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Glogster Lesson Plan

Endorsement Subject Class Unit Lesson Resources Standard First Grade Science Animal Science Animal Kingdom Animal Classifications Print: school library books, science textbook Non-print: online library database LPS (Lincoln Public School) Curriculum Standards The student will be able to identify the basic needs of living things (food, water, air, space, shelter) compare and contrast animals by their body coverings, diet, and locomotion throughout the year. Through glogster, the class will create a poster for each animal classification. Through this project students will learn about the different types of animal classifications. They will be able to understand the different characteristics of each animal classification. The students will also learn to collaborate as a class. The teacher will use the computer to log into Glogster and use the projector to show the class work. The teacher will incorporate the students research onto the virtual poster and would have one of the students help her each day. Once the poster is completed, the teacher will print it off and post it in the science area or the selected area in the classroom. Objective 1: Understand the concept of classification of animals, such as mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. Objective 2: Learn basic research skills. Objective 3: Explore Glogster and create poster as a class. Objective 4: Create the posters of the animal classification through Glogster. Preparing the Student Assessment of No preparation needed for the student (unless done with an older class of student, then you would need to introduce the site before hand). Students will be learning through three of the stages in Blooms


Technology Uses/Materials Needed


Student Learning

Taxonomy: Remember - Through researching, students learn new facts about each type of animal classification. Understand - Students are able to differentiate the animal classifications. Apply - Students use their knowledge of the different classifications of animals to create class posters for each classification. 1. Divide class into six groups and give each group an animal classification to research. 2. Take class to library to find books about their group. Spend about 10 minutes and then head back to classroom. 3. Give the students time to use the books found to find characteristics of animals in their assigned classification in the classroom in order to keep the students on track. About 15 minutes. 4. Log into your Glogster account and create a new glog while the students are finding information. 5. After the students have found enough information, start asking the students to tell you what information they learned and what should be put on the glog. 6. Once the group has decided what information is important, start typing the facts into the glog for the group. 7. When the information input is finished, ask the students which animals in that classification should be placed on the glog. 8. After searching for the animals, have the students in the group decide which photo should be put on the glog. 9. Place the photos on the glog. 10. Decide on the special aspects of the glog as a class, such as the type of font, color of font, etc. 11. Once the glog is complete, make the glog go into full screen mode and talk through the information placed on the glog with the class. 12. Print the glog and put it up in the science area. 13. Repeat process each day during science time until all of the animal classification glogs are complete. 14. Review the completed classification glogs each day after finishing the classification glog of the day. 15. After all animal classification glogs are done and posted in the classroom, review them a couple times a week as a class and have the class finish a worksheet created by the teacher before giving the test. 16. Give the class a test over the information on the animal classification glogs a couple weeks after starting unit. To make sure the students learn about the classifications of animals, they will be asked questions about each category as the posters are being created and after they are posted around the classroom. After all of the posters are created and reviewed in class for a couple weeks, the students will take a

Lesson Sequence

Measurement of Success

test on the content they learned about animal classifications. There are many other ways this lesson plan can be altered for older students, perhaps by dividing the class into groups and having each group create their own Glogster poster using the teachers account.

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