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Rubric for Artifact (Trig Job Fair) 0 Understanding/Content X2 (this one counts double!

The groups understanding of their career is incomplete and contains many factual errors in explanation of how triangles/trigonometry is incorporated in career

The groups understanding of their career is sufficient or contains few factual errors, but does not go into great detail, and examples are simple Some use of visuals, but may not be completely explained, ideas are shared with audience, but not fully Assignment is complete turned in on time, but has room for improvement

The groups understanding of their career is complete and detailed with no errors, and lots of examples of meaningful applications Good use of visuals, which are completely explained, ideas shared with audience fully

Communicates Ideas Effectively

Little or no use of visuals, speakers do not speak clearly about topic


Not complete, not on time, shows little effort


Presentation lacks interest, creative details

Assignment is completed to full satisfaction, successfully addresses career choice, its importance, and is on time Presentation Presentation contains some is given in interesting interesting ideas and way, details, but is meaningful not information is consistently at the relevant to forefront of career focus

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