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Jargon -

the specific language of a profession.

Part of the jargon of literature/language studies is literary devices. Literary devices are terms to describe specific writing techniques.

With a partner you are going to become an expert at one literary device. The Task
Prepare a short two minute oral presentation that teaches your classmates all about the term you have been assigned. _______________________________________________________________________ Step One When I say you can go ahead and select a partner. Step Two When your name is called select a literary device and presentation date. Step Three !efine your term. Step Four " #ind/create e$amples of your term. Step Five " Plan a brief activity or discussion to engage the learners. Step Six %reate a visual component for your presentation ie. handout PowerPoint poster etc&

Not Meeting Expectations 1 Definition Example Activity Visual Component !al p!esentation" # vocal tec$ni%ues # style and tone # visual aids # memo!y aids Ve!y &!ief' confusing o! inaccu!ate definition of t$e te!m( )nade%uate !efe!ence to t$e example( Activity did not engage o! assist in unde!standing( No visual aids used *oo! vocal tec$ni%ues" volume' speed' cla!ity +ac,s exp!ession *!esentation is affected &y lac, of memo!y aids

Meeting Expectations 2 Definition of te!m lac,s detail does not entice t$e listene! Accu!ate example( -ses visual aids' &ut doesn.t en$ance p!esentation Activity /as not engaging &ut did assist unde!standing( 0ome vocal tec$ni%ue issues" volume' speed' cla!ity -ses some exp!ession 0ome/$at successful use of memo!y aids 1 !eliance evident 2mostly !ead3

Fully Meeting Expectations 3 Definition of te!m is detailed and inte!esting Clea!ly s$o/s $o/ t$e example is !elated to t$e definition( Activity engaged some and $elped unde!standing a little( Visual aids en$ance p!esentation 4ood vocal tec$ni%ues" volume' cla!ity' speed Clea! and inte!esting exp!ession 0uccessful use of memo!y aids 1 $elps flo/ of speec$

Exceeding Expectations 4 Definition of te!m fully captivates t$e audience Cleve!ly s$o/s $o/ t$e example is !elated to t$e definition( Activity is engaging fo! all and en$anced unde!standing( Visual aids g!eatly en$ance p!esentation Excellent vocal tec$ni%ues" cla!ity' speed' volume C$a!ismatic exp!ession Memo!y aids used effectively o! not needed

'emester %lass

()th *pril " *lliteration +,yan -. /.ichael/ 0uphemism +1ason/2oah/ 34th *pril " 5$ymoron +%onnor/,yan %./ 6st .ay " Personification +.elissa/1ulia/ (nd .ay " .etonymy +*licea/.oni7a/ 8th .ay " Parado$ +-yle/!ere7/ *postrophe +*lyssa/Paris/ 9th .ay " ,un +!uncan/5wen/ :th .ay " 'imile +0li/%hase/ .etaphor +-ennedy/1enelle/ ;th .ay " <yperbole +'elma/<aley/ %olloquialism +,achel/1essica/ )th .ay " 5nomatopoeia +%hris/1acob/1ac7son/ *ssonance +%ole/.ary/

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