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Amy Tucker 6th grade teacher 972-502-1900 6th grade Mathematics Syllabus TAKS Objectives: 1.

. Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning 2. atterns, Re!ations"ips, and A!gebraic T"in#ing $. %eometr& and Spatia! Reasoning '. (easurement ). robabi!it& and Statistics *. +nder!&ing rocesses

%enera! ,!assroom Ru!es: 1. A!-a&s come to c!ass prepared. 2. Respect &our !earning materia!s, teac"ers, peers, and &ourse!.. $. A!-a&s tr& &our best and -or# out ever& prob!em. %rading o!ic&: A 1//01/2 5 6106/2 , 7107/2 8 be!o- 7/2 oint S&stem ,!ass -or#34ome-or# ')2 Tests 2/2 rojects3 roducts 2/2 Si9 :ee#s Test 1)2

(a#e0up :or# o!ic&: An& student -"o is absent -i!! "ave 1 -ee# to ma#e up -or#. ;ate :or# o!ic&: Assignments turned in !ate cannot receive "ig"er t"an a 7/2. Retesting o!ic&: Students -i!! be a!!o-ed to retest -it"in one -ee# o. t"e origina! test date. 5asic <ai!& (ateria!s: 5inder -it" dividers =sc"oo! -ide> ;oose !ea. noteboo# paper enci!s and erasers Red pen Spira! noteboo#

Tutoring o!ic&: 8ree tutoring is avai!ab!e to a!! students. <ates and times -i!! be posted in t"e mat" c!assroom. (andator& tutoring ma& be re?uired i. a student is not passing or in danger o. not passing. 4ome-or#: (at" "ome-or# -i!! be given on (onda&, Tuesda&, :ednesda&, and T"ursda&. Occasiona!!& "ome-or# -i!! be give on -ee#ends.
Student Signature: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Amy Tucker 6th grade teacher 972-502-1900

arent Signature: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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