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What is Power...?

Britton Yates! English 1102! Professor Brown! 2/21/14

Reective Introduction:! When I rst learned that we would be doing a project related to power, I was eager to nd out what kind of power we would be looking at. My mind juices really started owing when I discovered how broad and versatile the word power was because when I think about that word all kinds of examples pop into my head. Genres in the form of graphics for this project were useful in examining information forms instead of purely written genres for many reasons. Everyone has heard the saying A picture is worth a thousand words. That statement couldnt be more true when it comes to portraying a sense of power. Words can be very descriptive and contain good information but pictures move people. ! My presentation shows a wide variety of denitions of power. From emotions, to people, to animals, it is clear that there is not one single denition of power. What I would hope my audience gains from my presentation is that everyone has a di"erent idea of what power means to them. It is peoples views, lifestyles, and backgrounds that shapes their thoughts and opinions. What I want to show the audience is di"erent examples of power, maybe some that they have never seen or thought of before. For example I know that when one thinks about money the rst thing that comes to mind is spending it, or working for it. I included money/wealth in my presentation because as much as most of us hate to admit it, money is a huge factor in our lives that holds a lot of power.

The graphics in my presentation that most personally relate to me are the power of love and the power of religion. Coming from a family of 7 with me being the oldest of 5 children including one with cerebral palsy, life hasnt always been easy for my family. Though weve had some struggles, my parents love and care for us so much and I am so close with all my siblings. Growing up in a big family has shown me how strong the power of love is more than anything else ever could and for that I am extremely grateful. Another graphic that personally involves me is the power of religion. My family and I have always gone to church but it wasnt until my little brother James was born and diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy that we really became active in the church. With all of his surgeries and doctors telling my parents di"erent things, all we really had was our church family and the power of prayer to get us through. God has helped me out in more ways than I can imagine and I have experienced too many miracles to deny the power of prayer.! The image that was most helpful in learning more about the topic at hand would probably be the photograph of Oprah Winfrey. This image was helpful because it came from a blog about powerful women titled, Women who Stop at Nothing. Because I grew up with my mom who has always idolized Oprah, I have always looked at her as an amazing woman, but after reading the blog and everything she has had to overcome in life to get to where she is today truly makes her an inspiration. ! The processes and exercises behind completing this project has taught me a few things. Not only has it challenged me to think outside the box by having to come up with 10 di"erent pictures portraying power, but it has also shown me how strong images can be when trying to get a point across. I know Ive said it but Ill say it again, A picture is truly worth a thousand words.!

Image Title: Shaun T (insanity)! ! Bibliographic Citation: "About Trainer Shaun T." Shaun T Insanity Workout The Insanity And Insanity Asylum Workout Program. The Asylum, 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic: Fitness professional Shaun T's results from Insanity! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive ! ! ! Found Where:! ! Found How: searched insanity beach body workouts !

Body/Will Power

! Why Select This Image? Shaun T has created many tness programs to help people get a sculpted body. He is very in shape/strong/powerful ! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? It states that the human body is a powerful machine and with hard work and the power of determination you can sculpt and make your body stronger.! ! ! Why Do You State So? The results speak for themselves but in my opinion this picture shows the power or the human body and muscles but also will power and the power to achieve goals.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image represents body power and will power .!

! Image Title: U.S.A! ! Bibliographic Citation: "United States with American Flag." Return to Order. We Must Resist the Temptation to Secession, 28 Dec. 2012. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic: Map of the USA lled in with the American ag, showing power as a nation. Our ag represents freedom.! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): map! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/ entertaining): informative! ! ! Found Where: Google images ! ! Found How: searched America ! ! ! Why Select This Image? America is the most powerful nation I the world.! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? The American ag represents power within itself, but it also depicts freedom and all this country stands for.! ! ! Why Do You State So? I'm very thankful to live in this nation and extremely proud of all we've worked for and accomplished to become to powerful.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image doesn't necessarily tie in with my other images but it does show a strong aspect and example of power.! !

American Power

King of the Jungle

Image Title: Lion! ! Bibliographic Citation: "Inkspired Musings." : Roaring like a Lion? N.p., 10 July 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic: Roaring lion up close and personal ! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive ! ! ! Found Where: National Geographic ! ! Found How: Google searched roaring lion! ! ! Why Select This Image? The lion is the "King of the Jungle"! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? The lion's mouth is wide open as if it it roaring and I think most people would agree that a roaring lion is a pretty powerful sight ! ! ! Why Do You State So? The lion is one of the most powerful animals to walk to earth and at the top of the food chain in the wild. ! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? My images cover many aspects of power, but this picture shows a different perspective of! power and I thought it was a good addition to the collection. !

Image Title: Jesus (religion)! ! Bibliographic Citation: Perugino, Pietro. "Jesus." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 Sept. 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.!

! ! Topic: ! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): cartoon! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/ entertaining): expressive! ! ! Found Where: Google images, Wikipedia ! ! Found How: searched Jesus ! ! ! Why Select This Image? I selected this image to speak for my belief of Christianity as powerful but also to symbolize religion as a whole of being powerful.! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? For Christians, Jesus on the cross is one of the most powerful images because it represents him dying for our sins ! ! ! Why Do You State So? That is the basis around Christianity and what we stand for and believe, that Jesus died on the cross to save man kind from our sins.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This ts in as the "Power of Religion"!

Power of Religion

Image Title: Love ! ! Bibliographic Citation: Crowe, Tom. "Love: More than Just a Chemical Reaction." CatholicVoteorg Love More than Just a Chemical Reaction Comments. N.p., 28 May 2013. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic:! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): cartoon! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive ! ! ! Found Where: Google images ! ! Found How: searched "power of love"! ! ! Why Select This Image? Because I believe that love is one of the most if not the most powerful emotions.! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? Love has the power to make people do crazy things that they normally wouldn't do.! ! ! Why Do You State So? I know from personal experience and from witnessing experiences of family and friends.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Love is the only emotion I used in my collection of pictures because I think it holds the most power.!

Power of Love

Power of War

Image Title: US Soldiers ! ! Bibliographic Citation: "US Army." - Collagemuseum. New Immigration Law, 11 May 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic: ! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive! ! ! Found Where: Google images! ! Found How: searched US Army! ! ! Why Select This Image? The United States Army protects this country everyday therefore I consider them extremely powerful.! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? This shows power through courage and dedication to our country, so much that these men and women risk their lives.! ! ! Why Do You State So? They are the reason this country is safe and the reason that we can sleep safely.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This shows the power of the US Army and war as a whole.!

Image Title: Oprah ! ! Bibliographic Citation: Kaitlyn. "Blog: General." Women Who Stop at Nothing: Oprah Winfrey. N.p., 30 Dec. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic:! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph ! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive ! ! ! Found Where: a blog about powerful women ! ! Found How: searched Oprah ! ! ! Why Select This Image? I selected this image because Oprah is one of the most powerful and successful women in the world. She has set an example for so many woman across the nation.! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? Oprah herself is a symbol of power. She started out very poor and a child that suffered from sexual abuse and now she has turned herself into a legend.! ! ! Why Do You State So? She has given millions to charities and changed peoples lives all over the world and now she even has her own television network.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image represents the power of woman. !

Women Power

Image Title: Natural Disaster ! ! Bibliographic Citation: Wolfe, Mark. "14kd588wwmississippi-hurricane-damage." - Biloxi, Miss, 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic:! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph ! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): argumentative ! ! ! Found Where: Google images ! ! Found How: searched hurricane Katrina aftermath and damage ! ! ! Why Select This Image? I selected this image because natural disasters are an example of power that we don't have any control over.! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? This image shows the damage that nature can do and it shows the power of destruction.! ! ! Why Do You State So? Because hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. are very powerful and dangerous catastrophes. They are one of the few things humans can't control.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This picture ties in with the others by showing the power of nature and natural disaster.!

Power of Natural Disaster

Power of Money

Image Title: Money! ! Bibliographic Citation: "United States Dollar." Famous Wonders of the World Best Places to Visit See Travel Pictures United States Dollar Comments. N.p., 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic:! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/ entertaining): informative ! ! ! Found Where: Google images ! ! Found How: searched American money ! ! ! Why Select This Image? I selected this image because money is extremely powerful not only in America but around the world! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? This image represents power because money literally controls everything when it comes down to it.! ! ! Why Do You State So? Because money is what makes the world go round, the more money someone has the more power they hold essentially.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image portrays a different point of view, it's not a person or emotion it's tangible and inanimate but it actually controls people.!

Image Title: Bill Gates ! ! Bibliographic Citation: "Bill Gates Remains as America's Richest Person: Forbes." TODAYonline. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.! ! ! Topic:! ! Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph ! ! Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/ entertaining): expressive ! ! ! Found Where: article by Today ! ! Found How: searched Bill Gates ! ! ! Why Select This Image? Bill Gates is the richest man in the United States ! ! ! What Does This Image State About Power? This goes back to when I said money is power, Bill Gates is the richest man in the US therefore he holds quite a bit of power.! ! ! Why Do You State So? Everyone knows who Bill Gates is and they know he has a lot of money because he is the creator of Microsoft.! ! ! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)?! This image relates most to my other image of money, just another way of showing that money and wealth is powerful.!

Power of Wealth

PARADIGM: Shaun T (insanity)!

Piece- This image is a photograph of tness professional Shaun T and it is taken from the Insanity workout website by Beach Body. This website was just updated in 2014, because the Insanity workout is a relatively new DVD workout plan. The main point of this image is to show results from doing the workouts and to motivate others to buy the DVD plan.!

Agent- The photo shows Shaun T who is the creator of the insanity workout. Because of all the positive and successful results this agent is very credible. From the website Shaun T himself cannot be contacted but there is a phone number available and live chat with customer service on the Insanity Beach Body website.!

Receiver- The primary audience of this piece is men and woman of all ages looking to transform their body and start a healthier lifestyle. I was previously a part of the intended audience when I rst looked into insanity before coming to college. Now Insanity is a part of my daily routine so yes I have been a part of the intended audience. As a receiver I nd this image extremely powerful and motivational. Before beginning the workout plan I wasn't sure of the credibility of the program and was hesitant to believe the results I've seen in images such as this one. But seeing the results and now my body has changed I know that this is an amazing program and the results are real.!

Agenda- I denitely could see how there could be a bias when it comes to this image. For people looking at this photograph having never tried insanity before, they might think the image isn't credible and be hesitant about the results. In contrast when I look at the image, knowing how incredible the program is, I know that these results are real and the image isn't photoshopped or showing any false information. !

Demands- This piece is urging people to make a decision to have a healthier lifestyle by participating in the Insanity workouts. If the demands of this image are met then people will see this photo and be motivated to get in shape and purchase the DVD set. However the demands will not be met if people see this photo and judge the credibility of the program before trying it and decide not to purchase it.! ! Inquiries- When rst learning of the program and researching the website I had a few questions. From looking at the shirtless photo of a man in great shape I wanted to know if this program actually produced these kinds of results. My intuition was telling me that it was a scam like many other weightless plans, so I was a little skeptical when rst seeing the photograph. Now that I have purchased the plan and have seen the results for my self, my opinion has been swayed otherwise. ! ! Gains- Since I was already familiar with this program I didn't gain much from researching the image but looking back to when I rst started seeing results from Insanity, I gained trust. Whereas I was hesitant and skeptical before, I am now condent and a strong advocate of the program. I can now look at the photograph and fully be aware of the power behind it.! ! Motivators- Marketing and the hope of motivating the possible audience is what spurred the agent to create the piece. By posting the image to the website their goal was for viewers to see the picture and want to transform their own body into better shape.

PARADIGM: Oprah Winfrey !

Piece- This image is a photograph of Oprah Winfrey. It was originally published on in a blog about powerful women. The blog is titled "Women who stop at nothing: Oprah Winfrey" and the date of the blog is Monday December, 30 2013. The main point of this image is to portray power embodied through a colored woman. !

Agent- The softcup website published the blog and the author's name is Kaitlyn, no last name was available. Because this is a blog and the author wishes to remain semi-anonymous by only posting her rst name she cannot be contacted with the exception of leaving a comment below. !

Receiver- The primary audience is women and more specically women who are very strong wiled, independent and view Oprah as a role model. I would say that my mother is more part of the intended audience more than I am because she is a mother of 5 children and has always looked at Oprah as an inspiration. I think there is denitely a bias when looking at this image. If you have seen Oprah's show or know any or the amazing things she has accomplished you are more likely to nd this image more inspiring than one who is unfamiliar with her.!

Agenda- Like I mentioned before this piece does have bias. The more familiar one is with Oprah and her charity work and all the incredible things she has done, the more powerful the image is. People who know Oprah know she is a very powerful, if not the most powerful woman in the world.!

Demands- This particular piece urges the point that woman are powerful. The image is found in a blog about women who stop at nothing and is meant to show women of all sages that they can make a difference. If the demands of this piece are met, more women will believe in t the power that they are capable of, but if the demands are not met the audience will not be inspired. !

Inquires- Beyond this piece, I would like to know more about Oprah's childhood and her life growing up. The blog touched on some of her earlier struggles in life but I would like to learn more about what drove her to be such an inspiration. From the facts I already knew about Oprah this source seems very reliable and knowledgable. Though I do think this piece is attempting to sway your opinion on Oprah and powerful women, I do not think it is doing so using any kind of manipulation. !

Gains- I gained even more respect for Oprah and women in general after reading the blog and seeing the image of Oprah. I learned more about her past and devastating struggles that made be look at her in a whole other light. Now I can see why my mochas always viewed her as such a role model. !

Motivators- I think that whoever wrote this blog was either very touched by Oprah's story or looks up to her for all she has accomplished and wants to be an advocate of powerful women. I knew that I wanted one of my images to portray power of women so when I decided on Oprah and searched her name, the blog was a perfect piece to get my point across.

Genre Morph #1

Genre Morph Explanation Form ~! ! Image Title: American Flag Map of the United States! ! ! ! Original Genre: Outline map of the United States (expressive)! ! ! Revised Genre: Persuasive ! ! ! Description of New Genre/New Piece: I created a "Wordle" piece with words describing the United States of America all done in America's colors: red, white, and blue.! ! ! Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: This new piece gets the point of the image across very well. Not only are the words all very descriptive but the words are also colored in red, white, and blue fonts. This tells the audience right away that the image has to do with America.! ! ! Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new genre piece differs from the old genre piece because it has words. Though they symbolically mean the same thing, the new one tells you straight up without having to infer anything or draw any conclusions.! ! ! Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: No the message stays the same, Power of America ! ! ! New Genre/Piece Caption (if needed): American Power

Genre Morph #2

Genre Morph Explanation Form ~! ! Image Title: Lion! ! ! ! Original Genre: Expressive ! ! ! Revised Genre: Expressive ! ! ! Description of New Genre/New Piece: The new genre piece was made using "Wordle." It's a collection of words used to describe lions in the wild and their power.! ! ! Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: I believe the new genre piece does a good job portraying the power of a lion's message. Words such as "erce" and phrases like "king of the jungle" are included.! ! Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new piece differed from the original because it uses words to portray the message instead of a visual picture.! ! Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: No I think that both the new piece and old piece portray the same message. The new piece has a collage of strong adjectives describing the power of a lion but the old one is a photograph of a lion roaring which speaks for itself.! ! ! New Genre/Piece Caption (if needed): Power of a Lion

Bibliography !
"About Trainer Shaun T." Shaun T Insanity Workout The Insanity And Insanity Asylum Workout ! ! Program. The Asylum, 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

"Bill Gates Remains as America's Richest Person: Forbes." TODAYonline. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 ! ! Feb. 2014.! Crowe, Tom. "Love: More than Just a Chemical Reaction." CatholicVoteorg Love More than Just ! a Chemical Reaction Comments. N.p., 28 May 2013. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.! "Inkspired Musings." : Roaring like a Lion? N.p., 10 July 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.! Kaitlyn. "Blog: General." Women Who Stop at Nothing: Oprah Winfrey. N.p., 30 Dec. 2013. ! ! Web. 10 Feb. 2014! Perugino, Pietro. "Jesus." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 Sept. 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.! "United States Dollar." Famous Wonders of the World Best Places to Visit See Travel Pictures ! ! United States Dollar Comments. N.p., 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.! "United States with American Flag." Return to Order. We Must Resist the Temptation to ! ! Secession, 28 Dec. 2012. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.! "US Army." - Collagemuseum. New Immigration Law, 11 May 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.! Wolfe, Mark. "14kd588ww-mississippi-hurricane-damage." - Biloxi, Miss, ! ! 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.!

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