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Date: February 15, 2014 C%a&&r!!' Teacher: Dr# (an )!nt*!'ery Sub-ect: .!c Cyc%e Teachin* Date: February 25, 2014

Teacher Candidate: Sachi ! "# $reen Sch!!%: +r!c & $a, Inter'ediate Sch!!% Ti'e A%%!cated: 45 'inute& C!ur&e Nu'ber: ED/ 404 E%e'entary Student Intern&hi,

Lesson Overview (1.1) 0hat i& the c!ntent1t!,ic !2 the unit !2 in&tructi!n !2 3hich thi& %e&&!n i& a ,art4 Thi& 3ee 5& unit !2 in&tructi!n 3i%% 2!cu& !n the r!c cyc%e# Thi& %e&&!n 3i%% be a re6ie3 !n the %ayer& !2 the earth5& cru&t# Student& 3i%% need t! under&tand the&e %ayer& in !rder t! 2u%%y under&tand the area& in 3hich the di22erent ty,e& !2 r!c & are created# 0hat i& the c!nte7t !2 the %e&&!n4 0hat ha& been ,re6i!u&%y tau*ht4 0hat 3i%% be tau*ht 2!%%!3in* thi& %e&&!n4 Thi& i& the &ec!nd %e&&!n in the r!c cyc%e unit# Student& 3i%% re6ie3 ,re6i!u&%y %earned in2!r'ati!n re*ardin* the earth5& cru&t 8%ith!&,here9 in !rder t! 2u%%y under&tand 3here r!c & are 2!r'ed# Student& %earned ab!ut the earth5& %ayer& in ear%ier *rade&# Student& 3i%% %earn &,eci2ic in2!r'ati!n ab!ut each ty,e !2 r!c 2!%%!3in* thi& %e&&!n#

State Standard(s) Pr!6ide C:S nu'ber and de&cri,ti!n (1.4; 5.5) Science 820059, $rade 5 10#9 Identi2y &,here& !2 Earth, inc%udin* the *e!&,here, at'!&,here, and hydr!&,here# ; De&cribin* techn!%!*y u&ed t! in6e&ti*ate Earth E7a',%e&: &!nar, radar, &ei&'!*ra,h, 3eather ba%%!!n&, &ate%%ite& ; De&cribin* the r!c cyc%e

National Standard(s) NS#5<=#4 A& a re&u%t !2 their acti6itie& in *rade& 5<=, a%% &tudent& &h!u%d de6e%!, an under&tandin* ; Structure !2 the earth &y&te' ; Earth5& hi&t!ry ; Earth in the &!%ar &y&te'

Theory to Practice 8cite the!ri&t8&9 re%e6ant t! !b-ecti6e& and ,r!cedure& !2 %e&&!n9 (1.1) Thi& %e&&!n 3i%% be tau*ht uti%i>in* the c!n&tructi6i&t a,,r!ach# Acc!rdin* t! .einder& Duit !2 the In&titute 2!r Science Educati!n at the /ni6er&ity !2 ?ie% $er'any, @The c!''!n c!n&tructi6i&t c!re i& a @6ie3 !2 hu'an n!3%ed*e a& a ,r!ce&& !2 ,er&!na% c!*niti6e c!n&tructi!n, !r in6enti!n, underta en by the indi6idua% 3h! i& tryin*, 2!r 3hate6er ,ur,!&e, t! 'a e &en&e !2 her &!cia% !r natura% en6ir!n'ent#@ 8Tay%!r, 1AAB, 2C=9# In !ther 3!rd&: n!3%ed*e i& n!t 6ie3ed a& &!'e &!rt !2 a true c!,y !2 2eature& !2 the 3!r%d !ut&ide but a& c!n&tructi!n !2 the indi6idua%# ?n!3%ed*e acDui&iti!n 8i#e# %earnin*9 i& n!t the tran&2er !2 @nu**et& !2 truth@ 8a& ?e%%y, 1A55, ,ut it9 t! the indi6idua% but a ,er&!na% c!n&tructi!n by the indi6idua%# The %earner i& n!t &een a& a ,a&&i6e recei6er but a& an acti6e c!n&truct!r !2 n!3%ed*e#@ Objective(s) :b-ecti6e& 'u&t be 'ea&ureab%e# ( .4) 19 Student& 3i%% ,r!6ide the de2initi!n !2 an i*ne!u& r!c # 29 Student& 3i%% %i&t at %ea&t t3! e7a',%e& !2 an i*ne!u& r!c !ssess"ent ( .5; .#; .$; .1%) 19 Student& 3i%% be a&&e&&ed by %i&tenin* t! !,en c!n6er&ati!n and !b&er6ati!n t! chec 2!r under&tandin*# 29 Student& 3i%% turn in their &cience -!urna% 2!r re6ie3 t! c!n2ir' !n<*!in* c!',rehen&i!n# B9 Student& 3i%% turn in their :b&er6ati!n Chart& 2!r a&&e&&'ent# &nstr'ctional Plan ( .(; ).4; ).*; ).#) Teacher Candidate .e&!urce& and Pre,arati!n 1. .e&earch: A%aba'a C!ur&e !2 Study 8AEEX9, *e!%!*y#c!', A%aba'a C!ur&e !2 Study 8AEEX9 . )ateria%&: EE): ,r!-ect!r, .!c .a, 6ide! !n y!utube#c!', Science (!urna%, Scienceauru&: A Student "andb!! , :b&er6ati!n chart, &a',%e r!c & +iversity (1.5; 4.1; 4.#; 4.1%) 0hat %earner di22erence& e7i&t in thi& c%a&&r!!'4 8EEE, S,ecia% Need&, $i2ted, SES, Etc9 The c%a&&r!!' c!n&i&t& !2 'u%ti,%e EEE and *i2ted &tudent&# E6ery e22!rt 3i%% be 'ade t! en&ure under&tandin* thr!u*h!ut the %e&&!n# I2 nece&&ary, e7,%icit in&tructi!n 3i%% be ,r!6ided t! any EEE &tudent 3h! reDuire& additi!na% he%,# Pr!cedure&: Inc%ude acc!''!dati!n&, '!di2icati!n&, and ada,tati!n& 3i%% be 'ade t! 'eet the need& !2 indi6idua% %earner&# (1.1; 1. ; 1.); 1.5; .1; . ; .); .(; .*; ).1; ). ; ).); ).4; 4.$) En*a*e: 19 I 3i%% &tart the %e&&!n by re6ie3in* the in2!r'ati!n di&cu&&ed durin* the ,re6i!u& day5& %e&&!n# I 3i%% a& the &tudent& t! &hare in2!r'ati!n they a%ready n!3 re*ardin* the earth5& cru&t 8%ith!&,here9 and r!c 2!r'ati!n# 29 I 3i%% e7,%ain t! the &tudent& that 3e 3i%% be %earnin* ab!ut i*ne!u& r!c & durin* thi& %e&&!n# B9 The &tudent& 3i%% 3atch a &h!rt y!utube 6ide! !n i*ne!u& r!c &# E7,%!re: 19 The &tudent& and I 3i%% di&cu&& the three di22erent ty,e& !2 r!c &: &edi'entary, i*ne!u&, and 'eta'!r,hic# 29 Student& 3i%% '!6e thr!u*h the c%a&&r!!', in !rder, t! !b&er6e 6ari!u& ty,e& !2 r!c &# Student& 3i%% 2i%% !ut the &i*ht, &!und, t!uch, ta&te and &'e%% &ecti!n& !n their !b&er6ati!n chart#

FI*ne!u& r!c & are 2!r'ed 3hen '!%ten 'a*'a 2!r'ed in the %ith!&,here c!!%& and cry&ta%%i>e& int! &!%id r!c # )a*'a c!!%& &%!3%y in&ide the Earth, 2!r'in* r!c & %i e *ranite, 3hich ha6e %ar*e 'inera%& that can be &een 3ith the na ed eye# The&e are ca%%ed ,%ut!nic i*ne!u& r!c &# Guic c!!%in* 'a*'a& are *enera%%y eru,ted !nt! the EarthH& &ur2ace ca%%ed 6!%canic r!c &# FSedi'entary r!c & are 2!r'ed !n%y !n the &ur2ace !2 the Earth# Sedi'entary r!c & 2!r' at the EarthH& &ur2ace in t3! 'ain 3ay&: 819 2r!' ,iece& !2 !ther r!c & !r 2ra*'ent& !2 & e%et!n& 3hich ha6e bec!'e ce'ented t!*ether, and 829 by che'ica% 'echani&'& inc%udin* ,reci,itati!n and e6a,!rati!n# There are 'any en6ir!n'ent& a&&!ciated 3ith &edi'entary r!c 2!r'ati!n, inc%udin* !cean&, %a e&, de&ert&, ri6er&, beache&, and *%acier&# F)eta'!r,hic r!c & are 2!r'ed 'ain%y in the %ith!&,here, 3here6er there i& hi*h ,re&&ure and hi*h te',erature# I2 the ,re&&ure and te',erature are t!! hi*h, 'eta'!r,hic r!c 3i%% 'e%t and bec!'e 'a*'a# The area& 3here 'eta'!r,hic r!c & 2!r' tend t! be 6ery c%!&e t! th!&e 3here i*ne!u& r!c & 2!r'# The ey !b-ecti6e !2 thi& unit i& t! e',ha&i>e that r!c 2!r'ati!n can be c!nce,tua%i>ed a& a 6ery dyna'ic &y&te' ca%%ed the .!c Cyc%e# The .!c Cyc%e i& dri6en by the P%ate Tect!nic Cyc%e# C"E.T 8&edi'entary9 < A r!c that i& c!',!&ed !2 Duart> 2!r'ed 2r!' recry&ta%%i>ed 'icr!&c!,ic & e%et!n& !2 radi!%arian& 8,r!t!>!a9# I2 y!u %!! under the 'icr!&c!,e, y!u can &ee 6ery &'a%% &,!t& in the r!c # The&e are the radi!%arian&# .adi!%arian& are !n%y ab!ut 150 'icr!n& in dia'eter, &! y!u cann!t &ee 'uch detai%# Chert i& 6ery hard, and c!'e& in 'any c!%!r&# Chert 2!r'& in dee, !cean en6ir!n'ent&, and bec!'e& a &!urce r!c 3hen it i& u,%i2ted ab!6e &ea %e6e% by '!untain bui%din*# +ASAET 8i*ne!u&9 +a&a%t i& a dar , 2ine <*rained i*ne!u& r!c # It 2!r'& durin* 6!%canic eru,ti!n& 2r!' 'a*'a that c!!%ed re%ati6e%y Duic %y 8in day& t! 3ee &9# )inera%& can be &een under a 'icr!&c!,e 8tran&'itted %i*ht9# $.ANITE 8i*ne!u&9 < A ,%ut!nic i*ne!u& r!c that 2!r'ed 3hen '!%ten 'a*'a &%!3%y c!!%ed in&ide the earth# It !ccur& in 6aryin* &hade& !2 %i*ht and dar c!%!r& de,endin* !n the &,eci'enH& 'inera% c!',!&iti!n# The 'inera%& in *ranite can be &een 3ith!ut a 'icr!&c!,e# SE.PENTINITE 8'eta'!r,hic9 < Thi& r!c i& the I&tate r!c J !2 Ca%i2!rnia# It ha& a '!tt%ed *reen c!%!r and a I&ca%yJ a,,earance# Thi& 'eta'!r,hic r!c i& 2!r'ed in area& that ha6e been under hi*h ,re&&ure and %!3 te',erature, and i& !2ten a&&!ciated 3ith c!n6er*ent ,%ate b!undarie&#

The &tudent& 3i%% create their !3n @Earth Sand3iche&@ @Earth Sand3iche&@ are an edib%e de'!n&trati!n !2 6ari!u& %ayer& !2 the Earth5& cru&t# IEarth Sand3iche&J &er6e a& a '!de% !2 the %ayer& !2 the earth# Each ,art !2 the &and3ich re,re&ent& a ,art !2 the EarthH& cru&t# 0hen y!u cut the &and3ich in ha%2, it i& %i e %!! in* at the 3a%%& !2 the $rand Cany!n# A& y!u en-!y y!ur Earth Sand3ich, y!u are eatin* y!ur 3ay thr!u*h ti'eK T! 'a e y!ur &and3ich, y!u 3i%% need: ,u',ernic e% bread 2!r c!a% rye bread 2!r &and&t!ne 3hite bread 2!r %i'e&t!ne ,eanut butter 2!r dirt -e%%y 2!r !i% !r tar rai&in& 2!r b!u%der& ,ret>e% &tic & 2!r 2!&&i% b!ne&

E7,%ain: 19 Student& 3i%% e7chan*e the in2!r'ati!n they di&c!6ered 3hi%e 'a in* their r!c !b&er6ati!n&#

E7tend: Student& 'ay ,artici,ate in !n<%ine *a'e& !n the Annenber* Eearner &ite htt,:11333#%earner#!r*1interacti6e&1r!c cyc%e1dia*ra'2#ht'% ,e-lection on st'dent wor. (/'st incl'de e0a"1les o- st'dent wor.) ( .1%; 5.1) 0hat &,eci2ic 2eedbac 3a& ,r!6ided t! &tudent&4 Student& 3ere ,r!6ided 2eedbac thr!u*h!ut the %e&&!n ,%an t! c%ear u, 'i&c!nce,ti!n& re*ardin* the 2!r'ati!n !2 i*ne!u& r!c &# Student& 3ere ,r!6ided he%, and 2eedbac 3hen nece&&ary durin* !b&er6ati!n&# "!3 did the a&&e&&'ent 'ea&ure %earner attain'ent !2 &,eci2ied !b-ecti6e&4 The a&&e&&'ent& are created ar!und the %earner !b-ecti6e&# The a&&e&&'ent& c!n2ir' !b-ecti6e& are under&t!!d# ,e-lection on teachin2 1ractice (4.$; 5.1; 5. ) "!3 3a& a&&e&&'ent u&ed t! ,r!6ide 2eedbac and ad-u&t in&tructi!n4 In&tructi!n 3!u%d be '!di2ied t! acc!''!date a &tudent i2 the &tudent c!u%d n!t c%ear%y e7,%ain the !b-ecti6e& u&in* any ch!&en 'eth!d# "!3 3ere %earnin* e7,erience& de&i*ned t! en*a*e 6ari!u& %earnin* &ty%e& and 'u%ti,%e inte%%i*ence&4 Student& 3ere !22ered in2!r'ati!n in 6ari!u& 3ay& t! &u,,!rt 'u%ti,%e %earnin* &ty%e&# They 3ere a%%!3ed t! re&earch inde,endent%y !r 3ith a *r!u,, 3atch a +rainP!,, (r# 6ide!, c!',%ete an !b&er6ati!n chart, i%%u&trate and &hare their 3!r &# Pr!2e&&!r .e'ar &:

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