Mock Congress Lesson Plan1

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1eacher: Llndsay klpp uaLe: 10/10/13
School: Wlndsor Plgh School Crade Level: 12 ConLenL Area: Cov

1lLle: Mock Congress Lesson #: 1of 1

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4.1b LvaluaLe how lndlvlduals and groups can effecLlvely use Lhe sLrucLure and funcLlons of varlous
levels of governmenL Lo shape pollcy.
4.2b ldenLlfy Lhe sLrucLure, funcLlon, and roles of members of governmenL and Lhelr relaLlonshlp Lo
democraLlc values.
4.3 Analyze how publlc pollcy-domesLlc and forelgn-ls developed aL Lhe local, sLaLe, and naLlonal

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Pow ls our sysLem of creaLlng leglslaLlon effecLlve? lneffecLlve?
Pow can you see Lhe prlnclple of democracy playlng ouL ln our leglslaLlve bodles?
uo you Lhlnk lL ls Loo easy Lo enacL leglslaLlon? 1oo dlfflculL? Why or why noL?

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SW8A1 undersLand Lhe sLrucLure and funcLlon of Lhe Pouse and SenaLe, and Lhe poslLlons wlLhln Lhose
leglslaLlve bodles.
SW8A1 undersLand how a blll becomes a law aL Lhe federal level Lhrough Lhe leglslaLlve branch.

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SW8A1 parLlclpaLe ln a mock congresslonal commlLLee and floor debaLe/voLe.
SW8A1 propose soluLlons Lo problem seLs and debaLe/defend Lhose soluLlons boLh wlLhln commlLLees
and Lo Lhe larger class.

SW8A1 reflecL on Lhelr experlences ln a Mock Congress Lo explaln Lhe currenL pollLlcal cllmaLe and Lhelr
own vlews on Lhe sysLem.
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!ournal free-wrlLe aL Lhe end of Lhe lesson.
Class dlscusslon of Lhe evldence collecLed durlng Lhe Mock Congress and how Lhls relaLes Lo Lhe currenL
governmenL shuLdown.

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