10 Day

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10-Day Lesson Plan

50-minute class Day 1: Background Knowledge Biography of Suzanne Collins. (15 minutes) o http://www.biography.com/people/suzanne-collins20903551#the-hunger-games&awesm=~oCN7qn1hd75TXh After reading the students should have a grasp about what the basis of The Hunger Games is based on. Suzanne Collins lived a life where she was introduced to war and the importance of history from a young age. Because of Suzannes experience through war education with her father we will be digging into the historical and current society context that can be found in The Hunger Games. Who in the class has heard about The Hunger Games? (20 minutes) o If you have read it do you know about any connections that it has with our own society? o Have you seen the movie? Does the movie follow the book exactly? o Who in the classroom knows about the Holocaust The entire class will read an article from http://hungergamesvsholocaust.weebly.com/comparecontrast -hunger-games-and-holocaust.html Pre reading-Someone in high school who did a comparison for her class project made this webpage. She makes very beneficial connections between the Holocaust and The Hunger Games. Post reading questions- As you read this post did you remember any prior knowledge you had of the holocaust? If so, what? What is the major similarity and difference in your opinion? This is a connection we will be talking about continually as we delve deeper into the book. Pre-Reading Activity (10 minutes) Todays class will be wrapped up by having our very own reaping. A reaping is an annual event that takes place in every district before each Hunger Games, where the tributes of the upcoming Games are chosen. Class Reaping o Hand out worksheet while explaining how the Reaping will take place. (First you must follow the directions on this worksheet. The number of times you are entered in the reaping is based off of your age and how many family members you have.)

Once you have figured out how many times your name will be in the reaping follow the directions on how to make your ballots (scraps of paper). Before you can leave class today you must put all of your reaping entries into the jar (male and female). Tomorrow at the beginning of class we will have our official class reaping.

If there is any time left after the reaping entries are put into the jar this is the time that students are encouraged to start reading Chapter 1. (0-5 minutes) Homework= Read Chapter 1 (17 pages) Day 2: Class Reaping (10-12 minutes) As students walk into the classroom I will say, Good morning students. Will you please go to the designated half of the room based on gender. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s7qgNMqDJI o After I have shown the fast youtube clip. The first ever North Star Reaping has begun. May the odds be ever in your favor. o Ladies first, District North Stars first tribute is (Pull female name) and now for the gentleman. District North stars second tribute is (Pull male name). o Now that we have completed our first ever reaping lets look at how many times our tributes names were placed into the reaping. Female- had ___ out of a total of___ slips. Male- had ___ out of a total of ___ slips. Did anyone have more slips than their tributes of the same gender? If you were in the real reaping what would have been your response? (anger, sadness, pride) What real life connection can we make to the reaping? (Looking for lottery as an answer) Throughout this reaping I have used a few new words that were used in the text from last nights reading assignment. (reaping, tribute) Vocabulary Activity (20 minutes) Spinner- the spinner is divided into 8 giving the students different ways to learn the vocabulary words from chapter 1. I will model each situation using the word hunger to make sure that the students know what to do when they start the activity. The students will be put into groups (4-6) and given the vocabulary list for the first chapter. Each student will get two turns at spinning the wheel. If a student struggles with a word they are encouraged to ask someone in their group for help.

Once everyone has spun twice we will come back together as a class to clarify each definition. Each group will be asked to spin and then define a word from the list. IF there are any trouble words I will state the definition and spin the wheel.

The class will take a short 5-10 minute break to start reading chapter 2. Discussion about Poverty and present day similarities (5-10 minutes) In Panem the number of times your name is put into the reaping is based upon how much assistance the family needs. What kind of present day aid is similar to tesserae? How do they differ? Welfare, what is most needed, what would you do for your family? Would you hunt and sell like Katniss and Gale do to provide for their family or would you get tesserae? Homework= Read Chapter 2&3 (27 pages) Day 3: Warm-Up Activity (10 minutes) Good morning class. Today I wanted to start class with a fun activity that we will be doing as we read The Hunger Games. Panem Map- we are going to be creating our very own Panem map as we learn more about each district. As you can see on the board I had made a poster with the districts outlined. It is our job as a class to decide which district is in which region of the US. o Today we will be placing both District 12 and the Capitol on the map. Can anyone tell me about District 12? What is it known for? Now what do we know about the Capitol? How do we know where the Capitol would be? Discussion/Connections (25 minutes) If Panem is based off of our country how can we connect the games to our own history and society? Is the Capitol based off of Washington D.C. and the politicians who live there? Could the Capitol be similar to Hollywood? Real Life Connections (War Draft, Holocaust) o If you could make a real life connection between a historical fact and the Games what would it be? Why? o Have you ever thought about the War Draft that went on back during the wars of our country? How does this correlate with the reaping? o The Holocaust was mass murder based on being Jewish, also known as genocide. Genocide was not stopped completely after the Holocaust. More recently there has been genocide in Rwanda and Cambodia. To help you understand genocide better I have found this video where survivors of all three of these genocides tell their story.

http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2014/jan/27/geno cide-holocaust-rwanda-cambodia-video After watching this video do you think you could forgive and forget? Why or why not? Why do you think the man from the Holocaust could not forgive or forget? What makes him different from the other two? Vocabulary (15 minutes) Dice Game (Table Groups) o Each table will get a rules sheet for this Vocabulary activity covering Chapters 2&3. I will demonstrate the dice game by using a word from Chapter 1s vocabulary list. Students are encouraged to use their notes that they should have kept in their Vocabulary journal. If they get stuck they should ask their peers first, but ask me for a dictionary if they do not know. If they get done early the group can go over Chapter 1s vocabulary for review. Homework=Read Chapter 4&5 (25 pages) Day 4: Social Media Discussion (30 minutes) How are we molded due to popular views of society? Historical tie in o Radio vs. TV 1st Presidential Debate (Kennedy and Nixon Square off articlehttp://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/kennedy-andnixon-square-off-in-a-televised-presidential-debate) After reading this article we will have a discussion about why looks attributed to the outcome of the televised debate. o Why does it matter that Nixon had a wrinkled suit and 5 oclock shadow if he had the best answers? Does appearance play a key role for Katniss in Panem? o If Kennedy was such a charmer via TV, why did it not translate via radio? If you had to choose between watching or listening to a debate which would you choose and why? In todays world we are influenced by what the celebrities wear on the red carpet, or simply what they wear to the grocery store. We base our judgments on what people wear and how the present themselves. Brands and labels have become important to our cultural as it places you into different groups. High Schools are a miniature version of the world based on stereotypes.

For example Mean Girls Lunch Scene- (40 Seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ_qXmxdgGM

In this scene the high school students are broken down into sub groups. How can we tie these subgroups into The Hunger Games? Is it plausible to say that the districts can be labeled similar to Mean Girls? I will bring out the Panem map for this section. Next we will decide as a class which district correlates to the subgroups that can be found in stereotypical high schools (i.e. jocks, the plastics, nerds, etc.). Vocabulary Activity Chapter 4 and 5 (as the class winds down from discussion) (10 minutes) Hashtags- Exit Slip o I will model for the students using a vocabulary word from Chapter 3. (Decrepit- weakened by old age or illness) [Place/Activity- #RetirementHome] [Uses word in phrase#DecrepitBodies] [Connects to word#AgingSlowsYouDown] If there is any time left after Hashtags Exit slips this is the time that students are encouraged to start reading Chapter 6. (5-10 minutes) Homework= Read Chapter 6&7 (31 pages) Day 5: Warm-Up Question (5 minutes) What historic event/sport is similar to the events in Chapter 6&7? o Combine, trials, draft, army, snipers, navy seals, etc. o What is so important about what the gamemakers think of each tribute? Character Analysis Worksheet (List of Tributes with 2 columns) (20 minutes) Mental and Physical o What weapons is best fit with each tribute? o Now that you have come up with your own opinions on each tributes weapon lets take a quick look at their weapons of choice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omQ4W3ItfNA As each tribute is on the screen I will stop and identify which character it is and their weapon of choice. We shall compare peoples thoughts as we see each important tribute. Personal Analysis Essay (Quick Write) (Rest of class) If you were a tribute what do you believe your mental and physical weakness and strength would be? Why? Do you believe you would win the Games? Would you have any help from an alliance?

This essay should be at least one page hand written. The essay is due by the end of the class period. Homework= Read Chapter 8&9 (28 pages) Day 6: Chapter 8&9 Discussion (25 minutes) Good morning students. Hopefully everyone had a great weekend! Over the weekend everyone should have read Chapters 8&9. Chapter 8 was a continuance of the tributes demonstrating their skills for their training scores. After Katniss shot the arrow at the Gamemakers pig to get attention what did she do next? o If you are trying to impress someone it isnt very smart to be making them angry. After finding out about Katniss score what were your thoughts? Did she deserve the score? o Lets compare and contrast the movie version of the training demonstration to the actual book version. Everyone get out a piece of paper and create two columns. Different and same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGVwn6xmCeI (5.5 minutes) Why is the only weapon at Katniss training a bow? Shouldnt there be more weapons for her to choose from? What do you think of Effies reaction before and after the scores were given? Interviews and strategy o In Chapter 9 we are taken into the world of the Capitol. Everything has become a spectacle as everyone oohs and awws at the tributes. The tributes are dressed up like beauty queens and gentleman. Why do you think they are portrayed this way? Once the questions start what do you think of Katniss answers. What about Peeta? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DDVQchUh7w Does he stir things up with his feelings for Katniss because they are real or to win over the crowd? Is there a strategy behind all of this? Review Part 1: The Tributes (25 minutes) Game- Snowball Fight o The desks in the room must be moved to make a giant circle. o Rules are that each student must take out a piece of paper and number it from one to nine. There are nine questions total and there are five copies of each. Each student will start out with a piece of paper that has a question on it. Once you have finished answering the question on your OWN sheet of paper, crumple the question up and throw the snowball to a peer. This will continue until everyone has answered each questions

9 Questions (5 copies of each question) one questions will be chosen from the Reading Study Guide for each chapter. o Once everyone has answered each question we will come back together as a class and review the answers. As each question gets answered whoever has the paper copies of the question will throw their snowballs into the wastebasket in the middle of the circle. Congratulations class we have just finished Part 1: The Tributes of The Hunger Games. Starting tonight you will be delving into Part 2: The Games. Homework= Read Chapter 10&11 (27 pages) Day 7: Warm-Up (10 minutes) Good morning students please come in and take a seat. This morning we will be starting class off with a reading of the beginning of Chapter 11 by Suzanne Collins. As we listen I would like everyone to follow allow in their own book. o Audio file (Weebly) Pages 148-151 This is a reading of chapter 11 by Suzanne Collins (Approximately 5 minutes) As the few pages are being read I would like everyone to get out your phones to answer a few questions on Polleverywhere.com Polleverywhere.com o Would you run away or run to the cornucopia for supplies? o If you only had one minute to decide your first and maybe most important move what would be going through your mind? o What would you want most from the cornucopia? Survivor Techniques Discussion(15 minutes) The Games are all about survival at all costs. If you were forced to be in this type of situation there are two things that should be in your mind what is a priority and what is the goal of each move/decision you make. Prioritizing o What would be on the top of your list? o What necessities would you try to find? Where would you look? o Are you willing to kill another Tribute? o Would you have let the other tribute live when you first ran into each other? Could this hurt you later on? Goals/Decisions

o As a teacher I talk a lot about taking responsibility for your actions. This is a new level of taking responsibility because if you make the wrong decision it could potentially be a life or death situation. Ask the class to take 5 minutes to talk in their group about a real life connection they could use to connect with the book. (Drunk driving for example) Discussion on Katniss Strategy (10 minutes) Katniss is a quiet person but do you think she will be okay trying to win the games alone? Why is she alone? Katniss is very observant and skilled in hunting. What is another strength she has demonstrated? Predict if she will make any alliances. The remainder of the class will be utilized for in class reading. Homework= Read Chapter 12 & 13 (23 pages) Day 8: Vocabulary Review Day! (30 minutes) Good morning class. Today we will be doing a vocabulary review and a short discussion. For our vocabulary review we will be playing beach ball review. This beach ball has vocabulary words from each of the first 12 chapters. Now this may seem like a lot because we have not looked over some of these words in awhile, but if anyone gets stuck they can ask someone to help by acting it out, using it in a sentence, or giving antonyms. o The rule is that whatever word is landed with the right thumb is the word that you must define. Once you have defined the word you are to pass/lightly hit the beach ball to a peer. o Also, if you would like you can look over your Vocabulary Journal for the first five to ten minutes of class to review. Now that we have reviewed the important vocabulary from the first twelve chapter lets start our class discussion about the Gamekeepers, tributes, and the Games. Class Discussion (5- 10 minutes) Is the gamekeeper controlling the outcome? How? What/How does this effect the tributes? Grouping together for survival? If you are to expect the unexpected how are you supposed to sleep? Would you be able to? Where is Peeta throughout this whole situation? Do we know? What tribute does Katniss discover at the end of chapter 13?

The end of class will be utilized as additional reading time. Homework= Read Chapter 14 & 15 (23 pages) Day 9: Warm-Up Exercise (5 minutes) Close your eyes o Scenario being a slave, no education, never able to make decisions for yourself, you are told what you have to do, there could be beatings and whippings. Open Eyes Discus in groups o What would your life be like? The major differences? Text Graffiti (30 minutes) The students will all stand up and each group of tables will become a station. There will be five stations with 6 colored papers with a quote on it at each station. o Each station will have 6 separate papers, but the quote will be the same. o These quotes will come from the text. Each student is supposed to connect a text bubble to the original quote and add his or her comments, thoughts, and opinions about what is happening. Once the students are done at the first station they will move to the next station (clockwise). Now that there is at least response (graffiti) to the text the students should respond to both quote and their peers ideas. It is very important that the students do not put their name by their response because I want them to feel free to share their thoughts and not feel judged. Once the students have been to each station we will come back together as a class and share some of the ideas that were jotted down at each station. o From there I will ask the class if they have anything to add to what has been said. I am trying to encourage the students to take ownership of their discussions and build upon what they have been learning. For the remainder of the class period (approximately 15 minutes) the students are to begin reading Chapter 16. Because of the high page count for tomorrows reading assignment I am trying to give as much time as possible for them to get ahead. Homework= Read Chapter 16, 17, & 18 (34 pages)

Day 10: Warm-Up Question (5 minutes) What is the symbolic nature of Rues death? Was this a set back for Katniss? Class Activity (20 minutes) Today we will be going to the computer lab to test out everyones chance at survival. Once we get to the computer lab everyone will go to go to the scholastic.com site. The URL will be written on the board. Please bring paper and a writing utensil with you to the computer lab. o http://www.scholastic.com/thehungergames/games/index.ht m Everyone will get twenty minutes to try your chance at survival and the Tribute Trials. Once you have completed both at least once write down your outcome from the games. Also, please write a short 3-4 sentence summary of what happened in your survival or tribute trial. Group discussion (10 minutes) As a group go over everyones results from the trials. o Who won the games? Who died? And when did you die? Where did you meet your demise? Homework: Paper (1-2 pages typed or neatly handwritten) (Remainder of class time) Predict the outcome for the rest of the game. Who will be the victor? Will anyone team up or will the victor be alone? This paper is due on Monday when we return from our weekend. The paper should state your opinion but should also reference the book at least twice as to why you are predicting this outcome. Happy Hunger Games!

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