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Judson College Department of Education Teachers Who Are Prepared for Life and Learning Teacher Candidate Performance

Evaluation Form Teacher Candidate: Sachiko Green School: Brocks Gap Intermediate School Course Number: EDU 404 Elementary Student Internship Observers Position: Cooperating Teacher College Supervisor Major and Semester: Elementary Education/Spring 2014 Cooperating Teacher and Grade Level: Dr. Jann Montgomery Observation Date: Performance Evaluation: Field Experience Clinical Practice Observers Signature & Date:

Candidates Signature & Date: My signature of this document indicates that I have received summative feedback from my observer.

Directions: Please review this form with the candidate and assist in developing a plan for improvement. Any evidence you can provide during the observation would be most beneficial. Please feel free to share resources and strategies to help the developing teacher candidate. Brief Description of Lesson Observed This is a self-evaluation of a unit taught on the rock cycle. The unit consisted of five different lessons, which were taught Monday through Friday. The students reviewed previously learned information about the earths crust (lithosphere), the three different types of rocks and how they are formed, and participated in several activities which further developed their understanding about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The unit concluded with a quiz and the students making metamorphic rock bars to eat.

Score for each category based on expectations for candidates current progress in program. AQTS Standard 1 Content Knowledge & Curriculum Planning Indicator Evidence 1.1 Demonstrates deep knowledge of subject-matter -explained to students the content and an ability to organize related facts, subject matter being concepts, and skills learned for the week -research and aided students in determining where to discover new information -displayed a photograph of the earths crust -requested volunteers to 1.2 Activates learners prior knowledge, experiences, share what they already and interests and uses this information to plan content know about the earths and to help individual students attain learning goals crust Suggestions

Indicator 1.3 Connects curriculum to other content areas and real-life settings to promote retention and relevance 1.4 Designs instructional activities based on state content standards

1.5 Provides instructional accommodations, modifications, and adaptations to meet the needs of each individual learner

Overall Score for AQTS Standard 1 (circle one) AQTS Standard 2 Teaching and Learning Indicator 2.1 Designs a classroom organization and management system built upon sound, ageappropriate expectations and research-based strategies for promoting positive behaviors 2.2 Creates a positive climate that promotes respect and responsibility 2.3 Creates a safe, orderly, and stimulating environment that nurtures responsibility, motivation, and engagement of learners

Evidence Suggestions -connected the unit to Birmingham and surrounding areas by discussing which rocks/minerals were/are prevalent in our area -made literature connections by reading aloud -discuss manufacturing of certain types of rocks and how they are used in production -students used observation charts to observe the different types of rocks -students complete reflections, write definitions and illustrate in their science journals -all lesson plans are guided by the Alabama Code of Standards -Lesson plans are meant to be adjusted when necessary; informal observations are used to ensure student understanding and when necessary explicit instruction is provided Target Emerging Basic

Evidence -Students are continuously engaged throughout the lesson -Various activities are provided in each lesson that support multiple intelligences and different learning styles -Student expectations are


2.4 Develops challenging, standards-based academic goals for each learner, using knowledge of cognitive, social, and emotional development 2.5 Engages learners in developing and monitoring goals for their own learning and behavior 2.6 Designs coherent lessons that integrate a variety of appropriate and effective instructional strategies 2.7 Creates learning activities that optimize each individuals growth and achievement within a supportive environment 2.8 Uses formative assessment to provide specific and timely feedback to assist learners in meeting learning targets and to adjust instruction 2.9 Uses summative assessments to measure learner attainment of specified learning targets 2.10 Maintains evidence and records of learning performance to communicate progress

2.11 Analyzes and uses disaggregated standardized assessment results to inform planning for individual learners and classes

created and set at the beginning of the school year and when necessary they are revisited to ensure students have a safe and secure learning environment. -Lesson plans may be individualized to meet student goals. Extensions are offered and when necessary lesson plans are modified to aid in student understanding -Students are encouraged to be independent learners. The classroom supports selfregulation -On going informal formative assessments through observation are intended to provide positive instructional feedback and encourage students to meet learning objectives -Rock cycle quiz was given at the conclusion of the unit to measure learner comprehension -Science journals, reflections, anecdotal observation notes and quizzes are filed to keep track of student progress

Overall Score for AQTS Standard 2 (circle one)




AQTS Standard 3 Literacy Indicator 3.1 Demonstrates standard oral and written communication and integrates appropriate communication strategies 3.2 Fosters and responds to effective verbal and nonverbal communications during instruction 3.3 Uses age-appropriate instructional strategies to improve learners skills in critical literacy components 3.4 Integrates narrative and expository reading strategies across the curriculum 3.5 Solves mathematical problems across subject areas using a variety of strategies to verify and interpret results and to draw conclusions 3.6 Communicates mathematical concepts, processes, and symbols within the content taught 3.7 Identifies and integrates available emerging technologies into the teaching of all content areas 3.8 Facilitates learners individual and collaborative use of technology and evaluates their technological proficiency Overall Score for AQTS Standard 3 (circle one) AQTS Standard 4 Diversity Indicator 4.1 Develops culturally responsive curriculum and instruction in response to differences in individual experiences; cultural, ethnic, gender, and linguistic diversity; and socioeconomic status 4.2 Communicates in ways that demonstrate sensitivity to diversity and that acknowledge and respond to various cultural, ethnic, and social modes of communication and participation 4.3 Demonstrates and applies to own practice an understanding of how personal and cultural biases can affect teaching and learning 4.4 Supports learners to accelerate language acquisition by utilizing their native language and linguistic background 4.5 Guides second-language acquisition and utilizes English Language Proficiency strategies to support learning






Evidence -Cultural sensitivity is always considered when creating lesson plans -Used Google Translates in order to effectively communicate with a new Spanish speaking student -Provided explicit instruction and support for above mentioned student


4.6 Differentiates between learner difficulties relates to cognitive or skill development and difficulties related to language learning 4.7 Understands and recognizes the characteristics of exceptionality in learning, including the range of physical and mental disabilities, social and emotional disorders, giftedness, dyslexia, and attention deficit disorder, in order to assist in appropriate identification and intervention 4.8 Facilitates inclusive learning environments that support and address the needs of learners with learning differences and disabilities 4.9 Helps students assess their own learning styles and build upon identified strengths 4.10 Designs learning experiences that engage all learning styles and multiple intelligences Overall Score for AQTS Standard 4 (circle one) AQTS Standard 5 Professionalism Comments

-Can differentiate between a student with a skill development delay or difficulty versus a student who does not speak/understand English and makes adjustments -Several gifted, ELL and students with learning disabilities within the classroom. Lesson plans were modified when necessary to meet individual needs. -Lesson plans are created to support various learning styles Target Emerging


Overall Score for AQTS Standard 5 (circle one)




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