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Jonathan Salcido Nutrition 1A

RDA Standard Diet Plan With Suggestions of Change Towards a 3 Day Teen Diet A diet plan that follows RDA standards for men of the age 19 to 30 can consist of the consumption of many different vitamins, nutrients and more. Which means in other words the consumptions of many different vegetables, fruits, meats, liquids etc.. Some people like college students don't get all these valuable nutrients and such due to class schedules, commuting (far distance), personal problems or anything else affecting the students consumption of various foods. The following paragraph will explain the 3 day diet or consumption of foods in a view from a college student that commutes from South Central Los Angeles by the Crenshaw District or USC all the way to Pasadena City College using public transportation. As well as improvements that can be done to the students diet using RDA key factors and recommendations to achieve 90 percent of the recommendations of MyPlate. Day 1 consisted of the consumption of 2872 calories while the recommended amount for my height of 6'1 and 150 pound self is 2800, not much of a difference. Out of the 90 to 100 percent of the required amount of consumption of whole grains/refined grains, vegetables, fruit juice/fruit, milk/dairy and protein only 81 percent of the refined grains, 50 percent of vegetables, 2 percent of fruit/juice, 23 percent of dairy and 73 percent of protein consumptions were met. Oil levels were average, saturated fat eaten was 43g while the limit is 31 grams and sodium intake eaten was 5160 mg while the maximum is 2300 mg. Empty calorie limit is 395 while the estimated empty calories eaten were 1036. The consumptions of foods in day 2, considered to be a college day starting from 10 am to 8 pm (counting commuting time). Were ranging from only the consumption of 3 percent of vegetables out of 90 percent. The dairy products etc, consisted of 80 out of the 90-100 percent and protein 15 out of 90-100 percent of the required intake. Whole grains/refined grains and fruit juice/whole fruit intake percentage requirements were met. 1893 calories out of the 2800 were consumed and 469 calories were empty calories. Oils eaten were only a table spoon, saturated fats eaten were only 18 grams and sodium intake levels were 276 mg higher than the 2300 mg limit. As for day 3, the consumption of vegetables were only 40 percent, dairy 56 percent and protein 68 percent out of the required 90-100 percent amount. Eaten calories consumed were 2472 out of the 2800 required, 633 of those calories were empty ones. 2 table spoons of oil and 28 out of the 31 gram

limit were consumed. As for the sodium intake 2973 mg were consumed from the 2300 limit. Refined grains/grain level consumption were met as well as whole fruit/fruit juice. Analyzing this 3 day diet concludes that the consumption of sodium is too high, not enough vegetables are being consumed, protein, dairy should be consistent with the intake amount recommended and the consumption of empty calories are too high. In order to fix these deficiencies and over consumptions, each problem must be brought to attention and be solved one by one. The consumption of rich sodium foods must be brought to a minimum, vegetable consumption must be greatly increased, protein and dairy products should be consistent. Looking at the nutrition facts should help with the knowledge of what you are about to consume, doing these changes can in fact raise your MyPlate recommended percentages of these foods to 90- 100 percent and help you stay healthy! Other options to can be following a RDA standard diet plan such as the one created below. For humans in the age of 18 to 29 years old, the consumption of protein should be 68 grams a day. Which can be found in chicken, meat or protein shakes etc.. The consumption of total fat should be 71 grams while keeping saturated fat to a minimum to 23.6 grams a day. Carbohydrates which can be found in sugar, cake, jam etc should be consumed 351 grams a day.. Dietary fiber should be consumed at 26 grams a day, 300 milligrams of cholesterol found in egg yolk, poultry, grains, and nuts. Calcium found in dairy products should be consumed from 0.40.5 grams a day, 1700 milligrams of sodium found in salt, soy sauce and more should be consumed as well. 6 milligrams of iron found in spinach, beans, meats etc should also be consumed a day. Vitamin A found in carrots or sweet potato must be consumed at 750 micrograms a day and folic acid found in breads and white rice should be consumed daily at 200 micrograms a day as well. Last but not least vitamin C found in oranges, citrus and more should be consumed daily at 30 micrograms a day. Following this RDA strict diet can gratefully increase your health in your body and mind.

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