Dylan Sogor's Resume

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Dylan C.

713 Rosslyn Road Boalsburg, PA (814) 321-8325 dylansogor ya!oo."o#

Education: The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA July 2010-Present Expected Graduation May 2014 Major: Crime Law and Justice Work Experience: D & R ood Service, ounder! "E#, State "olle$e, PA May 2014- Present ounded one o! t"e !irst "ea#t"y !ood and $e%era&e %endin& companies on t"e east coast' (n c"ar&e o! de%e#opin& t"e desi&n o! our %endin& mac"ines) networ*in&) and securin& #ocations' %aura&s 'o(e "ookin$, 'ead o) *arketin$ and inances, +oals,ur$, PA 2012present +esi&ned) pu$#is"ed) and #aunc"ed t"e Laura,s -ome Coo*in& company we$site and #o&o' .esponsi$#e !or mana&in& a## dai#y acti%ities inc#udin& updatin& menu items) customer ser%ices) $i##in&) !i#in&) and #ate notices' -.A Source undin$, .ntern, Red +ank, /0 June 201/- 0u&ust 201/ 0ssisted t"e CE1 in mana&in&) or&ani2in&) ana#y2in&) and t"e purc"asin& o! #i!e insurance po#icies !rom indi%idua#s wit" a current need !or a portion o! t"e po#icy proceeds' %eap *ana$e(ent, Athlete!*odel *ana$er, State "olle$e, PA June 20113o%em$er 2012 .esponsi$#e !or pro%idin& mar*etin& strate&ies and communicatin& wit" c#ients w"i#e wor*in& as a team to &ain c#iente#e' PSU *en&s +asket,all, Student *arketer, State "olle$e, PA 1cto$er 2010e$ruary 2011 .esponsi$#e !or t"e creation o! t"e !irst e%er $us ser%ice) w"ic" a##ows students to commute to a## P45 $as*et$a## &ames

Dylan C. Sogor
713 Rosslyn Road Boalsburg, PA (814) 321-8325 dylansogor ya!oo."o#

"erti)ications, 'onors, and Activities: 4i&ma 0#p"a Mu raternity Mem$er- May 2014 Penn 4tate 5ni%ersity 6-13 Participant) 2010- 2014 P45 4tudent .esidentia# E#ection) 2010 - 4uccess!u##y !aci#itated t"e 2010 Penn 4tate 4tudent 7ody Presidentia# E#ection resu#tin& in t"e !ourt" e#ected 0!rican 0merican presidentia# candidate'

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