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Summary of Sigurd. When it comes to The Saga of the Volsungs, I would like to write about Sigurd.

He was a young man and he was teenager age around 15~16. In this moment, he was living with her mother who lives in Denmark. His father is Sigmund who was the king of Hunland and blood line of Volsung. His mother is Hjordis who is the daughter of king Eylimi. But he was raised by king Hjalprek. His wife is Brynhild who is sister of Bekkhild. His daughter called Aslaug. He found a horse which called Grani after crossed Busiltjorn River with Odin helps. It is descendant of sleipnir (odins horse). His story is started the time he grows up. After Regin told him the tale of his family which is called Tale of Otters Ransom. The story is mainly about his brother Otr was killed by Loki and they have to find gold to cover Otr skin. But the golden ring has curs es and it calls Andvaris curse. It makes Regin brother Fafnir killed his father and change to a dragon. Regin require Sigurd to kill the Dragon after he remake a sword for Sigurd by using the Sigmunds broken sword. The new sword is called Gram. He also is one of brave soldier in Volsung blood line. After Sigurd got his new sword and asked force from king Hjalprek. He killed king Lyngvi, Lyngvis brother and all son of Hunding with Odins advice. It is because he wants to revenge for his father Sigmund. He remembers to kill Fafnir. Sigurd was going with Regin but Regin ran to home and Sigurd fight the dragon alone. It shows Sigurd is not only brave, but also he does everything as his promise. As Regin tells him to dig a pit for killing Fafnir, he does try to dig a pit. It shows he dont have idea when facing a problem. He needs advice from Odin to kill dargon. Even Fafnir tell him this gold have curse on it. But Sigurd kills Fafnir and takes the gold away. He gets special ability after drunk the fafnir blood. He can understand the language of birds and birds advise him to do something good for him. In above of this story, it shows Sigurd doesnt have fear. Also he has wisdom because Valkyrie taught magic and runes. But he is cold blood because he killed Regin and took gold as bird advised.

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