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Chapter 2 Reflection JeLisa Ashby EDUC 422

1) Doing mathematics means to construct meaning or solution to a problem, through conceptual prior knowledge and connecting these findings to new ideas

2) Reflective thought is the process of connecting ideas we already have with new ones. It is important because the constructivist theory states, reflective thought is how people learn.

3) When the author says that understanding exist on a continuum from relational to instrumental, they are stating that different levels of understanding exist, depending on which phase of the continuum you are in. for example, a student that has a relational understanding of volume/ratio may estimate more accurately, than a student with basic special awareness, in which they fall more closely to the instrumental phase.

4) A tool is not an example for a mathematical idea because\e math is a conceptual process which ideally, can be taught through the relationships of basic facts. When we say see a concept when using tool, we are visualizing the concept in a representative way with manipulative.

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