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Jasmyne Johnson May 1, 2014 Childrens Literature Dr.

Burke Comprehensive Plan for Childrens Literature (2nd Grade)

Governing Principles: I believe that childrens literature plays an important role in an elementary classroom. At any grade on the elementary school level, childrens literature creates imagination, fun, and creativeness to a child's life. Childrens literature not only enforces that children should read, but many childrens literature provides life lessons or things and situations that the students will be able to relate to. Everyone involved with my class should understand that I believe childrens literature is a great thing and will always be apart of my curriculum.

Class Activities: What things will go in my class that involves childrens literature?: Shelves of various childrens literature to ensure that all of my students will have something they will enjoy reading: Fairy Tale, Poetry, Picture books, Children Novels, Realistic fiction, Modern fantasy, Historical fiction, and Multicultural fiction. Book talks on the books that my students choose to read. Author study- on various authors Comprehension, vocabulary, and writing activities following or during books. Will I have a daily period devoted to literature?: Yes I will have a daily period devoted to literature. I will begin each day with a poem or a short book that I will read aloud. After reading aloud a book, I will give my students 15

minutes to silently read a book of their pleasure before we continue with our book that we are reading as a class. My students will get this this time each day to read what they desire. However, after each day, to make sure my students are staying on task, I will have them write in their reading journals a summary of what they read. What incentives will I offer my students to read more?: I will set a class goal of how many books I would like for them to read by the end of each marking period. If the goal is met I will provide the class with a pizza social or a ice cream fananza. The goal for the class would be for each student to read at least 10 books, and have taking the AR test on them and passed. Another incentive I will have for my students for reading, will be to incorporate movies into the lessons. After finishing a book I will show a film that goes along with the reading; for example, Cinderella or Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I will show my students that this will not be a hard goal to reach because children's literature can be fun, enjoyable, and interesting by helping them pick out book that most interest them. I will also model that reading is fun by reading everyday when they have silent reading time.

Classroom Set Up: In my classroom I will have a reading lounge. In this reading lounge I will have a carpet, bean bag chairs, and a small sofa. There will also be clipboards for them to press on when they need to write their summaries of what they read that day. In my reading center I will also have shelves of various literature books, that will be organized by genre and level of toughness. There will be books that are below grade level for my readers that may not be on grade level and books that will be above grade level for my readers that are above or want a challenge. I

will have some books that will be grouped together by authors or good picture books. The policy that my students will have follow in order to be allowed to go into the reading lounge will be that, 1) they have asked permission to after their work has been completed, 2) it is their assigned day during their silent reading periods, or 3) they have came school early or had to stay late. Once the students are in the reading corner the rules will be; no talking, one person per each seat, and they have to be reading. The first time a student does not do what they are supposed to, they will lose their reading lounge opportunity for the day.

Teacher/Parent Relations: What I would do to encourage my parents to help their child read at home would be to write the parents a letter at the beginning of the school year explaining the importance of reading and how being a stronger reader will help them be a stronger writer. I will also tell my parents that the more their child practice reading the better he/she will be at not only reading, but also comprehending. Along with the letter I will send home book bags; which consist of a book inside of a large freezer bag, questions, a parent sign off sheet, and manipulatives that the student will have to read and complete at home. For this book bag the parents will have to listen to the child read and then sign the parent sign off sheet stating that they did. By doing this, it will not only have the students read more, but also will have the parents feel like they are apart of their childs learning. Integrating Childrens Literature into other Subjects: To integrate childrens literature into other subjects for instance I would use poems that had to do with counting or being able to identify how many times something is occurring in the poem. Another way I could integrate the subjects would be to read a poem or a historical fiction novel

or short story to the same prior or concluding a topic in history. I could also begin science class with a funny science poem, or have them create a poem on a topic that we are covering in one of the other subjects.

Resources: Other teachers in my school The reading specialist of the school Pinterest- for good reading activities and ideas My children's literature binder and Weebly portfolio Other reading classes I took in college and their material that went with them Google

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