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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Ashley Weesies 4/28/2014 Subject/ Topic/ Theme West African Play ra!e """#r!"""""""""""""

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This is the final lesson in the unit plan$ Stu!ents %ill &ie% African 'hil!ren ha&in( fun in Africa) play an African (ame) an! !iscuss %hat they ha&e e*perience!$

Learners will be able to#

Demonstrate an authentic &ie% to%ar! the chil!ren of West Africa) un!erstan!in( that African chil!ren are not all sa!$ Demonstrate impro&e! stea!y beat ability an! collaboration or team %or0 s0ills$

co(niti&e+ , - Ap An . '/

physical socio+ !e&elopment emotional

-)Ap)An). ,) -) .) '

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
A,T$1$222$3$# Describe the music performe! an! presente! in #r! (ra!e by mo&in() !ra%in() or throu(h other appropriate responses$ A,T$1$222$#$4 With teacher (ui!ance) use music &ocabulary to analy4e) !escribe) an! e&aluate music of &arious styles$ A,T$1$25$#$2 Describe ho% elements of music are use! in e*amples from %orl! cultures) usin( music performe! an! presente! in # r! (ra!e$ A,T$1$25$#$# Demonstrate au!ience appropriate beha&ior for the conte*t an! style of music presente! an! performe! in #r! (ra!e$ A,T$1$5$#$# Discuss the &arious rationales for usin( music in !aily e*periences$ 67ote# Write as many as nee!e!$ 2n!icate ta*onomy le&els an! connections to applicable national or state stan!ar!s$ 2f an objecti&e applies to particular learners %rite the name6s8 of the learner6s8 to %hom it applies$8 /remember) un!erstan!) apply) analy4e) e&aluate) create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

Stu!ents shoul! be able to consi!er the information learne! in past lessons about West African 1usic$
Pre-assessment (for learning):

9uestions about play$ Outline assessment activities 6applicable to this lesson8

Formative (for learning):

Participate in the (ame$

Formative (as learning):

5ie%in( of the clips$

Summative (of learning8:

Discussion about African chil!ren$

Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation Pro&i!e options for perception+ making information perceptible 5i!eo) !iscussion) mo&ement) familiarity %ith a simple (ame$ Pro&i!e options for lan(ua(e) mathematical e*pressions) an! symbols+ clarify & connect language Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression Pro&i!e options for physical action+ increase options for interaction ;ull+bo!y en(a(ement Playin( the (ame in (roups$ Pro&i!e options for e*pression an! communication+ increase me ium of e!pression Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement Pro&i!e options for recruitin( interest+ choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Play) same a(e) &i!eos) (roups Pro&i!e options for sustainin( effort an! persistence+ optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

Stu!ents may come up %ith %or!s in .n(lish to chant$

Pro&i!e options for comprehension+ activate, apply & highlight

Physical mo&ement) (ame play

Pro&i!e options for e*ecuti&e functions+ coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

<elpin( each other to ma0e the (ame %or0$ Difficult$ roups$

Pro&i!e options for self+re(ulation+ e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use" How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson"

Discussion %ill %rap+up the o&erall i!ea that West Africa Short term %oul! be to learn the an! its cultures are not al%ays li0e they are commonly thou(ht (ame an! !e&elop a stea!y beat$ to be$ https://%%%$youtube$com/%atch=&>"7.&#2P?D41 https://%%%$youtube$com/%atch=&>@rp8A!B302s https://%%%$youtube$com/%atch=&>ChaDf21"hlE

The stu!ents %ill be in ro%s facin( the screen for the &i!eos) an! for the (ame they %ill be in (roups of four$


III. 2 e Plan 2ime Com!onents /otivation 6openin(/ intro!uction/ en(a(ement8 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. The class %ill be(in by thin0in( about the types of thin(s %e play %ith to!ay) such Stu!ent acti&ities as &i!eo (ames) sports) an! boar! (ames$ Then sho% these &i!eos: e*plaine! in the https://%%%$youtube$com/%atch=&>"7.&#2P?D41 teacher section by https://%%%$youtube$com/%atch=&>@rp8A!B302s the teacherGs instruction$ Tal0 about the (ame of ,oc0 Paper Scissors as a (roup$ Tell the stu!ents that many chil!ren from hana) Africa play a similar (ame but they a!! rhythm an! use their %hole bo!y$ Sho% this &i!eo: https://%%%$youtube$com/%atch=&>ChaDf21"hlE <a&e the stu!ents play the (ame as sho%n in the &i!eo$ <a&e a !emonstration (roup !isplay the (ame first) an! then ha&e the rest of the class try$ The teacher %ill !eci!e the (roups of 4$ Play the (ame alon( %ith a !rum playin( the beat for the class to follo%$ S%itch this position bet%een stu!ents if there is an o!! number of (roups$ <a&e the stu!ents sit !o%n an! !iscuss the thin(s about African chil!ren an! the %ay they ha&e fun that is ne% to the stu!ents$ Allo% the !iscussion to ta0e %hiche&er course the stu!ents ta0e it in$

3evelo!ment 6the lar(est component or main bo!y of the lesson8

Closure 6conclusion) culmination) %rap+up8


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