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1. Put one suitable word in each space.

It now seems clear that one of (1) …………most pressing problems facing any large city
at (2) …………end of (3) ………………..twentieth century, is that of water supply.
While most cities were founded (4) ……………….because water was plentifully
available, no one could have foreseen (5) demands put upon the water supply by the
sprawling (6) …………….of today. In many cases, cities are forced (7) ………….bring
water from many miles away, often to the detriment (8) …………….the local
environment, for water is not only a commodity needed by man for drinking and washing
and industrial processes. Many lakes (9) ……………once served (10) …………breeding
grounds for wild birds now face (11) …………….uncertain future. As neighbouring
cities (12) ……………greater and greater demands, (13) …………….water level of such
lakes falls lower and lower, thus depriving the birds of their habitat. And (14) …………
apart from this environmental problem, there is economic issue to consider. Who owns
the water, and how much should (15) ……………….consumer pay for it? The next time
you turn on the tap, it might be worth considering some of these problems, before you
have wasted too much water.

2. Put one suitable word in each space.

a) I spoke to Helen yesterday, but she didn`t ………………..the letter you sent her.
b) There is nobody for …………………….we feel greater respect.
c) My neighbours ………………that they would call the police if I made any more noise.
d) We haven`t got any sugar, so you`ll have to make ………………without.
e) Members of Parliament ……………that the Prime Minister tell them the truth.
f) That`s the couple ……………….house my sister bought.
g) When I feel really tired I just …………….to get home and go to bed.
h) …………….buys the wardrobe will have to arrange to pick it up themselves.
i) Why don`t you …………………phoning Directory Inquiries? They might know.
j) Do you …………………….going out for a pizza later on?

3. Put a/an, the or leave the space blank.

a) That`s ………last time that I go to …..….horror film.
b) In ……circumstances I would say he hasn`t ………..chance.
c) I`d like to buy ……piano …………one day but I haven`t got …………money.
d) Could you give me ………hand to take …………..rubbish downstairs?
e) …….girl I told you about is ………… on ………….left.
f) …………….address is: ………….Park Hotel, 42 ……..Castle Road, ………… Dover.
g) Mary spent ……year and ……..half working with ……..sick people in ……..Africa.
h) …….medicine ……… gave me makes me feel tired all ……
i) Dawson put ……ball in …….net early in ….second half but ……goal was disallowed.
j) Terry became ……teacher with …… exam results in ………school.

4. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
a) `Don`t forget to give me a ring tomorrow, Peter,` said Wendy.
Wendy reminded ……………………………………………………………
b) If we take the train, we`ll have to change in Paris.
If we take the train, it ……………………………………………………….
c) I would rather forget that experience.
That`s an …………………………………………………………………….
d) You haven`t seen my pen anywhere, have you?
You don`t …………………………………………………………………….
e) `Just make sure you avoid staying in the city centre, Mike,` said Ruth.
Ruth warned Mike ……………………………………………………………
f) Everything I told you was true.
I told you a lot of things, all ………………………………………………….
g) Smoking is forbidden here.
You are ……………………………………………………………………….
h) If anyone can eat this, must be desperate!
Anyone ……………………………………………………………………….
i) `I think you`d better not come to work for a few days, Cathy.`
I advised ………………………………………………………………………
j) I used to work with that girl.
That`s a ………………………………………………………………………

5. Choose the most suitable word or phrase.
a) My friends gave me a surprise party, …………was good of them.
A) that B) this C) which D) what
b) The inspector ………….to say whether there were any suspects.
A) refused B) avoided C) stopped D) denied
c) I ……… say that your application has been unsuccessful.
A) like B) happen C) regret D) hope
d) Several people, …………voices could be clearly heard, were waiting outside.
A) whose B) their C) of which D) whom
e) I …………you`d like another cat, would you?
A) reckon B) suspect C) don`t know D) don`t suppose
f) The manager ………….that all the customers should be searched.
A) predicted B) insisted C) obliged D) told
g) ………….you should do now is take a long holiday.
A) That B) How C) What D) As
h) …………….happens, I shall stand by you!
A) Whatever B) What C) Which D) That
i) Sarah congratulated ………………passing my driving test.
A) me B) for C) me on D) me for
j) I left at 5.30, ………….they were still arguing.
A) at the time B) all the time C) just in time D) at which time

6. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the
meaning stays the same.
a) According to reports, the President is in poor health. REPORTED
b) Julia`s inheritance meant that she could give up work. ENABLED
c) Stupidly, I left my umbrella at home. WHICH
d) We received a warning to stay at home. SHOULD

e) Nobody there knew the answer. WHO
f) You could easily become quite ill unless you give up smoking. BECOMING
g) Everyone cheered the Prime Minister`s statement. WHAT
h) The decorators didn`t make too much mess. MANAGED
i) Don`t tell Tim under any circumstances. WHATEVER
j) It`s pointless to worry about someone else`s problems. THERE

7. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.

a) Everyone ………………………………not go out alone after dark, but I did.
b) I didn`t know …………………………..the parcel to, so I left it on the desk.
c) If you feel so tired every morning, why …………………..going to bed earlier?
d) The returning officer ……………………… the crowd that the Democratic
candidate had won.
e) If I took a job like that, it …………………….earning less money.
f) I may not manage to catch that bus, …………….I`ll arrive about an hour later.
g) Jim is the last person ………………robbing a bank! It`s hard to believe.
h) I …………………..Jack do his homework, but he said he could do it himself.
i) This is the exact place ………………….the car broke down last week!
j) Do you still fell il? Or ……………………..coming shopping with me tomorrow?

8. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
a) I apologized on realizing that I had made a mistake.
Realising ………………………………………………………….
b) I haven`t been here before.
This ………………………………………………………………
c) `No, little Jimmy has got to make his own bed.`

His mother ………………………………………………………..
d) According to Valerie, she is a relation of mine.
Valerie claims ……………………………………………………..
e) I don`t know who she was, but she must have been strong.
Whoever ……………………………………………………………
f) Did I tell her the news or not? I can`t remember.
I can`t ……………………………………………………………….
g) Does parking here cost anything?
Do I ………………………………………………………………….
h) Most people are on holiday at that time of the year.
It`s the ………………………………………………………………..
i) I`m not going to tell you again.
This ………………………………………………………………….
j) I knew someone called John Smith who was a stockbroker.
The John Smith ………………………………………………………..

9. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the
meaning stays the same.
a) When did you last have a haircut? THE
b) The police officer obliged us to open the boot of the car. MADE
c) After six months, Joe`s search for a job was successful. MANAGED
d) Jean was given the permission by her boss to take a day off. AGREED
e) It was foolish of you to drive so fast. THING
f) Although Sue looked for the book, she couldn`t find it. LOOKING
g) All visitors to the town fall in love with it. WHO

h) The headteacher said she would expel Tom next time. THREATENED
i) I didn`t expect to see you here! LAST
j) Helen manages the bank across the street. OF

10. Put one word in each space.

a) How much do you make ……………….week?
b) Could you do the washing up for me? I can`t ……………it just now.
c) There was nothing more ……………… I could do.
d) It is recommended that all luggage ………….bear a personal label.
e) Is this the street ………………you live in?
f) Half way through Ted`s speech, everyone ………………out laughing.
g) It is …………………that more than a million people could benefit from the operation.
h) Charles is not the kind of person …………….would help you.
i) If we don`t lower the price, we ……………losing the order.
j) We didn`t ………….tell the doctor she was wrong!

11. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the
a) We haven`t seen one another for a long time.
We stopped ………………………………………………………
b) It is the expense involved that bothers me.
What …………………………………………………………….
c) The weather was expected to be fine.
We didn`t ……………………………………………………….
d) I don`t know who did the washing up, but they didn`t do it very well.
Whoever ………………………………………………………….
e) I`m sorry now that I didn`t tell you the truth.
Now I regret ……………………………………………………..
f) Peter, this is my sister, Ann.

Peter, let me …………………………………………………….
g) I couldn`t pay for the meal as I had left my wallet at home.
Having …………………………………………………………..
h) Most people think Nigel is the best racing driver in the world.
Nigel is considered ………………………………………………
i) Janet came first, which surprised nobody.
Nobody …………………………………………………………
j) They didn`t let Graham take his dog to work with him.
Graham was ……………………………………………………..

12. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.

a) Are you spending your holiday …………………………mountains or by the sea?
b) I saw Harry arrive, but I don`t remember ……………………………leave.
c) It was a type of computer …………………………………I was not familiar.
d) I wouldn`t marry you even if you were ……………………………
e) All my family were sitting in the front row, which ……………………..nervous.
f) Then I noticed that Christine had a gun …………………………….hand.
g) Sandra trained …………………….architect but ended up as a rock star.
h) …………………………in the capital that the army is about to take power, though this
has been denied by the government sources.
i) Anyone ………………………as wide as my children`s are will know how difficult is
to find shoes.
j) Do you ………………….off the electric heater before we left?

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