Discussion Debate

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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC,


Taylor Thrash



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Discussion Strategies
Main idea Main idea

Is about

instructional strategies that involves students sharing their ideas about a common topic with the teacher and fellow students.
Main idea Main idea





Identifying Topics planning for discussions begin with selecting a document. Specifying learning objectives set objectives that the students need to learn Developing student knowledge help the student learn and retain the knowledge Establishing structure have a good system to implement discussions Teachers need to have a planned discussion so that they can avoid wasting time on meaningless discussions

Phase 1: Introduction The teacher presents and discussion starter. Attracts attention Phase 2: Exploration Students explore the topic, clarify their thinking, and take a position Promote student involvement Phase 3: Closure Major points in the discussion are summarized Clarify points of agreement and disagreement

3 parts To develop a deeper understanding of a specific topic Develop students critical thinking abilities Promote social development How does assessment take place: Students can provide evidence of a topic Make conclusions based on evidence Group work Used to motivate students? Providing feedback to students with respect to their social skills

What motivates the students to make this successful? Group work with their peers helps keep students motivated What theory is connected to this matrix? Research shows that social interaction helps student performance rather than doing boring tasks on their own

So what? What is important to understand about this?

Discussion is an instructional strategy that involve students sharing idea. It emphasizes student-student interaction. Groupwork can be efficiently combined with cooperative learning strategies and other instructional models.

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