Lesson Plan - Genograms Focusing and Empathic Confrontation

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Genograms, Focusing, and Empathic Confrontation Masters Students, Counseling Techniques

Develop an understanding of strategies for helping students identify strengths and cope with environmental and developmental problems. (SCS C.3) Develop an understanding of essential interviewing and counseling skills. (CACREP G.II.5c)

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate identifying strengths (positive asset search) through genogram activity. Students will demonstrate indentifying the counseling skills of focusing and empathic confrontation. MATERIALS: - PowerPoint presentation on Chapters 9, 10, and genograms - Dryerase boards and markers - Handout for practice with focusing - Handout with Client Change Scale - Pretest/posttest evaluation ACTIVITY: Introduction 1. Review goals for lesson 2. Discuss pretest/posttest process, hand it out, and have students complete it. 3. Small group discussion of genograms (homework). Discussion questions are listed in the PowerPoint. Activity Focusing Practice 1. Students are divided in to five groups of three 2. The focusing practice sheet is given to each student

3. A scenario is posted in the PowerPoint for all to discuss 4. Students go through the steps of focusing in small groups 5. Class will then go through each step on the practice sheet and discuss Activity Internal/External Conflict Practice 1. Students are given dryerase boards and markers 2. Internal and external conflict scenarios given 3. Students write internal or external on dryerase boards 4. Definitions of internal and external conflict as well as scenarios are posted in the PowerPoint presentation. Activity Client Change Scale Practice 1. Students are given a handout of the CCS 2. Students are given different scenarios to practice identifying where clients are on CCS. Scenarios are posted in the PowerPoint presentation. 3. Scenarios are discussed as a class. The expected outcome is that all students will identify the correct placement on the CCS. Questions or clarification will be provided if needed. Conclusion & Wrap-up 1. Ask for questions or comments about lesson 2. Administer posttest evaluation ASSESSMENT/EVALUTION: The first SLO will be measured through student reflection journals that are submitted to professor. The second SLO will be measured by results on the pretest/posttest evaluation.

Focusing Practice

Scenario: Vinny and Lisa are an engaged couple. They are from New York City, but staying in rural Alabama because of Vinnys job. He is an attorney working on a big case where his 18 year-old cousin is wrongly accused of murder. She is concerned about the pace of their engagement and when they will get married. She would like to have children and expresses to Vinny that she is worried about getting too old to have children. His response to her concerns: I dont need this. I swear to God I do not need this right now. Okay? I got a judge thats just aching to throw me in jail, an idiot who wants to fight me for $200 dollars, slaughtered pigs, giant loud whistles. I havent slept in five days. I got no money, a dress code problem, and a little murder case which, in the balance, holds the life of two innocent kids. Not to mention, your biological clock. My career, your life, our marriage, and let me see, what else can we pile on? Is there any more that we could pile on to the top of the outcome of this case? Is it possible?

Directions: Use the above scenario to identify each of the components of focusing. Clients main issues/theme/concern:

Significant others (spouse, family, friends):

Mutual we focus:

Counselor concerns:

Cultural/environmental context:

Focus on here and now (immediacy):

Client Change Scale

1. Denial: Denies or fails to hear that incongruity or mixed message exists 2. Partial Examination: Discusses part, but not all of incongruity. Client may work on part of incongruity, but fails to examine other dimensions of mixed message. 3. Acceptance/Full Examination: Discusses incongruity completely, but will not change. Client may engage confrontation, but no change occurs. 4. New solution/Decides to live with congruity: Discusses and is fully aware of decision impact. Client moves beyond recognition of incongruity/mixed message and put things together in a new and productive way. 5. Transcendence: Discusses and alters choice when faced with incongruity. Development of new, larger, and more inclusive constructs, patterns, or behaviors.

Pretest/Posttest Evaluation
1. I have done a positive asset search with a genogram before today. a. True b. False 2. Focusing is the same as selective attention. a. True b. False 3. Internal and external conflict: a. UhhI dont get it. b. I know what it is, have never paid attention to it, and am uncomfortable with my awareness of it. c. I know what this is, have paid attention to it, and am confident in awareness of it. d. I know what it is and have successfully confronted others about it. Im awesome. 4. Client Change Scale: a. Uhhwhats that? b. I know what this is, have never paid attention to it, and am uncomfortable with my awareness of it. c. I know what this is, have paid attention to it, and am confident in awareness of it. d. I know what it is and have done it. Im awesome.

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