Parent Letter

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Monday, April 28, 2014 Vestaburg Elementary School karenberry.weebly.

Perfect Scorers on the Spelling Test Congratulations to these students for scoring a perfect score on Fridays test: Jersey Brooke Ashtin Richard Ava Bailey Kayden
Spelling I do not send home words on a sheet in an effort to save paper. Your child will be writing them in his or her agenda every Monday. I will also include those in my newsletters. Your childs spelling words for this week are: busily actually nothing thankfully smoothly colorfully bark carefully sincerely peacefully watch directly lawfully do delightfully Three times each is always due no later than Thursday morning. A Tremendous Thank You to Our Chaperones!!! We had a great turnout of chaperones for our camp trip. Thank you so much for giving up your time to help make our field trip go smoothly and safely. This is always a memorable trip and you helped make it great memories. Argumentative Writing Last week, we worked on the Introduction of our essay. This included a counter-argument, followed by their argument in the first sentence. Next, they included their three reasons, and then a powerful sentence that stated their point of view. This week, well get to work on the body of the essay. Reading First of all, our goal is that each child will reach 40 AR points by the end of the school year. We had a goal of 10 AR points per marking period. Please encourage your child to read for 20-30 minutes every night. Last week, we focused on read passages and figuring out what the theme was for each. We learned that theme is the central message. Its what the author wants the reader to learn or know. It can be a broad idea about life and is usually not stated. Dates to Remember April 28 PTO Fundraiser Ends May 2 Students dismissed at 1 PM Carnival May 16 Field Day May 26 Memorial Day No School June 10 & 11 Students dismissed at 11 AM

DAILY SCHEDULE 8:00-8:50-Gym (T/TH & every other Fri.) Literacy/Spelling when no gym 8:50-9:30-Literacy/Writing/Language 9:30-9:40-Snack 9:40-10:15-Common Intervention 10:20-11:10-Social Studies 11:10-12:00-Science 12:05-12:35-Recess 12:40-1:25-Math 1:25-1:40-Recess 1:45-2:15-Music (M/W & every other Fri.) Continue math if no music 2:20-2:55-Daily 5 reading or continue math if a music day Mondays at 10:20 - Library

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