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Clark Burkhart Objective: To learn the major roles of a Manager in a gym like the YMCA. Activities/ esources: !.

"ha#o$ my su%ervisor through various activities. &. 'el% in #ecision making of small issues in the gym. (. "ee ho$ my su%ervisor multi)tasks $ith various obligations. *valuation/+ariation: !. ,nclu#e a narrative of managing or#eals , have e-%erience# in my %ortfolio. Objective: .ut together an e-ercise incentive %rogram an# im%lement it. Activities/ esources: !. /iscuss i#eas of %rograms $ith my su%ervisor. &. Brainstorm the best i#ea for an incentive %rogram an# %ull it together. (. Market the %rogram through flyers0 email an# $or# of mouth $ith gym members. 1. 2igure out %ri3es for members $ho %artici%ate. 4. Converse $ith members about their %rogress an# give a#vice. 5. 6ook at %revious incentive %rograms for hel%. *valuation/+ariation: !. ,nclu#e %rogram flyer in my %ortfolio. &. ,ntervie$ %artici%ants an# have $ritten testimonials of ho$ they feel after com%leting the %rogram. Objective: .ut together e-ercise %rogram for %ersonally traine# members an# im%lement it. Activities/ esources: !. Observe %ersonal training sessions for backgroun# information. &. esearch e-ercise %rescri%tion through research articles. (. 7et a#vice from %ersonal trainers on e-ercise %rescri%tion 1. 8rite $orkouts base# on hy%othetical situational clients my su%ervisor gives me. *valuation/+ariation: !. .rovi#e e-ercise %rogram in %ortfolio. &. .ost %ictures of clients #oing the $orkouts. Objective: 6earning organi3ational skills of a %rofessional in the $ork%lace.

Activities/ esources: !. Talking $ith su%ervisor about his sche#ule an# ho$ he han#les all of his #uties &. 9se organi3ational tools such as a %lanner an# online resources to kee% timely sche#ule. *valuation/+ariation: !. "ho$ %ersonal %lanner of several $eeks s%ent at my internshi% an# ho$ , ke%t a busy sche#ule all together. Objective: 6earn ho$ to a%%roach members in the gym $ith focus on using machines safely or those breaking %olicy. Activities/ esources: !. Talk $ith my su%ervisor about rules that are ty%ically broken. &. +ie$ my su%ervisor taking #isci%linary action $ith members. (. .ractice confronting members. *valuation/+ariation: !. 8rite #o$n several scenarios $hen , have #ealt $ith %eo%le an# ho$ , han#le# it.

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