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DAY 1 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will

demonstrate understanding of a reaping. Standards: Students are expected to interact in the classroom discussion and class activity. CORE STANDARDS- Craft and Structure: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.4 Materials: Paper, scissors, 2 fish bowls, Class Reaping worksheet Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- Background Knowledge about historical context connections within the text, the main idea of the Hunger Games, reaping Modeling- Class Reaping, example of how tesserae is calculated Checking for Understanding- The class will all calculate their tesserae. At this time I will walk around the classroom to check everyones math and answer any questions that arise. Questioning Strategies- Predict who will be chosen for the reaping based on the knowledge of tesserae. Describe how the reaping is similar to a historical time. Guided Practice: Class Reaping Activity Closure: While reading the first chapter remember what tesserae and reaping mean. These words will help you understand what Katniss is referring to. Independent Practice: Homework- Read Chapter 1 DAY 2 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will show comprehension of the vocabulary words from chapter one. Standards: Students are expected to start making connections from their lives to the book and vocabulary words. CORE STANDARDS- Craft and Structure: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.4 Materials: 6 spinners, 6 vocabulary lists of chapter 1 Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- review unknown definitions of vocabulary from chapter one Modeling- Run through what I expect students to do while using the spinner vocabulary activity. Model what each category should look like. Checking for Understanding- As each table is engaging in the activity I will be walking around monitoring to make sure that each student is engaging and understanding the vocabulary. Questioning Strategies- How could you differentiate between Utopia and

Dystopia? Compare and contrast the two different types of society. Guided Practice: Spinner Vocabulary Closure: As you read chapter 2 and 3 think about our class activity yesterday with the reaping. The connections that can be made with US history can be beneficial in how well you can connect with the book. Independent Practice: Homework- Read Chapter 2&3 DAY 3 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of deciphering text descriptions while creating the class Panem map. Standards: Students are expected to work in groups to use the Dice game as a way of learning vocabulary. They should stay on task and be focused. CORE STANDARDS- Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.7 Materials: Poster, 6 dice Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- The significance of the drafts for war in US history. Modeling- For modeling how I want my class discussions to be conducted I will start to back off on my strict structured discussions because I want my students ideas to start to guide our learning. Checking for Understanding- As the students begin working in their group for the vocabulary review I will monitor their progress. Through formative assessment. Questioning Strategies- Assess which district Nebraska would be in Panem. Guided Practice: Dice Game Closure: Judge how Peeta will react to Katniss attitude. This interaction will set the tone for how Peeta and Katniss work together. Independent Practice: Homework- Read Chapter 4&5 DAY 4 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will identify survival skills. Students will be able to understand the preparation of Tributes as they receive their makeovers. Students will be able to identify how society molds what the makeover entails. Standards: Students are expected to engage and take control of in class discussion. They should be able to bring in examples of how popular society molds their every day life. CORE STANDARDS- Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.7 Materials: none

Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- The first presidential debate on TV and radio. How did this differ from past presidential debates? Modeling- I will demonstrate how I want the students to start thinking critically about how the book has connections to history. Checking for Understanding- To check for understanding I will observe the class discussion and keep track of which students interact. For the students who do not interact I will make sure to ask them a question just to make sure we are all on the same page. Questioning Strategies- Categorize the survival skills by most to least dangerous. Closure: When looking at each Tributes skill set who has the best one out of the bunch in your opinion? Who has the weakest? Independent Practice: Homework-Read Chapter 6&7 DAY 5 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will be able to define what a gamemaker is. Students will also be able to understand how the gamemakers give out scores for skill. Standards: Students are expected to engage and take control of in class discussion. They should be able to bring in examples of how the training center and test relate to societys modern day sporting event. CORE STANDARDS- Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1 Materials: None Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- Mental state of someone in survival mode. How this person thinks affects their outcome, not just their physical aspects. Modeling- Physical vs. Mental Checking for Understanding- Knowing if the students can make real life connections is a good indicator of their learning. Questioning Strategies- Compare the weapons of the Careers to the non-Careers. Is there a difference? Are these people at an advantage? Why or why not? Closure: Determine the value of Katniss, Rue, Peeta, and one careers skill set. Independent Practice: Homework- Read Chapter 8&9 DAY 6 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will learn new information about Katniss, Peeta, and minor characters.

Standards: Students are expected to answer all questions during the review game. CORE STANDARDS- Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.7 Materials: wastebasket, question papers (9questions x 5copies each) Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- Different types of strategies used by Tributes during interviews. Modeling- Teaching the class about how the snowball fight should properly be played. No throwing paper wades at other students, for example. Checking for Understanding- The snowball fight can be used as a formative assessment for how to go about teaching the next vocabulary and historical context. Questioning Strategies- Select one chapter out of the Part 1 that is of most interest to you. Guided Practice: Snowball Fight Closure: Evaluate your own knowledge of the vocabulary of part 1. Select three words that you need extra clarification on for tomorrow. Independent Practice: Homework- Read Chapter 10&11 DAY 7 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will be able to realize the relationship between Katniss and Peeta. Students will note how the author shows the passage of time. Students will state their opinions of the importance of alliances for survival. Standards: Students are expected to recognize the passage of time and how Katniss knows how Tributes have died. CORE STANDARDS- Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.2 & CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.3 Materials: None Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- Goal setting Modeling- Demonstrating how we know tributes are left/ dead(cannons) Checking for Understanding- As the class discusses why Katniss is alone in the games I will assess their understanding of survival techniques and review what may be unknown. Questioning Strategies-Assemble your own survival strategy. Closure: If you were a tribute who would you make your first alliance with and why? By creating an alliance you show that you are able to work with others for a common goal, but alone you show that you are either weak or think you are stronger than your opponents. Independent Practice: Homework- Read Chapter 12&13

DAY 8 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will find the effects of the gamemakers on the game. Standards: Students will be able to identify what is natural in the game and what is constructed by the gamemakers. CORE STANDARDS- Craft and Structure: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.4 Materials: None Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- If someone is said to be controlling the outcome of a sports game it is called shaving points or rigging. How would this connect to the book? Modeling- I would pick out three people I would pick as my personal alliance in the hunger game. Checking for Understanding- How and why would you pick your alliance? How would you deal with the gamemakers who create their own world? Questioning Strategies- If you were a gamemaker how would create a scenario where you get the Careers and Katniss to meet? Closure: In a world where gamemakers can alter a world as they please what is the first thing they altered? Was this alteration in their best interest of the game? Independent Practice: Homework-Read Chapter 14&15 DAY 9 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will determine how trackerjackers are a weapon. Students will be able to identify that District 11 is very similar to slavery. Students will revisit the idea of alliances. Standards: Students are expected to compare the historical similarities of district 11 to a specific time in our history. CORE STANDARDS- Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.10 & Craft and Structure: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.6 Materials: Projector for slavery video Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- I will bring up how African Americans were treated in the days of slavery. How they were kept in poverty because they did not and could not own land. Modeling- Comparing District 11 and slavery. Checking for Understanding- Checking for understanding comes in a new way during this lesson. I want the students to imagine their lives as if they lived in

slavery. Questioning Strategies- Express how you feel about the thought of slavery in a modern world? Closure: Explain why the alliance between Katniss and Rue works? Independent Practice: Homework-Read Chapter 16, 17, & 18 DAY 10 Class: 11TH GRADE ENGLISH Unit: THE HUNGER GAMES Teacher: Miss Sharp Objectives: Students will be able to pin point the major event of Part 2. Standards: Students are expected to create their own prediction for what is going to happen in the final part of the book. CORE STANDARDS- Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1 Materials: None Duration: 50 minutes Teaching: Input- How people deal with death and grieving. Modeling- Creating a comfortable environment for discussion about how people deal with the death of a loved one. Checking for Understanding- Through the short discussion I will assess informally how Rues death effected Katniss and the reader. Questioning Strategies- Support your hypothesis for how Rues death will impact Katniss throughout the rest of the Hunger Games. Guided Practice: Predictions= this is the opinions of each student for what is going to happen in the rest of the book. Closure: While reading the scene of how Katniss honored Rue how did it make you feel? Did it remind you of anything? Independent Practice: Write a two page paper double-spaced based on your prediction of how the Hunger Games will end after the death of Rue.

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