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Manager Roles

During my internship, one of my responsibilities was to shadow my Supervisor and see how he handles the managing/business side of his position. In his job, he is responsible for about 8 different employees. !is managing duties in"lude hiring, evaluating and possibly terminating different employees. #ersonally, he trains ea"h new employee. !e always is answering $uestions from his subordinates whether it%s in person, on the phone, or through email. !e oversees the &itness 'enter and the (S# lo")er room and it%s servi"es. (ne of my goals was to get some managing e*perien"e at the +M',. Sometimes, I was present as my Supervisor was dealing with different issues with employees. I learned the importan"e of being a good listener to value an employees opinion. ,lso, the way you word things when tal)ing about a sensitive issue is very important. It "an greatly affe"t the out"ome of the situation. I did not do mu"h managing as the Intern. !owever, I got to run the (S# des) whi"h in"ludes distributing lo")er )eys and giving out towels to (S# members. ,s I did this, I was responsible for "leaning towels and folding them. -here were small in"iden"es with disgruntled members. I used my s)ills of "ommuni"ation to )eep them from losing their temper and handled the situation. .oo)ing at my Supervisor%s responsibilities as a manager, I reali/ed it is not something I am interested in. 0eing in "harge of many different people is a major responsibility and "an ta)e up a lot of time. I respe"t the position a lot more after seeing !im perform his duties. If I "hose to, there are a lot of managing positions in the fitness industry. -here is always someone who needs to run a 1ym or &itness fa"ility. ,ll in all, I have a lot of respe"t for those who Manage and do not foresee myself wor)ing as a Manager in the future.

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