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Jackie Turner Engl 1101 Assignment 5a A Day In the Life Of Once upon a mystical worl !

there was a young girl name Jackita that ha flying powers" #he was always smiling an ha something funny to say" $ou can fin her soaring through the clou s an always searching for new a %entures on an a%erage ay" #he always has her trusty stee &y her si e for when times get tough" 'e was a little &a&y goat name Lil (oat" They always fin themsel%es in the mi st of some sort of mischief" In a worl full of en less possi&ilities an magic! anything is &oun to happen" Each ay Jackita an her little &a&y goat hea for the mea ow each morning" They pick fresh waffles an fruit from the fiel s for &reakfast" Jackita aske Lil (oat! )'ey while we*re here how a&out you go get a &ucket full of syrup from the pon +, -hile oing their usual frolicking together &efore hea ing &ack to Jackita*s home on the clou ! they stum&le across a really uni.ue waffle" It was in a small cluster all to itself an ga%e off a ra iant glow" All the unicorns that were normally sprea through out the fiel s were all surroun ing this o cluster"

Jackita an Lil (oat eci e to pick one of the mysterious waffles an take it &ack to home" They in%ite some of the unicorns an they flew &ack to Jackita*s clou for &reakfast" As soon as the waffle was picke it &egan glowing an sparkling" -hile Jackita threw it into her &ackpack to carry it home she &egan to sparkle an glow all o%er! /ust like the waffle" Lil (oat notice this strange change in Jackita an was su enly e0cite with an i ea" 'e shoute to

his frien s! )T'I# 12#T 3E T'E 1A(I4 -A55LE O5 -A6DA+ $O2*7E #'A8E #'I5TI6(+,

5inally after arri%ing at Jackita*s house in the clou they &egan warming up the waffles an some &acon of course" As soon as the waffle of -an a was touche it change shape again" #o &eing the a %enturous Jackita that she was! she took a huge &ite out of the waffle without a minute to spare" Imme iately she was fille with a &urst of energy" #he .uickly turne to her frien s all stan ing aroun her with anticipation! then su enly she morphe into a unicorn with

the &link of an eye" Then she looke o%er to Lil (oat an .uickly change into a miniature goat in front of e%eryone" #he crie out in en/oyment! saying! )look e%eryone+ I ha%e a new power+, E%eryone was ecstatic at the isco%ery they ha ma e" #u enly e%eryone wante a &ite &ut it was too late! Jackita ha alrea y scarfe own the

remain er of the waffle" Out of nowhere her eyes grew &ig an &right! she &egan to ha%e psychic a&ilities" #he was looking into Lil (oat*s eyes an coul rea his min ! an e%en ha 09ray %ision" Jackita shoute ! )I can rea e%erything you*re thinking+, #u enly she reali:e /ust how

&ig of an a %enture she ha gotten herself into" This was going to &e the &eginning of a whole new a %enturous worl for her an her frien s" The first thing they eci e to o was go &ack own to the groun an see what they coul o with Jackita*s new gifts" They reache &ack enly Jackita let out a huge snee:e an

own to the groun an lai in a gar en of flowers" #u

sparkles spewe from her nose onto Lil (oat" In an instant he morphe into a little flower an then &ack into himself" E%erything they now touche coul shape shift into anything an e%en isappear in thin air" Lil (oat /umpe for /oy e0claime ! )T'I# I# (OI6( TO 3E -O6DE752L+++, They wante to o something great with the gift they now ha%e" #o they ma e a pact to con.uer an sa%e the worl " E%ery ay after that Jackita use her power to o goo an help the ones aroun her in this magical worl of mystery" -hile e0ploring the lan an always thanking the magical waffle

of -an a! Jackita sai ! )I will fore%er &e grateful an always make the worl a &etter place if I can+,

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