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Monday, 3/3/14- Friday 3/7/14

Teachers Name: Kristy Kubala Date: 3/3/14-3/7/14 Time: 2:15-2:30 Grade: 2nd Subject: Writing Time Frame: 15 minutes Lesson Unit Topic: NJCCCS Indicators: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a wellelaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. Content Outcomes: The students will know: What a narrative is How to revise and edit their writing Performance Outcomes: The students will be able to: Create their own diary in the point of view of an animal With guidance, produce and publish their writing Assessment(s) of Student Learning: (pre, during, post, etc.) To assess the students I will take a verbal pre assessment of their knowledge of a narrative story. I will assess them throughout the lesson to make sure they have a grasp on the concept of writing narratives by asking questions in the beginning of each lesson. For the post assessment I will be looking at their narrative stories they created. I will be looking at their rough draft of their narrative and how they edited and revised their writing into published version. Teacher Resources: Student Materials: Interesting facts of their animal Paper to plan their narrative with pictures Paper to write rough draft of narrative Paper for final draft Learning Experiences: (Step by Step Procedure): Hook: During reading time, we have been reading the Diary of a Worm/Spider/Fly books. I will bring them out and ask the students what type of story they with this are. With some guidance I will guide the students to come up with narrative. I will explain to the students that we are creating our own narrative story of an animal of their choosing. Content: 1. The first day I will go over what a narrative is with a student. I will explain that a





narrative is an account of events or experiences that are realistic or fictional. I will go over with the class that we will be creating our own narrative of an animal of their choosing. They will find at least five interesting facts of their animal for homework. The second day I will model my own prewriting narrative. I will fold a paper in thirds. On each section I will pick an interesting fact I found and jot down a few ideas or even draw a picture I have for that day. The students will create three diary entries. On the third day, I will model taking my prewriting of a narrative and turn it into a story. Students who arent do prewriting can continue to work on their page. Students who are down with that will use their own prewriting pages to write their three diary entries for their animal. I will remind them they must include a bit of information on the animal but they can add humor to it, like the author of Diary of a Worm did. On the fourth day students will continue to write diary entries for their animals. Students who have completed their rough draft, I will read over them and have the students edit/revise them. They will then work on their rough draft. On the last day all students should be finishing up their rough draft of their narrative. The following week I will have students publish their diary on a website.

Guided Practice: Throughout the week I will be guiding the students to come up with their own narrative. Every day we will go over what a narrative is and how their diary is a narrative story. I will also be guiding the students to make revisions to their rough draft. I will stress the importance of prewriting and editing rough drafts. Independent Practice: Students will be working independently to make their own narrative story. I will be reading their rough drafts and guiding them to edit their story for their final draft. Closure: Students will be working on their projects the following week to publish them into audio/visual stories on Students will share their stories with the class. Accommodations: (Differentiation for specific students) I will be working closely with H, R, and D to make sure they have an understanding of narrative stories. To differentiate the lesson I will use Diary of a Worm to pull examples of a narrative to show the students.

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