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Reading Lesson Plan: Week Three Grade 3 R. ES 3.4 (4) Predict outcomes using context clues. R. ES 3.2 (4) Read words containing 2-3 letter blends Grade 4 R. ES 4.1 Read two-syllable words R. ES 4.4 (4) Describe main character and significant details from a story Grade 5 R. ES 5.1 (4) Use multiple meaning words in sentences R. ES 5.3 (3) Use a range of strategies and skills including phonetic skills to read unfamiliar and/or multi-syllable words All R.ES.5.2 (4) Use strategies including summarizing passages to draw conclusions The students should be able to participate in reading a story The students should be able to identify the main topic in the story The students should be able to recall significant ideas from the story. The students should be able to decode and read unfamiliar words by using strategies previously learned. Promethean Board Pencil /Colored Pencils Graphic Organizers What I know/What I want to know Main topic and significant ideas Main Idea Book Report The Moon Fictional Story ELMO Monday: Make Predictions about the story Fill out a K-W graphic organizer o With assistance, teacher will model; students will copy what the teacher writes. o Students will come up with a universal what I know about the

topic of the story and what I want to know about the story. The teacher will write on a model graphic organizer what the students said and place it under the ELMO for the students to copy.

Third Grade

Tuesday The students will take turns reading parts of the story aloud. The students will then listen to the story on the interactive board. o The purpose of this is to allow the students to get exposure of how a story should be read. While the story is being read, the students will ask and answer questions. Wednesday The students will read the story out loud by taking turns. The teacher will hand out a graphic organizer, which the teacher will model step by step directions of what to do. After each step, the students will perform the action due to accommodating IEPs. The students will draw a picture of what the story is about as well as write a sentence summarizing the story. Thursday The students will read the story aloud by taking turns, while the teacher occasionally reads a page or two. The students will then receive a graphic organizer, which addresses the main idea of the story. The graphic organizer will have a box for the students to draw a picture and then an area below for the students to write a short sentence. The students will draw a picture of the main idea in the story and then write a short sentence explaining it. Friday The students will read the story aloud by taking turns and then the story will be reread by the teacher so the students get more exposure on what a fluent reader

should sound like. The students will then work on their Book Report graphic organizer. The teacher will model what to write and where to write or draw it. o For these students some of the parts will be drawn and the written parts will contain short and simple sentences. The students will copy it down onto their own paper. This allows the students to come up with their own ideas, but have guidance when writing the topics down.

Fourth Grade

Monday Make Predictions about the story Fill out a K-W graphic organizer o With assistance, teacher will model; students will copy what the teacher writes. o Students will come up with a universal what I know about the topic of the story and what I want to know about the story. o All of the students will write their own thing Tuesday The students will take turns reading parts of the story aloud. The students will then listen to the story on the interactive board. o The purpose of this is to allow the students to get exposure of how a story should be read. While the story is being read, the students will ask and answer questions. Wednesday The students will read the story out loud by taking turns. The teacher will hand out a graphic organizer, which the teacher will model step by step directions of what to do. After each step, the students will perform the action due to accommodating IEPs. The students will draw a picture of what the story is about as well as write a sentence summarizing the story.

Thursday The students will read the story aloud by taking turns, while the teacher occasionally reads a page or two. The students will then receive a graphic organizer, which addresses the main idea of the story. The graphic organizer will have a box for the students to draw a picture and then an area below for the students to write a short sentence. The students will draw a picture of the main idea of the story and then write a short sentence explaining it. Friday The students will read the story aloud by taking turns and then the story will be reread by the teacher so the students get more exposure on what a fluent reader should sound like. The students will then work on their Book Report graphic organizer. The teacher will model what to write and where to write it. The students will copy it down onto their own paper. This allows the students to come up with their own ideas, but have guidance when writing the topics down.

Fifth Grade

Monday Make Predictions about the story Fill out a K-W graphic organizer o With assistance, teacher will model; students will copy what the teacher writes. o Students will come up with a universal what I know about the topic of the story and what I want to know about the story. Tuesday The students will take turns reading parts of the story aloud. The students will then listen to the story on the interactive board. o The purpose of this is to allow the students to get exposure of how a


story should be read. While the story is being read, the students will ask and answer questions. Wednesday The students will read the story out loud by taking turns. The teacher will hand out a graphic organizer, which the teacher will model step by step directions of what to do. After each step, the students will perform the action due to accommodating IEPs. The students will draw a picture of what the story is about as well as write a sentence summarizing the story. Thursday The students will read the story aloud by taking turns, while the teacher occasionally reads a page or two. The students will then receive a graphic organizer, which addresses the main idea of the story. The graphic organizer will have a box for the students to draw a picture and then an area below for the students to write a short sentence. Friday The students will read the story aloud by taking turns and then the story will be reread by the teacher so the students get more exposure on what a fluent reader should sound like. The students will then work on their Book Report graphic organizer. The teacher will model what to write and where to write it. The students will copy it down onto their own paper. This allows the students to come up with their own ideas, but have guidance when writing the topics down. Standards R ES.4.2 (1) Participate in shared reading of rhymes or simple stories Match sounds to letter. (i-j-k) Point to characters or objects from a story. Match word flashcards o Big-find-help-jump-run-yellow Identify a picture of the same color and picture of the same size with support.

Monday Logan will participate when the group makes predictions and goes through a picture walk by listening to the conversation. o Having Logan sit and listen to the conversation will give him exposure to the story and the skills being used when discussing the topic. Logan will then work on his interactive story working one on one with an aid. o The story he will work on is called When I go Swimming. He will match a picture and word to the picture and sentence on the page. Logan will then work on a matching workbasket activity with the support of an aid. o In this activity he will have a sheet that is separated into four parts. At the top there are four words and he has notecards which he has to match the words to the same word that is written on the top of the page. Logan will work on another color matching work basket with prompting o The aid will tell Logan to find match and Logan will match the color circle to the color at the top of the page. Tuesday As the class reads the story and then listens to the story, Logan will participate by sitting and listening to get more exposure to the story. When the students begin to work on their graphic organizer, Logan will move to working on his interactive story with the support of an aid. Logan will then work on two workbasket activities. o Word matching o Match letters to sounds(i-j-k) The teacher will show Logan two letters. They

will tell them the sounds of each letter as they show it to him. This will be repeated two times. The teacher will then ask Logan to point to the letter that makes the specific sound. Wednesday Logan will participate while the students read the story so he gets exposure to it. When the students begin to work on their graphic organizer, Logan will move to working on his interactive story with the support of an aid. Logan will then work on work baskets o Color matching The aid will tell Logan to find match and Logan will match the color crayon to the same color basket. o Match objects in a story Logan will be shown two picture of something. One will show what the story was about and the other non related to the story, Logan will point to the one that is related to the story. Thursday As the class reads the story and then listens to the story, Logan will participate by sitting and listening to get more exposure to the story. When the students begin to work on their graphic organizer, Logan will move to working on his interactive story with the support of an aid. o Match letters to sounds(i-j-k) The teacher will show Logan two letters. They will tell them the sounds of each letter as they show it to him. This will be repeated two times. The

teacher will then ask Logan to point to the letter that makes the specific sound. Match size Logan will be given a series of coins. Logan will group the coins according to size.

Friday As the class reads the story and then listens to the story, Logan will participate by sitting and listening to get more exposure to the story. When the students begin to work on their graphic organizer, Logan will move to working on his interactive story with the support of an aid. Logan will then work on workbasket activities with only the prompting of an aid. Other Accommodations Logan will have an aid working with him one on one to prompt or support him when needed. o The support and prompting will be needed throughout most of the lessons The teacher will model all graphic organizers by using the ELMO. o The graphic organizers will be placed under the ELMO to demonstrate to the students what is expected of them. The students will have the support and prompting of aids as needed.

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