Letter Stormy Russell 4 16 14

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R2 "3/44L 56"7R637
Beth A. Puschak, Ed.D. Reading, Language Arts !"L "u#ervisor
$610% 9&1-'0&' !(t) 61&& *A+, $610% 9&1-7905

A#ril 16, &018 7o 9:o; 6t -ay 3on<ern, 6 a; very #leased to write t:is letter o= re<o;;endation =or "tor;y Russell, w:o is a##lying =or a #osition wit: your organization) 6 :ave >ust re<ently ?e<o;e a<@uainted wit: -s) Russell as s:e :as ?een #la<ed at -u:len?erg /ig: "<:ool =or student tea<:ing) 6n ;y role as t:e distri<t Reading and Language Arts "u#ervisor, 6 :ave t:e o##ortunity to s#end ti;e in <lassroo;s and o?serve instru<tion) -s) Russell initiated a re@uest =or ;e to o?serve to #rovide ;eaning=ul =eed?a<A a?out :er tea<:ing) 9orAing wit: seniors during t:e last se;ester o= t:e year is indeed a <:allenge) "#ring =ever <ou#led wit: drea;s o= t:e =uture i;#a<t learning and <on<entration) -s) Russell e(:i?its a <al; de;eanor in t:e <lassroo;) 6t is o?vious t:at -s) Russell :as sAills to <onne<t to students) 5uring t:e o?servation, 6 saw eviden<e o= individual <onversations to <lari=y e(#e<tations, re=eren<es to areas o= interest =or teenagers, and <onversations a?out individual studentsB a<tivities) 6 noti<ed e(#li<it tea<:ing and a solid Anowledge o= <ontent during t:e lesson) Alt:oug: s:e :ad no #revious e(#erien<es wit: so;e o= t:e <ontent at t:e twel=t: grade level, -s) Russell a<<e#ted t:e res#onsi?ility o= dee#ening :er understanding o= ;aterial so t:at s:e <ould lead :er students to <o;#re:end di==i<ult <on<e#ts) 1eginning tea<:ers ty#i<ally :ave so ;u<: to learn ?e<ause o= la<A o= e(#erien<e) 5evelo#ing a style, understanding <ontent, and :aving a #let:ora o= learning strategies to <:oose =ro; taAe ti;e to develo#) -s) Russell already :as a style and de;onstrates t:e initiative to understand <ontent) !==e<tive tea<:ers <ontinually seeA Anowledge to en:an<e instru<tionC 6 =ully anti<i#ate t:at "tor;y will <ontinually seeA to understand) 6t is ;y o#inion t:at -s) Russell is a via?le <andidate to <onsider =or a #osition) 6= 6 :ad an o#ening in ;y s<:ool, 6 would ?e sure to in<lude :er on ;y interview list) *eel =ree to <onta<t ;e i= you :ave any @uestions) 6 <an ?e rea<:ed at 717 D 813 D 7909 $#ersonal <ell%) Beth Puschak, Ed.D.

1et: Pus<:aA, ReadingELanguage ArtsE!"L "u#ervisor -u:len?erg "<:ool 5istri<t

3630 Kutztown Road, Laureldale, Pennsylvania 19605-1799

It is the policy of the Muhlenberg School District not to discriminate on the basis of gender, disability, race, color, and national origin in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title IX of the 19 ! "ducational #mendments$ Inquiries regarding compliance %ith Title IX should be directed to the #ssistant Superintendent &see above' or to the director of the (ffice for )ivil *ights, Department of +ealth, "ducation, and ,elfare, ,ashington, D)

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