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Sara Reese, Aaron Dailey, Vince Drzal 4/25/2012

Mission Statement/Goals Promotion Plan Market Analysis Venue and Arrangements Equipment Budget Set-Up Plan Staff/Staff Orientation Plan Animation Registration, Check-In Inclusion Plan Risk Management Plan Evaluation Plan Special Arrangements Time Log Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 6

Pg. 8
Pg. 9 Pg. 11 Pg. 12 Pg. 13 Pg. 15 Pg. 16 Pg. 17 Pg. 18 Pg. 19 Pg. 20 Pg. 21


Mission Statement: To provide elementary and middle school youth with opportunities to have fun, build self-confidence, belong to a community and enrich the quality of their life through ways of sporting and other recreational events. Goals: 1). Allow kids to have fun in an open environment a). at the event we want at least 70% of the kids to say that they had fun. b). At the event we want about three quarters or 75% of the kids to say they would return to an event like this in the future. 2). Build a sense of community between the kids a). at the event we would love for 80% of the kids to admit to making at least one new friend.


Here at Everyone Plays Inc we believe that we can branch out to our community through multiple different methods. The easiest and simplest being that of direct advertising in schools as well as community centers and malls in the area. A sample of one such flier has been attached to the back of this paper. Since we are in fact aiming towards a much younger target audience we will have to use simple tactics to draw attention, like bright colors as well as cartoons characters and such. Even we plan on using these tasks we also need to include the basic information and who to contact about the program for the parents if the kids do in fact spark interest in their parents.


As well as flyers around the community we have noticed that people of a much younger generation have been using facebook and twitter and other social networking sites. So we also took the time to create a fan page as well as invite as many children around the community as we could find on the actual site. The site will have pictures available for viewing after the event. The link to said page can be found here -----!/events/349059845129741/?context=create


We also plan on bringing an actual football player to some schools to create a buzz within the community to hopefully spark even more interest. We have secured a great sponsor from Under Armour. So there is a no charge fee for anything, since it is for such a great cause all you need to bring is yourself and a willing attitude. Hopefully we plan on bringing a highly known football player to speak to the children about how football has enriched their lives and changed them for the better. Between that and the star struck look on their eyes for seeing a celebrity they hopefully will attend this event.


The main target market for Everyone Plays Inc. and our program of Punt, Pass and Kick is young children, specifically elementary school kids. Since Everyone Plays Inc. is based out of Baltimore, there is relatively large market of young elementary school children. In Baltimore alone there are about 3,300 elementary school students, which leads to large number of these kids who would be interested in participating in Punt, Pass and Kick. Additionally, this program will be sponsored by Under Armor and take place at M&T Bank Stadium which will lead to a great capacity of participants.


The more specific target market of the Punt, Pass and Kick program is elementary students who already participate in sports, are interested in sports, have a lot of free time, and who would be interested in meeting new friends. Elementary school children who already play organized sports would enjoy this program because they can possibly learn how to play a new sport or practice the sport they already play. This program is good for kids who are interested in sports because they can get a chance to try out a sport and see if it is right for them. One main function of this program is to give elementary kids something positive to do and to bring the community together which is perfect for kids who have free time and would like to meet new friends and have fun with the friends that they already have .





M&T Bank Stadium

Ram Stadium

Intramural Field Butcher Center Gym


Three footballs per group (nine footballs) Spray paint (in the event of using intramural field) 50 cones Kicking stand Clipboard Supply of pens and pencils Tables for registration Chalk (in the event of inclement weather and use of Butcher Center) Tent for coolers and snacks for the kids Tables Coolers Beverages Snacks


Clipboards: about $2 Pens/pencils: about $2 Spray paint: about $3 per bottle Beverages: about $10 per case (Gatorade) Snacks Apple slices: about $5 per bushel Granola bars: about $20 (4 boxes, $5 each) Coolers: $20 (2 coolers, $10 each)


For our set up plan, we have the registration tables right outside of the home locker room. We have the kick station located the nearest goal post. The punt is located along the right side of the field facing the opposite end zone and the pass located on the left side of the field facing the opposite end zone. The snack and beverage tents are located in the corners of the opposite end zone. The table for purchasing shirts and items would be placed beside the registration table so that they are able to purchase their shirts right away before they participate in the event.


Shepherd University Three people; one person for each punt, pass and kick station Baltimore, MD. Nine people for punt, pass and kick stations Three for each station; one to record distances and two to retrieve footballs Two people for registration table Three people for beverage/snack tents Gatorade Water Snacks Two people at souvenir table Cashier Sales Rep


Sit the children in the endzone; count of 1,2,3 to determine groups Groups 1, 2 and 3 go with their group leaders to their first station

Group leaders holding up their numbers

Explanation and demonstration of each station Begin and complete each station Rotate counter-clockwise to next station

Repeat twice

Meet again in the endzone for winners and prizes


Online Registration Register through Facebook Confirmation at registration table Walk-in Registration Available for people without access to Facebook Register at the Registration table


Use of Nerf footballs for any child unable to grip the youth footballs provided Distance will be divided in half (Nerf balls travel farther) Children with any lower body disabilities will be able to pass the ball three times and record those distances in place of the punt and kick


CPR certified staff At least one at each station EMT and ambulance on standby at stadium Loco Parentis Constant supervision of children by group leaders


Use of survey Children enjoyed the event Children wound return to the event Children made at least one new friend Achievement of Goals 75% enjoyed event 70% would return All but one made a new friend


Our partners would be the Ravens and Under Armour. These groups would have their logos on our shirts and we would sell Ravens stuff at our stand. The budget we need would be rather small since we are only buying small items and the rest of the items are being donated by either M&T Stadium or covered by Under Armour and the Ravens.

Vince D. Sara R. Aaron D.

In Class Time

BU 118

work on different items in project

20 minutes a week

Vince D. Aaron D.

Field Preparation

Ram Stadium

-set cones -get footballs

One hour

Vince D. Aaron D. Sara R.

Out of class time


make portfolio -prepare aspects

30 minutes a week

Sara R. Aaron D. Vince D.

Program Time

Ram Stadium

execute program

45 minutes

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