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Environmental Science Major Topics for the AP Exam

I. Interdependence of Earth's Systems: F ndamental Principles and !oncepts "#$%& A. The Flow of Energy 1. 2. 3. B. The Cycling of Matter 1. 2. 3. 4. major nutrients a. . !."ifferences etween cycling of major an" trace elements C. The #oli" Earth 1. 2. $. The Atmos%here 1. 2. E. The Bios%here 1. 2. 3. 4. III. II. ' man Pop lation (ynamics ")*%& A. &istory an" 'lo al $istri ution 1. 2. 3. B. Carrying Ca%acity C. Cultural an" Economic (nfluences +ene,a-le and .onrene,a-le +eso rces: (istri- tion/ 0,nership/ 1se/ (e2radation ")$%& A. )ater 1. 2. B. Minerals C. #oils 1. 2. $. Biological 1. 2. 3. E. Energy 1. 2. F. *an" 1. 2. 3.


Environmental 4 ality "#*%5#$%& A. Air+)ater+#oil 1. major %ollutants a. . c. 2. effects of %ollutants on, a. . c. ". 3. B. #oli" )aste 1. 2. 3. C. (m%act on &uman &ealth 1.agents, 2.effects, 3.relati-e ris.s, 3I.

A. First/or"er Effects 0changes1 1. atmos%here, 2. oceans, 3. iota, B. &igher/or"er (nteractions 0conse2uences1 1. atmos%here, 2. ocean currents 3. iota, Environment and Society: Trade50ffs and (ecision ma8in2 ")*%& A. Economic Forces 1. 2. 3. B. Cultural an" C. En-ironmental $. En-ironmental E. (ssues an" 3%tions Consi"erations


6lo-al !han2es and Their !onse7 ences ")$%5#*%&

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