follo#ers and the most focused on their beats and rhythms$ Repeat the e1ercise until all students ha%e been on the drums once$ As4 the students to face the screen and put up a slide that says. "un!a Alafia "orm> )hant Tune Dom )hant "'8GAH As4 the students to sit and face the front as they try to memori:e the form$ Cet them 4no# that they can pee4 at the form as they !et to their seats. and once e%eryone is ready. they #ill sho# it by sittin! crisscross on the floor facin! the front of the room$ Sin! throu!h "un!a Alafia #ith the students in this form$ 7Dom is the same as the tune. but the drum plays the beats of <fun!a alafia= #hile the sin!in! cuts out and then <ashe. ashe.= is sun!$9 As4 the students to tap the beat on their laps and play their solo rhythms durin! the second chant portion on their laps$ Then as4 the students to stand and choose F students that ha%e been obser%ed as direction follo#ers and !ood beat and rhythm 4eepers throu!hout the class$ As4 them to come for#ard$ Tell these students they #ill be doin! #hat #as just done in the practice round. but on these drums instead$ ;a%e them face the other students$ Tell the other students they ha%e a job to do> motionsH /a4e sure they 4no# #ho is in !roups 1 and 6 by re&splittin! them in half$ De!in the beat and as4 the drummers to join in$ )ount off. 1. 6. . 4. ready. !roup. 1H Go throu!h the last "'8GAH Some students #ill pic4 up on that and follo#. but many #ill be confused$ Demonstrate. and then ha%e them copy$ Do the last chant section once more. and remind them to do their 2 beat rhythm pattern o%er and o%er durin! this section$ (nd #ith "'8GAH As4 students to applaud for the drummers and sit$ As4 the students to turn to#ard the projector screen once more and thin4 bac4 to those African people playin! in a drum circle$ As4 them #hat else #as done in "un!a Alafia besides drummin! and sin!in!$ /any ans#ers are correct$ Respond #ith. <yes. and #hat elseA= for these$ "ish for


Kmotions? or Kmo%ement?$ Tell the students to #atch the %ideo on the screen and see #hat 4inds of thin!s real African dancin! has in it$ As4 them to loo4 for thin!s they ha%e done in their motions so far and for thin!s that are similar and different$ Tell the students that in a fe# #ee4s. the topic of African mo%ement #ill come up a!ain$ As4 all students to stand up and !et in line by the door$ After the clappin! pattern !i%en is repeated. all students should be facin! the door. con%ersations o%er. and ready to !o$ https>//###$youtube$com/#atchA%Bjmd(GpJGaCL


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