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Social & Behavior Literacy: Behavior Literacy


Makes Sense Sense Strategies Strategies Makes

Behavior Affects
2007 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, Lillian, AL www MakesSenseStrategies !"#

Name: Taylor


Date: 3-21-14

The Lecture-Discussion Model

An instructional model designed to help students understand organized bodies of knowledge.

in these ways

Identify Topic- identify the topic that is to be discussed


Specify Learning objectives- let students know what they should learn from the discussion Prepare lesson introduction- provide a good intro to get the students attention. Review & Intro- review previous lesson and introduce the new lesson Presentation- present the knowledge to the students in an orderly fashion Comprehension, integration, & Closure- assess student
understanding of lecture and integrate it into the assignments.

in these ways


in these ways

Involve the students in the discussion


Let them work and discuss in groups

Using fun technologies throughout the lecture and discussions.

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