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Family Tree of the Prophets:

"O man kind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and (then) from him(Adam)
He created his wife (Eve) and from them both He created many men and women."
Al-Quran-Surah 4:1

Hawwa was made from Adam’s lower left rib,

Adam + Eve/ Hawwa* That is why its still missing in all men!
‘Adam’ was created out of mud on Friday. Adam means: Mud, Hawwa means: Living

First set of twins Second set of twins

Habil/Hebel/Abel Gaza* Qabeel/Cain Akleema*

5 Psalms were sent to him. 2nd Prophet of the World after Adam.
Seth/Sheth/Sheeth + (wife)??
?? means: Not sure about the info;
Could be wrong info. Anusha/Anoush/Enos/Enosh
‘*’ means: Name of a female.


Noah means: One who cries a lot!
Known for the Arc and great flood. Edris/Enoch Aknoukn / Enoch / Henoch/ Hanuk / (Idris was the 3rd Prophet after Adam
His wife Waala was a disbeliever. Turmeas / Ikhnou--"Idrees" and Sheeh for 308 years. He was the
He lived for 950 years approx. first man to write with a Pen.)
Mutwashlak/Mitoshilkh/Methuselah Source: Ibn Kathir: Stories of the Prophets.

Noah/Nuh + Waala* Lamik/Lamech (who accidently killed

Adam's son Qabeel??)
Noah/Nuh Noah/Nuh

Sam/Shem Sam/Shem
Yafus/Japhet Cannan Ham Sam Arfagshand/Arphaxad
(Oldest son) (Drowned by flood)

Mizram Phut Cush

Shalikh/Saleh/MethuSalih/ Shelah ( Sent for ppl of Ad.)

(Sent for the ppl of
Falik/Phalig/Peleg Ad capital of Iram.)


Cruel king Nimrod, descendant Sarv/Sarough/Serug

of Cush and Ham, who tried to
kill Abraham in is youth by Nahur/Nahor
throwing him in fire.
Nimrod/ Numrood Azar + Amaslai Bas Karnevo

Nahor/Nahour/Nachor Haran
“Abraham/Avraham/Ibrahim ”
(Father of Prophets-He lived for 175 years.)
Children from Nahor: Huz, Abraham was his Uncle!
Buz, Kemuel, Chesed, Hazo, Abraham divided the family tree of Bani Israel in two branches by marrying
Pildash, Jidlaph, Bethuel Hagar and Egyptian Princess Sarah who was offered to him as a slave,….why? Read his story. Lot/Lut
Abraham + Hagar/Hajra
Abraham + Sarah (The Egyptian King’s daughter)
Lut + Edis/Ideth/Edith
Abraham,"Founder of Israelian`nations."
His father was a disbeliever (idol sculptor.)
Rebekah* Laban Daughter #1
Older step brother of Issac.
Had 12 sons and a daughter. Daughter #2
Rabia/Rebaccah married
her cousin Issac/Ishaq >
+ 5 or 6 years younger than Ismael.
He lived for 180 years. Was married to Shoab/Jethro + Daughter #1
Her brother’s two daughters
his cousin: Rebecca.
married her son Jaccob/Yaqub.
See below.
Saphora/Zepporah + Moses

Saphora was married with Moses and had nine sons

Son of Nahor
Issac/Ishaq/Yitzhac See above.
5 or 6 years younger than Ismael. He lived for 180 Older step brother of Issac.
years. Was married to his cousin: Rebecca. Had 12 sons and a daughter ,
Laban was Brother of Rebekah. Had 2 daughters.
Leah was almost blind, and Rachel was very pretty. named:Basima??/Bashemath.
Laban + *??
Ishaq + Rebekah/Rabia/Rivka*
Rabia: Daughter of Bethuel
See above.
Father of Rome

Esau/Al-Eis Jaccob/ Yaqoub /Yaacov Leah/Lia* Rachel/Rahil*

Jaccob-Married two of his cousins, who were also sisters

and thus divided the family tree in two again.
Jaccob + Leah/Lia* Jaccob + Rachel/Rahil*

Jacob is also known as "Israel" means: Friend of God.

Jacob had 12 sons and one daughter.
No. of Offspring from Leah
No. of Offspring from Rachel
2- Levi /Lavy/Levy 2-Benjamin/Benyamin
4-Judah/Yahuda +Tamar* *From Rachel's
5-Simeon/Shimon/Shamun slave girl (Bilhah):
6- Zebulun/Zabun 1.Daan and 2.Naptheli/
7-Dinah* (daughter) Naphsthli
*From Leah's Yusuf lived for 110 years.
salve girl (Ziplah):
1.Gad/Jud/Jadd and < Twins > Joseph/Yusuf + Asenath*
2.Asher/Asar/Azar Pharez/Perez Zarah* (He was also married to Zulekha*. He had 3 sons.

-Hezron/Essron Aphraem Mesha/YushaBinnun Rehmat/Raheema*(She was married to Ayub/Job/Iyov.)

Menasheh/Manasseh?? -Aram
[Jeremiah/ -Nahshon/Nasson
Aramayah/ -Salman/Salmah+Naomi* From Aphraem/Ephrayim: <According to Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Qasim Ibn
Yirmyah] -Bazz/Buz/Boaz+Ruth* -- Shultam Asaker, Elisha was Ibn Adi, Ibn Shultam, Ibn
-Obed/Obaid -- Adi Aphraem, Ibn Joseph, Ibn Isaac, Ibn Abraham.
-Jesse/Yasseh?? -- Elisha It was said that he was the cousin of Elijah.
David is the descendant of Jacob/Y'aacub
David/Dauood + Miqel/Michel * He was youngest of 7 brothers. Ishmael/Ismael
(Miqel was the daughter of King Saul.) His wives included: Avigail, Avital, Batsheva and Miqel. Older step brother of Issac.
David had 13 sons. Had 12 sons and a daughter ,
He had 13 sons. His oldest son's name was: Amnon. named:Basima??/Bashemath.
David brought first [1st] Holy book of Allah: "Zabur"/Psalms.
King Solomon/Suleiman/Sholomo It consisted of only 30 pages of Psalms or songs of David. 1.Nabet/Nebajoth
He was also the teacher of Hakeem Luqman.
He killed Goliath. 2.Qidar/Kedar
King Solomon/Suleiman + Bilqis/Saba*of Sheeba
And 99 other wives including Naamah* 3.Edbael/Adbeel

-Rahbaam/Rehoboam Among the prophets between David and Zechariah is
Iyam/Abija? Isaiah (Shi'a) , Ibn Amoz (Amsiah). According to
Eisha/Asa Muhammad Ibn Ishaaq, Isaiah appeared before
Yahfashat/Jehoshaphat Zechariah (Zakariah) and John the Baptist (Yahya) . 6.Duma/Dumah
Ahrihu/Ahaziah He is among those who prophesied about Jesus (Isa)
Yamish/Joash/Jehoash and Muhammad . The king during his time was called 7.Micha/Massa
Amisa/ Amaziah Hezekiah (Hazkia).
Azariah/Uzziah/Hosea? 8.Hudud/Hadar
Ahriq/Ahaq/Ahaz 9.Yetma/Tema
Misha/Manasseh 10.Yetour/Jetur
Bashim/ Azar?? 11.Nafis/Naphish

Amram?? + Jochebed*/Yocheved/Yukha bin Laawiy (Levi) These later formed twelve tribes
He was married to daughter of Levi/Laawiy inhibiting Makkah and surrounding
countries of Saudi Arabia.

Moses/Musa/Moshe Aaron/Harun/Aharown Kulthum

Jethro/Shoaib/Hobab (known as Miriam by Jews.)
Father in law of Moses???
Aaron was 3 or 12 years older than Moses???
Aaron served as Moses's spokesman since Moses was not eloquent
Offspring from

Imran/ Amram?? + Jochebed*/Yocheved/Yukha bin Laawiy (Levi) -Adnaan

Moses was not eloquen, so Aaron served as Moses’s spokesman.


Moses/Musa/Moshe Aaron/Harun/Aharown + Kulthum/(Mirium by Jews) -Nazar/Nadhar

Found in Nile as an infant and thus
adopted and raised by Pharoh and.his wife -Ilyas
‘Asiya bint Mazzaem,’
*Moses grew up playing with a younger -Aaron's 4 sons. -Mudarikah
foster brother, Pharoh's son Ramesses. 3. Nadab
*He brought the 2nd Holy book of Allah: 4. Abihu -Khuzaymah
Tourat/Torah 1. ElAzar/Eleazar
2. Ithamar Pinchas----- -Kinanah
Ilyas/Elijah??? Bukki------- -Al Nadar
descendant from the Uzzi---------
progeny of -Malik
Harun??? Zadok-------
Ahimmaz--- -Fahir/Fihr
Johanan----- -Khalib/Ghalib
Al-Yaasa/ Elisha/ Eliseus ??? Shallum-----
He was the son of Zilkiah------
Azaraih----- -Lou'ai/Luayy
Safet/Shaphat/Ukhtub and cousin
and the successor of Ilyas. Seraiah------
Jehodazak-- -Ka'ab
Means:Help Ezra/Uzzair??Hoseah?

Other Prophets and saints mentioned in Quran: -Kellab/Kilab
* Prophet of Ar Ras
* Prophet of Antioch (Ruler of Mecca) -Qosay
* Danniel
* Shammil/ Samuel -Abd Manaf
* DhulQarnain
From the family of Levi: From the lineage of
Sisters: Anne/Hannah and Elisebeth David: Zachariya

Elisebeth/Elizebeth/AlYashbi +Zachariya/Zechariah/Zachary
Imran + Anne/Hannah?
*Zachariya was Mary's uncle and guardian..
* He was a priest of a temple and a carpenter.
*He hid in a tree to save himself from Israelites.
Yahya/John the Baptizer

John: Mary's younger cousin,

Ess'a (Eesa)//Yohanah/ since he was born after her.
Yeshua/Jes’us *John is burried in Damascus. Abd Manaf
*John was Uncle of Jesus.
*Isaa/Esa means: One who saves himself from
sins. He was a Carpentor.
There was no prophet between Jesus and the
Prophet Muhammad , according to the hadith in
Bukhari. Abdushams Hashim Al Matlib Nafal


Abu Talib Abdullah Hamza Abbas Abu Lahab

Muhammed (Peace be upon him)

Mohammad means: "He who is praised."
* He was an only child and an orphan. Last Prophet Muhammed:
* He never got a single day of schooling in his life. A Successor to Christ and seal to
* That is why his nick name was ‘Ummi’ meaning: the Prophet hood.
"One who cant read or write."

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