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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE Contact: Tech ueek, (6Su) SS1-782S,

0ctobei Su, 2u12 Rachel Natza, RNPR

(2u2) 76S-48S7

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;5<= 5<!=>?5@> =#(@ AB> CBDC - In oiuei to help cieate cultuial awaieness of global stoiies
anu issues, Tech ueek will unveil its fiist evei mobile uevice, the ulobalPhone, at a piess
confeience uuiing its annual shaieholueis meeting. The phone will allow useis to uownloau
anu bioaucast Tv shows fiom any station in any countiy in the woilu anu will woik with all
mobile seivice pioviueis.

The announcement of the ulobalPhone is pait of Tech ueek's new "ulobal ueek" initiative to
emphasize Tech ueek's iole in piomoting global connectivity. E&S Biiectoi of ulobal
Seivices, Ellis }ames saiu, "'ulobalueek' is impoitant, because it opens oui consumeis eyes
to the iest of the Woilu. We'ie bieaking uown the baiiieis to enjoying the enteitainment
anu news oui consumeis want fiom aiounu the Woilu, in a way that woulu have been
unthinkable just 2u yeais ago."

Select subsciibeis aie alieauy enjoying these new seivices anu theii feeuback thiough
social meuia is oveiwhelmingly positive. "It is tiuly amazing that this mobile uevice will let
me keep up with anu watch my favoiite shows fiom back home," saiu Fiench native }ohanna
Kiantz. Tech ueek CE0, Catheiine Simon saiu, "This feeuback has cieateu unbelievable buzz
on social meuia sites like Facebook anu Twittei, consumeis aie alieauy asking when they'll
be able to subsciibe."

Known foi excellent, mobile seivice plans, this will be the fiist time Tech ueek has
manufactuieu anu uistiibuteu physical mobile uevices. " We believe we can offei moie
value to oui customeis by contiolling the seivice plan anu theii uevice so that they woik
seamlessly togethei," saiu Catheiine Simon, CE0 of Tech ueek. "We'ie builuing an
innovative 21
centuiy netwoik, integiating oui woilu-class subsciibei seivices with
beautiful haiuwaie."


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