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UbD Writing Unit Plan Template

Teachers Name: Taylor Pierce Unit Title: Poetry Club Topic/genre Poetry Grade Level 4th

Approximate Time rame: 4 separate 30 minute lessons Prere!"isite s#ills: Students will have at least a basic exposure and understanding to poetry and variation of poem genres/styles $ssential %ocab"lar&: ! ! ! ! ! ! Poetry Poem "hyme Stan#a Theme $escriptions% details

'entor texts: &e will be using boo's written by $r Seuss( Where the Sidewalk )nds( examples online of shape poetry( and examples of acrostic poetry 'aterials (internet) s"pplies*

*oo' +Where the Sidewalk Ends( $r Seuss boo's( the internet +my laptop,( pencils( paper( coloring supplies +colored pencils( mar'ers( and/or crayons, and boo's found in classroom and library

+rie, -"mmar& o, the Unit: .n a ,e/ sentences) describe the topics/genre and #e& activities st"dents /ill be /or#ing on d"ring the "nit $uring this unit we will be learning about several types of poetry including rhyming poetry( shape poetry( and acrostic poetry Students will spend time reviewing examples of these poetry types as well as producing poems of their own

-tage 0 1 Desired 2es"lts -tandards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the develop ent and organi!ation are appropriate to ta"#$ purpo"e$ and audience. %&rade"peci'ic e(pectation" 'or writing t)pe" are de'ined in "tandard" *-+ a,ove.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.+.. /"e concrete word" and phra"e" and "en"or) detail" to conve) e(perience" and event" preci"el). 3ompetenc&/4b5ectives: Students will 'now vocabulary terms including poem and stanza and be able to identify and describe characteristics of rhyming poetry( shape poetry( and acrostic poetry

$stablished Goals: $nd"ring Understandings

! !

&hat is poetry&hat is the purpose of poetry-

$ssential 6"estion(s*: ! ! ! Students will know Students will 'now several types of poems and understand the use of poetry more effectively Students will be able to .ow can poetry be used/manipulated to express meaning and/or messages of the author&hat impact does the type of poetry have on the reader/sound of the poem&hat are some types of poetry-

Produce several types of poems and be able to describe the main characteristics of their selected poem type

-tage 7 1 Assessment $vidence Per,ormance Tas#: Performance tas's will include verbal responses( feedbac' and /uestions as well as the final poems that they produce

Students will understand Students will understand that different writing forms such as poetry are used for different purposes i e to express a variety of ideas( feelings( and messages Students will understand Students will be able to 0dentify several poem types +rhyming( shape( and acrostic, and describe their characteristics Other evidence: Students will be able to write their own examples of the poem types Pre-assessment 1y pre!assessment will be informal discussions of their bac'ground and exposure to poetry +02m anticipating they will all have read at least one $r Seuss and will understand the concept of rhyming fairly /uic'ly once 0 relate it to singing( music( lyrics( etc ,

Formative assessment The poems they write based off of each style that we discuss/learn about Summative assessment The summative assessment will ta'e place as a poetry read( where they will share their

favorite/2best2 poems from the unit

Learning Plan: Describe the se!"ence o, activities over the co"rse o, instr"ction &e will spend two lessons exploring( learning( and building our 'nowledge and ideas of poetry and critically analy#ing the meaning and usage of poetic writing 0n between these informational and whole group lessons we will have two lessons focused around a poem type such as rhythmic( shape( acronyms( boo' spine( etc &e2ll spend a short time during these lessons discussing the poem type( reading poems in that structure( and then we2ll conduct free writing time where we2ll draft their own versions of the poem style with their own ideas

Di,,erentiation ,or $LLs) sca,,olding) comprehensible inp"t etc8 Since 0 will be wor'ing in a small group of students( 0 will not have to differentiate the lessons significantly( because most of the children will have similar writing abilities and strengths as well as bac'ground 'nowledge .owever( because most of my students are below grade level overall! comprehension( grammar( writing( etc ! we will have to all spend a great deal of time building bac'ground 'nowledge and 3brea'ing down2 the elements of poetry That2s why 0 chose to use poems from $r Seuss( which will be easier to comprehend and analy#e from a stan#a and rhythmic standpoint 0 will also be presenting a variety of examples of poetry +and poetry types, in order to build their bac'ground 'nowledge significantly! to ma'e sure that they don2t misinterpret one style of poetry to be the 3only2 'ind of poetry

Lesson Plan Day 1 Grade Level: 4 de"#0ta,le Length of Instruction: +1 inute" Number of Students: + Instructional Location: Cla""roo $ ) ,ac#

Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.+.. /"e concrete word" and phra"e" and "en"or) detail" to conve) e(perience" and event" preci"el).

"entor #e$ts: #itle: Where the Sidewal# End" Genre: Poetr)02iction

Strategy %ocus: 2or thi" le""on ) "trateg) will ,e to 'ocu" the children on the rh) e and rh)th o' the poe " that we read together 'or the entor te(t"$ then we will anal)!e one or two poe " that we 3li#e4. We4ll di"cu"" what we think the author4" e""age0point o' the poe i" and di"cu"" criticall) why we 'eel that wa)$ what clues in the language there are$ and how the sound o' the poe a''ect"0in'luence" the wa) we0the) read it. &ocabulary: entor te(t. Rh)th $ rh) e$ "tan!a.

"aterials: Pencil$ paper$ ) laptop a" well a" the

dd any relevant information that is essential to understanding the conte$t of your lesson:

Student" will need to under"tand that the rh)th and rh) e o' poetr) % uch li#e tho"e o' u"ic- i pact the wa) it i" perceived ,) it4" reader" to 'urther conve) their e""age. The e""age o' the poe i" portra)ed ,) rh)th $ rh) e$ and the wa) the "tan!a" are "elected0,ro#en up. Prere'uisite S(ills: Should ,e a,le to identi') rh) ing word". )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): What i" poetr)5 )ssential ,uestions: 6ow i" the wa) poetr) written a''ect the wa) it i" read5 "INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose: Student" will ,egin ,) "haring what the) #now a,out poetr)- what it i"$ how it4" di''erent$ when0where the)4ve heard it ,e'ore$ and wh) the) thin# poetr) would ,e u"ed in"tead o' another t)pe o' writing. !onnect to .rior learning: 76oo# "tudent" to prior learning that ha" occurred throughout the wor#"hop and other part" o' the da). Relate to prior poetr) le""on and "ong" the) Introduce and e$.lain: -Student" need to under"tand the how0wh) a) have heard in the pa"t.

Student" will go over word" that do and do not rh) e$ and then I4ll give word" and a"# the to co e up with their own word" that rh) e with ) cho"en word. We4ll di"cu"" the wa)" that poetr) and "ong are "i ilar and di""i ilar. Strategy #eaching: /)$.licit Instruction of Strategy0 1hat2 1hy2 1hen 8rain"tor ing idea" a,out wh) "o eone would rather write in "ong0poe 'or rather than writing it out in another wa). Student" will di"cu"" the di''erent level" o' connection and e otion that are given 'ro reading a poe co pared to that or a narrative writing piece. /"odeling0 3o4 We will ,e u"ing entor te(t" to give concrete e(a ple" o' rh)th $ rh) e$ and i ager) in poetr). The"e entor poe " will al"o ,e good e(a ple" ,ecau"e the) will odel long poe " that tell long "torie" %i.e. &reen Egg" and 6a - a" well a" poe a" "hort a" one "tan!a. -Share e(a ple" % entor te(t" or "tudent"4 own writingctive )ngagement (Guide Practice) /)ngage students in a 'uic( .ractice of the ne4 strategy (teacher su.ervises) Partici.ant Structures: 1hole grou.2 small grou.2 .artners I4ll give the "tudent" the ,eginning line o' a poe $ and the) will ,e a"#ed to co e up with a "econd line that rh) e". The)4ll have "everal inute" to co plete thi" then we4ll engage in our 'ir"t poetr) read0"hare together. Lin( to Inde.endent 1riting /5eiterate to students ho4 the strategies demonstrated and .ractices can be utili6ed in their o4n 4riting7 8rain"tor ing$ "haring$ and how poetr) can and "hould ,e u"ed and how it a#e" writing sound di''erentl). Student" can al"o u"e the "a e "trategie" that the) will practice to 'ind rh) ing word" during their writing ti e.

IND)P)ND)N# 15I#ING 0)$.licitly describe 4hat the students and teacher 4ill be doing during this time8 8ecau"e we4re doing thi" a" a poetr) clu,$ "tudent" and )"el' will ,e conducting our own poetic writing during independent writing ti e. 9' cour"e$ I will ,e onitoring "tudent writing and di"cu""ing it in "ide conver"ation" independentl)$ however I will al"o ,e producing and "haring ) own wor# with the a" well. S3 5ING #I") 01hat 4ill be the focus of your sharing time8 3o4 4ill you structure the sharing8 ( uthor9s chair2 .artners2 etc:) The 'ocu" o' our "haring ti e will ,e practice "haring our writing idea" con'identl)$ and to practice polite li"tening ear" during the "haring ti e and how to re"pond when the reading i" over %"napping-. We4ll do an author4" "pot to pre"ent however the) will have the choice to "it or "tand during their reading. #) !3)50S#*D)N# !-N%)5)N!)S 1ho 4ill you hold conferences 4ith8 1hat 4ill you as( during your conference8 3o4 4ill you record the information you gather8 .uring ) con'erence" I will eet with the "tudent" independentl) and di"cu"" their idea" and rh) e". I4ll a"# i' and what the) thin# the) need help with$ ,rain"tor new idea"$ and practice writing in rh) e. ssessment(s): 0%ormative2 Summative2 and Self0 ssessment %ormative assessment: Will ta#e place throughout the le""on$ di"cu""ion$ and their independent writing. I will ,e a""e""ing their content #nowledge not :u"t ,a"ed o'' o' the di"cu""ion and re"pon"e" the) give$ ,ut al"o ,) their a,ilit) to put their under"tanding0#nowledge into practice in their own writing.

Summative ssessment: Will ta#e place a" their wor# i" co piled into poetr) ,inder0'older" and the) turn in0pre"ent out loud their final dra't" o' poetr). Thi" a""e"" ent will include idea"$ rh) e$ i ager)$ rh)th 0'low$ and their pro'e""ionali" during their pre"entation". 3o4 might you e$tend this lesson8 Thi" le""on could ,e e(tended into 'urther$ deeper le""on" a,out poetr)- perhap" leading into poetr) that doe"n4t nece""aril) rh) e$ having the children co e up with ore detailed idea" o' their own without uch in"truction$ where the) will ,e a""e""ed on the originalit) o' their idea" and how detailed their writing i"$ a" well and their e(pre""ion and pro'e""ionali" during their reading". Discuss ho4 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson8 2or thi" 'ir"t le""on there wa" not uch di''erentiation co pleted ,ecau"e we were di"cu""ing the aterial 'or the 'ir"t ti e and I wa" ,eginning to gage where ever)one4" ,ac#ground #nowledge and creative writing "#ill" are and how to go on 'ro here.

Lesson Plan Day ; Grade Level: 4 de"#0ta,le Length of Instruction: +1 inute" Number of Students: + Instructional Location: Cla""roo $ ) ,ac#

Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.+.. /"e concrete word" and phra"e" and "en"or) detail" to conve) e(perience" and event" preci"el).

"entor #e$ts: #itle: Where the Sidewal# End" Genre: Poetr)02iction

Strategy %ocus: 2or thi" le""on ) "trateg) will ,e to 'ocu" the children on the rh) e and rh)th o' the poe " that we read together 'ro the entor te(t"$ then we will anal)!e one or two poe " that we 3li#e4. We will tal# a,out the poe rh) ing pattern$ and "tan!a".

"aterials: Pencil$ paper$ ) laptop a" well a" the entor te(t.

&ocabulary: Rh)th $ rh) e$ "tan!a$ i ager).

Prere'uisite S(ills: Should ,e a,le to identi') rh) ing word". )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): What i" poetr)5 )ssential ,uestions: 6ow i" the wa) poetr) written a''ect the wa) it i" read5 %;oice "ound"INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose: Student" will learn that an) rh) ing poe " are ,ro#en into rh) e "che e" within each "tan!a. %So eti e"

var)ing 'ro

"tan!a to "tan!a-.

!onnect to .rior learning: 76oo# "tudent" to prior learning that ha" occurred throughout the wor#"hop and other part" o' the da). Relate to prior poetr) le""on. Introduce and e$.lain: -Student" need to under"tand the how0wh) Student" will ,rea# apart "elected poe " into their "tan!a" and anal)!e each "tan!a4" rh) e pattern. Strategy #eaching: /)$.licit Instruction of Strategy0 1hat2 1hy2 1hen Student" will ,egin to identi') rh) e pattern" "uch a" A88A and AAAA$ A8A8$ etc. ,a"ed o'' o' the rh) ing end word" in each line. /"odeling0 3o4 I will u"e the entor te(t" and odel how to ,rea# down into "tan!a" and proceed to la,el each line ,a"ed o'' o' the la"t word per line. I will do thi" <-+ ti e" ,e'ore a"#ing "tudent" to per'or the ta"# on their own. ctive )ngagement (Guide Practice) /)ngage students in a 'uic( .ractice of the ne4 strategy (teacher su.ervises) Partici.ant Structures: 1hole grou.2 small grou.2 .artners Student" will each get to pic# a pa""age in Where the Sidewalk Ends and 'ir"t ,rea# it down0la,el it ,) "tan!a". Then "tudent" will proceed to la,el each line and identi') each "tan!a rh) e "che e. Lin( to Inde.endent 1riting

/5eiterate to students ho4 the strategies demonstrated and .ractices can be utili6ed in their o4n 4riting7 Rh) e "che e and rh) ing word" go hand-in-hand with one another. So e "tudent" a) pre'er to choo"e their rh) e "che e ,e'ore the) ,egin writing$ and other" a) pre'er to let their writing dictate the rh) e "che e. IND)P)ND)N# 15I#ING 0)$.licitly describe 4hat the students and teacher 4ill be doing during this time8 9nce I 'ini"h odeling the activit) "tudent" will have their own ti e to identi') and la,el a poe original "tan!a o' an) rh) e pattern the) choo"e. I will ,e onitoring =uietl). o' their choo"ing and then create one

S3 5ING #I") 01hat 4ill be the focus of your sharing time8 3o4 4ill you structure the sharing8 ( uthor9s chair2 .artners2 etc:) The 'ocu" o' our "haring ti e will ,e practice "haring our writing idea" con'identl)$ and to practice polite li"tening ear" during the "haring ti e and how to re"pond when the reading i" over %"napping-. We4ll do an author4" "pot to pre"ent however the) will have the choice to "it or "tand during their reading. #) !3)50S#*D)N# !-N%)5)N!)S 1ho 4ill you hold conferences 4ith8 1hat 4ill you as( during your conference8 3o4 4ill you record the information you gather8 .uring ) con'erence" I will eet with the "tudent" independentl) and di"cu"" their la,eling and original "tan!a.

ssessment(s): 0%ormative2 Summative2 and Self0 ssessment %ormative assessment: Will ta#e place throughout the le""on$ di"cu""ion$ and their independent writing. I will ,e a""e""ing their content #nowledge not :u"t ,a"ed o'' o' the di"cu""ion and re"pon"e" the) give$ ,ut al"o ,) their a,ilit) to put their

under"tanding0#nowledge into practice in their own writing. Summative ssessment: Will ta#e place a" their wor# i" co piled into poetr) ,inder0'older" and the) turn in0pre"ent out loud their final dra't" o' poetr). Thi" a""e"" ent will include idea"$ rh) e$ i ager)$ rh)th 0'low$ and their pro'e""ionali" during their pre"entation".

Discuss ho4 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson8 I 'ound that one o' ) "tudent" "pea#" Engli"h a" a "econd language. .uring our rh) e activitie" "he re=uired practice in order to 'ind the English word" that "he wa" "earching 'or. +rief 5eflection Notes: ! ! .idn4t reali!e how little ,ac#ground #nowledge there wa" a,out rh) e until we applied it to reading "tan!a" See ed to ,e a di''erence identi')ing orall) ver"u" "earching in the te"t- ight ,e due to lac# o' ,a"ic reading "#ill" ore guidance and

Lesson Plan Day < Grade Level: 4 de"#0ta,le Length of Instruction: +1 inute" Number of Students: + Instructional Location: Cla""roo $ ) ,ac#

Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.+.. /"e concrete word" and phra"e" and "en"or) detail" to conve) e(perience" and event" preci"el).

"entor #e$ts: N=

Strategy %ocus: 2or thi" le""on ) "trateg) will ,e 'ocu"ing on de"criptive word".



Pencil$ paper$ and coloring "upplie".

Shape$ de"criptive word"$ i ager).

dd any relevant information that is essential to understanding the conte$t of your lesson: So eti e" it i" di''icult 'or "tudent" to create 'luid poe " that rh) e$ learning "hape poetr) will give the the "elve" arti"ticall) and in written 'or a" well a" u"ing "hort word" and phra"e" ver"u" line"0"tan!a". Prere'uisite S(ills: Should ,e a,le to identi') rh) ing0de"criptive word". )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): What i" poetr)5 )ssential ,uestions: 6ow i" the wa) poetr) written a''ect the wa) it i" read5 "INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose: Student" will learn that poetr) i"n4t alwa)" written in "tan!a". !onnect to .rior learning: 76oo# "tudent" to prior learning that ha" occurred throughout the wor#"hop and other part" o' the da). Relate to prior poetr) le""on and "ong" the) Introduce and e$.lain: a) have heard in the pa"t. the opportunit) to e(pre""

-Student" need to under"tand the how0wh) Student" will di"cu"" the arti"tic co ponent" that appl) to "hape poetr) and that "hape poe " would ,e appropriate 'or poe " de"cri,ing people or o,:ect". Strategy #eaching: /)$.licit Instruction of Strategy0 1hat2 1hy2 1hen Student" will ,e odeled how to write a "hape poe o' a 'lower. Then the) will ,e a"#ed to ,rain"tor + idea" that the) would li#e to write "hape poe " a,out. A'ter co pleting their ,rain"tor "$ "tudent" will "elect one o' their "hape" and draw it out on their paper. Then$ the)4ll ,rain"tor 0 a#e a li"t o' de"cri,ing word" 'or that "hape$ and once the) 'ini"h their li"t ,egin to write the word" around the "hape drawn on their paper. /"odeling0 3o4 I will draw ) odel o' a 'lower "hape poe on the ,oard and ver,ali!e ) thought proce"" a" I do "o$ in order to and idea" that "tudent" a) e(perience a" the) are writing their "hape poe ". ctive )ngagement (Guide Practice) /)ngage students in a 'uic( .ractice of the ne4 strategy (teacher su.ervises) Partici.ant Structures: 1hole grou.2 small grou.2 .artners Student will ,e wor#ing independentl) and the) will not ,e allowed to pic# the "a e "hape in order to prevent an) cop)ing that a) ta#e place$ e"peciall) ,ecau"e the le""on ta#e" place in a " all group "etting. With each "tudent wor#ing on a di''erent "hape$ I will allow the to colla,orate and "hare their "hape" and de"criptive word"0poe " Lin( to Inde.endent 1riting /5eiterate to students ho4 the strategies demonstrated and .ractices can be utili6ed in their o4n 4riting7 8rain"tor ing$ "haring$ and how poetr) can and "hould ,e u"ed in certain ti e" to conve) a di''erent t)pe o' e""age$ eaning$ and to odel thought"

reach out to reader" in another wa). IND)P)ND)N# 15I#ING 0)$.licitly describe 4hat the students and teacher 4ill be doing during this time8 8ecau"e we4re doing thi" a" a poetr) clu,$ "tudent" and )"el' will ,e conducting our own poe writing during independent writing ti e. 9' cour"e$ I will ,e onitoring "tudent writing and di"cu""ing it in "ide conver"ation" independentl)$ however I will al"o ,e producing and "haring ) own wor# a" well. S3 5ING #I") 01hat 4ill be the focus of your sharing time8 3o4 4ill you structure the sharing8 ( uthor9s chair2 .artners2 etc:) The 'ocu" o' our "haring ti e will ,e practice "haring our writing idea" con'identl)$ and to practice polite li"tening ear" during the "haring ti e and how to re"pond when the reading i" over %"napping-. We4ll do an author4" "pot to pre"ent however the) will have the choice to "it or "tand during their reading. %We will have al"o "hared our poe " prior to the author4" "hare during the writing proce""-.

#) !3)50S#*D)N# !-N%)5)N!)S 1ho 4ill you hold conferences 4ith8 1hat 4ill you as( during your conference8 3o4 4ill you record the information you gather8 .uring ) con'erence" I will eet with the "tudent" independentl) and di"cu"" their idea" and rh) e". I4ll a"# i' and what the) thin# the) need help with$ ,rain"tor new idea"$ and practice writing in rh) e to get a specific e""age0i age acro"". The in'or ation I collect during thi" ti e will ,e recorded in ) own note" a" well a" on0with the child4" wor#- "o the) have note" to re'erence toward" during their ne(t writing piece. ssessment(s):

0%ormative2 Summative2 and Self0 ssessment %ormative assessment: Will ta#e place throughout the le""on$ di"cu""ion$ and their independent writing. I will ,e a""e""ing their content #nowledge not :u"t ,a"ed o'' o' the di"cu""ion and re"pon"e" the) give$ ,ut al"o ,) their a,ilit) to put their under"tanding0#nowledge into practice in their own writing. Summative ssessment: Will ta#e place a" their wor# i" co piled into poetr) ,inder0'older" and the) turn in0pre"ent out loud their final dra't" o' poetr). Thi" a""e"" ent will include idea"$ rh) e$ i ager)$ rh)th 0'low$ and their pro'e""ionali" during their pre"entation". 3o4 might you e$tend this lesson8 Thi" le""on could ,e e(tended into 'urther$ deeper le""on" a,out poetr)- perhap" leading into poetr) that doe"n4t nece""aril) rh) e$ having the children co e up with ore detailed idea" o' their own without uch in"truction$ where the) will ,e a""e""ed on the originalit) o' their idea" and how detailed their writing i"$ a" well and their e(pre""ion and pro'e""ionali" during their reading". Discuss ho4 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson8 2or thi" 'ir"t le""on there wa" not uch di''erentiation co pleted ,ecau"e we were di"cu""ing the aterial 'or the 'ir"t ti e and I wa" ,eginning to gage where ever)one4" ,ac#ground #nowledge and creative writing "#ill" are and how to go on 'ro here. +rief 5eflection Notes: ! ! Student" re"ponded uch "tronger and uch ore =uic#l) to "hape poetr). I thin# thi" i" ,ecau"e there i" an arti"tic co ponent to the and their idea"0word" don4t nece""aril) have to rh) e li#e in previou" poe ". I thin# that de"criptive word" wa" ea"ier 'or the to co e up with than to create "entence" with ending word" that rh) ed

Lesson Plan Day > Grade Level: 4 de"#0ta,le Length of Instruction: +1 inute" Number of Students: + Instructional Location: Cla""roo $ ) ,ac#

Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.+.. /"e concrete word" and phra"e" and "en"or) detail" to conve) e(perience" and event" preci"el).

"entor #e$ts: #itle: Where the Sidewal# End" Genre: Poetr)02iction

Strategy %ocus: 2or thi" le""on ) "trateg) 'ocu" will ,e 'or "tudent" to write "ucce""'ul acro"tic poe " that contain detail pertaining to the "u,:ect o' their poe .

"aterials: Pencil$ paper$ dr) era" ,oard$ a" well a" the Prere'uisite S(ills: entor te(t.

&ocabulary: Acro"tic poe "$ de"criptive word".

>one. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): What i" poetr)5 )ssential ,uestions: What are the co ponent"0characteri"tic" o' an acro"tic poe 5 "INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose: We will ,egin ,) "haring what we #now a,out acro"tic poe "- what it i"$ how it4" di''erent$ when0where the)4ve heard it ,e'ore$ and wh) the) thin# people would u"e acro"tic poetr). !onnect to .rior learning: 76oo# "tudent" to prior learning that ha" occurred throughout the wor#"hop and other part" o' the da). Relate to prior poetr) le""on". Introduce and e$.lain: -Student" need to under"tand the how0wh) We will ,rain "tor o,:ect"$ people$ and place" that the) would li#e to write a,out and then a" a group we will ,egin to ,rain"tor ad:ective" 'or tho"e o,:ect"$ people$ place" that ,egin with the letter" contained in the word. Strategy #eaching: /)$.licit Instruction of Strategy0 1hat2 1hy2 1hen

2ir"t$ I will put an e(a ple o' an original acro"tic poe on the ,oard$ and ver,ali!e ) thought proce"" in order to odel it. Then$ I will a"# "tudent" what the) would li#e to write acro"tic poe " a,out$ and we will continue to ,rain"tor a" a group a,out each per"on4" poe . /"odeling0 3o4 I will ,e writing ) own and ver,ali!ing the proce"" in order to odel acro"tic poe writing.

Lin( to Inde.endent 1riting /5eiterate to students ho4 the strategies demonstrated and .ractices can be utili6ed in their o4n 4riting7 8rain"tor ing de"criptive word" will help "tudent" in 'uture writing. IND)P)ND)N# 15I#ING 0)$.licitly describe 4hat the students and teacher 4ill be doing during this time8 8ecau"e we4re doing thi" a" a poetr) clu,$ "tudent" and )"el' will ,e conducting our own poetic writing during independent writing ti e. 9' cour"e$ I will ,e onitoring "tudent writing and di"cu""ing it in "ide conver"ation" independentl)$ however I will al"o ,e producing and "haring ) own wor# a" well. S3 5ING #I") 01hat 4ill be the focus of your sharing time8 3o4 4ill you structure the sharing8 ( uthor9s chair2 .artners2 etc:) The 'ocu" o' our "haring ti e will ,e practice "haring our writing idea" con'identl)$ and to practice polite li"tening ear" during the "haring ti e and how to re"pond when the reading i" over %"napping-. We4ll do an author4" "pot to pre"ent however the) will have the choice to "it or "tand during their reading. #) !3)50S#*D)N# !-N%)5)N!)S 1ho 4ill you hold conferences 4ith8 1hat 4ill you as( during your conference8 3o4 4ill you record the information you gather8

.uring ) con'erence" I will eet with the "tudent" independentl) and di"cu"" their idea" and rh) e". I4ll a"# i' and what the) thin# the) need help with$ ,rain"tor new idea"$ and practice writing in rh) e to get a specific e""age0i age acro"". The in'or ation I collect during thi" ti e will ,e recorded in ) own note" a" well a" on0with the child4" wor#- "o the) have note" to re'erence toward" during their ne(t writing piece. ssessment(s): 0%ormative2 Summative2 and Self0 ssessment %ormative assessment: Will ta#e place throughout the le""on$ di"cu""ion$ and their independent writing. I will ,e a""e""ing their content #nowledge not :u"t ,a"ed o'' o' the di"cu""ion and re"pon"e" the) give$ ,ut al"o ,) their a,ilit) to put their under"tanding0#nowledge into practice in their own writing. Summative ssessment: Will ta#e place a" their wor# i" co piled into poetr) ,inder0'older" and the) turn in0pre"ent out loud their final dra't" o' poetr). Thi" a""e"" ent will include idea"$ rh) e$ i ager)$ rh)th 0'low$ and their pro'e""ionali" during their pre"entation". 3o4 might you e$tend this lesson8 Thi" le""on could ,e e(tended into 'urther$ deeper le""on" a,out poetr)- perhap" leading into poetr) that doe"n4t nece""aril) rh) e$ having the children co e up with ore detailed idea" o' their own without uch in"truction$ where the) will ,e a""e""ed on the originalit) o' their idea" and how detailed their writing i"$ a" well and their e(pre""ion and pro'e""ionali" during their reading".

Discuss ho4 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson8 2or thi" 'ir"t le""on there wa" not uch di''erentiation co pleted ,ecau"e we were di"cu""ing the aterial 'or the 'ir"t ti e and I wa" ,eginning to gage where ever)one4" ,ac#ground #nowledge and creative writing "#ill" are and how to go on 'ro here. +rief 5eflection Notes:

- Student" re"ponded ver) =uic#l) to acro"tic poetr)$ all o' the had written the in the pa"t. It wa" intere"ting$ however$ to "ee how uch the "tudent" "truggled to co e up with ad:ective" 'or their o,:ect"0poe topic". There were "everal ti e" when I had to a""i"t "tudent" in their ,rain"tor ing ,ecau"e the) were willing to give up writing their poe " when the) ,eca e 3"tuc#4.

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