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Executive Summary Spring Internship-Clark Burkhart Introduction For the past 3 months, I have been orking at the !

est Shore "#C$ as the !ellness Intern% #y supervisor as &ason Snyder% 'e has orked at the "#C$ (or the past )* years as the !ellness+#arketing ,irector% 'is responsibilities include overseeing the Fitness Center% 'e manages many employees and orks at raising money and promoting the "% I had - ob.ectives to complete at the "#C$% #y (irst ob.ective as to learn the ma.or roles o( a #anager% $nother ob.ective o( mine as to put together an exercise incentive program and implement it% #y 3rd ob.ective as to get some experience personally training some members% #y next ob.ective as to learn some organi/ational skills o( a pro(essional in the orkplace% #y last ob.ective as to learn ho to approach members in the gym and con(ront them about (itness center sa(ety or rule breaking% !ork+0ro.ects #y duties as the Intern ere broad and varied% Somedays, I ould be busy doing basic o((ice ork such as making copies, shredding documents, sending emails and assorting old paper ork% 1ther days, I ould be very involved training people and ans ering 2uestions about exercise and machines% I spent a lot o( time orking out on the (loor o( the (itness center% 3his included re-(illing sanitation ipes, making members (eel elcome, ans ering 2uestions about e2uipment and ensuring sa(ety o( those exercising% 3here ere several events I helped out at as ell% 3hese included the corporate challenge, healthy kids day and ran a booth at a 'arrisburg Senators baseball game% I attended some .ob (airs and orked to promote the " and attract ne members% #y main pro.ect as creating an incentive program (or the members% I created a

program called the 3riathlon Challenge% It as 4 eeks long and as (ree% 3he purpose o( it as to get members to try out di((erent types o( exercise% 3he members ere given 4 eeks to complete one o( three di((erent triathlon lengths% Each triathlon included s imming, biking and running% Each distance completed received a di((erent pri/e% I created a orkout log hich as given out to those participating so they could log their distances throughout the 4 eeks% 3his as a (un experience% I emailed those participating several times to encourage them and ans er their 2uestions% 5earning I had some good experiences interning at the "#C$ and picked up several di((erent skills% I think the most important skill I gained as being personable to random people% !orking the (loor, I spent a lot o( time talking ith people I had never met% Sometimes it as a k ard, but it as necessary to promote the (riendly environment there% 3his ill be vital to me in the (itness industry because I ill need build relationships ith ne clients 2uickly% $lso, I learned ho to con(ront people exercising unsa(ely and breaking rules% It is a k ard, but there is a certain ay to con(ront someone ithout o((end them% I learned the importance o( organi/ation in the ork place% I (ound the use o( a calendar to be help(ul to keep everything use(ul% It is simple but it helped me stay punctual a lot o( the time% I learned the basics o( personal training (or general (itness% 3hrough many personal training sessions, I no (eel com(ortable training someone to improve their (itness% I learned ho to properly per(orm resistance exercises% I learned the basics o( coming up ith an incentive program and ho to deal ith the participants o( it% $ll in all, I learned a lot o( personal skills at the "#C$ that ill carry over into any .ob I chose to do and be use(ul% Future 0lans

3his experience helped me reali/e my pre(erences in ork setting and population% I ould like to ork ith a younger athlete population% I really en.oyed orking ith people ho ere uneducated about exercise because they ere so grate(ul (or my help% 5ooking at my supervisor6s position, I reali/e I do not ant to get into his type o( ork% 'e is more o( a manager than he is a trainer% 'e spends most o( his time babysitting other people% 5ooking at my (irst re(lective paper, one o( my goals as to be creative through brainstorming to create a good incentive program% 3hrough this process, I as able to (ilter out the best idea I could come up ith% $nother idea as staying organi/ed by using a calendar% 3he online videos advised strongly to do so% I am glad I took this advice because I had a lot o( important dates to keep straight and I as able to relieve a lot o( stress having everything ritten do n% I learned a little bit about (irst impressions and ho they a((ect a relationship% 3hus, you need to al ays be pro(essional meeting ne people% I met ne people everyday as I put them through orkouts% So, it as nice to have this in(ormation at hand% I al ays came o(( as cheer(ul, elcoming and caring to make clients (eel they ere in good hands% 0reparation+7ecommendations #y ma.or classes helped me by kno ing the basics o( exercise prescription ith my personal training I did% I (elt con(ident training clients% !orking the (loor, it as important to kno proper (orm o( exercises% So, I could make tips to members and tell them hether or not they ere exercising sa(ely% $ lot o( my personal skills I have ac2uired through li(e experiences% 3hus, this experience as a time to hone these skills% I think the academic department does a tremendous .ob o( preparing students (or their careers% 'o ever, I think they should push internships more than minors% It is a great experience and really prepares students (or the .ob market%

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