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ness Intern DATE SU"ER#ISOR J$son Sn%&er NAME DE"ARTMENT We!!ness STATUS Internship

GENERAL 'UNCTION These (ener$! )*nctions +i!! be c$rrie& o*t in ,eepin( +ith the (o$!s $n& -ission o) the YMCA. Un&er the &irect s*per/ision o) the We!!ness Director0 this internship +i!! pro/i&e $n opport*nit% to !e$rn $n& pr$ctice /$rio*s opport*nities in he$!th $n& +e!!ness $s it pert$ins to -e-bers $n& non1-e-bers o) the H$rrisb*r( Are$ YMCA. 2NOW HOW This position re3*ires pertinent co*rse+or, re!$te& to he$!th 4 )itness. He5she -*st h$/e $ )o*n&$tion o) ,no+!e&(e$b!e in e6ercise &esi(n $n& i-p!e-ent$tion. Certi)ic$tion in C"R5AED $n& 'irst Ai& hi(h!% reco--en&e&. "RINCI"LE ACTI#ITIES 7. De-onstr$te Ch$r$cter De/e!op-ent /$!*es o) c$rin(0 honest%0 respect $n& responsibi!it% in $!! &ecision -$,in(0 -e-ber $n& st$)) inter$ctions0 -eetin(s0 etc. 8. Ens*re o/er$!! 3*$!it% c*sto-er ser/ice. 9. "ro:ect $ pro)ession$! i-$(e $t $!! ti-es inc!*&in( ne$t $ppe$r$nce $n& positi/e -$nner. ;. De/e!op ne+ incenti/e pro(r$-s )or -e-bers +ith $ )oc*s on -e-ber in/o!/e-ent $n& retention. <. Or($ni=e $n& pro-ote $ )itness speci)ic $n&5or sport speci)ic pro(r$-. >. "$rticip$te in YMCA speci$! e/ents. ?. "er)or- $!! other &*ties &ee-e& necess$r% b% We!!ness 4 M$r,etin( Director. DRESS CODE 7. YMCA st$)) shirt $n&5or n$-e t$( 8. Attire -*st be con&*ci/e to e6ercise $n& -o/e-ent. E''ECT ON END RESULT The e))ecti/eness o) this position sh$!! be -e$s*re& b% 7. 8. 9. ;. <. E6ce!!ent c*sto-er $n& st$)) ser/ice. A&herence $n& &e-onstr$tion o) YMCA Ch$r$cter #$!*es in $!! $ctions $n& &ecisions. Me-ber retention $n& (ro+th $n& $ positi/e co--*nit% i-$(e. A c!e$n0 s$)e0 +e!! -$int$ine& )$ci!it% +ith s*ccess)*!0 +e!! $tten&e& pro(r$-s. S$)e0 h$pp% -e-bers +ho $re -oti/$te& to !i/e $ he$!th% !i)est%!e.

I h$/e re$& $n& *n&erst$n& -% :ob &escription. I $ccept the position $s o*t!ine&. I $(ree to )*!)i!! -% responsibi!ities in $ positi/e $n& cooper$ti/e -$nner. I *n&erst$n& th$t i) I ne(!ect -% responsibi!ities0 I -$% be re!e$se& )ro- &*t%.

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