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Contraindicati on


Side Effects

Nursing Responsibilitie s

Generic Name: Clonazepam Brand Name: Klonopin

!robabl" facilitates t#e effects of t#e in#ibitor" neurotransmitt er GABA$

%enno& Gaustat s"ndrome' at"pical absence seizures' a(inetic and m"colonic seizures$ !anic disorder Acute manic episodes of bipolar disorder Ad)unct treatment for sc#izop#renia !eriodic leg mo*ements during sleep !ar(insonian d"sart#ria

+se cautiousl" in patients ,it# mi&ed t"pe seizures because drug ma" cause generalized tonic clonic seizures$ +se cautiousl" in c#ildren and in patients ,it# c#ronic respirator" disease or open angle glaucoma$ Contraindicat ed in patients #"persensiti*e to benzodiazepin es and in t#ose ,it# significant #epatic

Adult: -$. mg !$/ dail" in t#ree di*ided doses$ C#ildren: 0$0- to 0$01 mg !$/ dail" in t,o or t#ree di*ided doses$

Dro,siness Abnormal e"e mo*ements Anore&ia D"suria %eu(openia S#ortness of breat# S(in ras#es

2atc# for be#a*ioral disturbances esp$ in c#ildren$ Don3t stop drug abruptl" because t#is ma" ,orsen seizures$ Call prescriber at once if ad*erse reactions de*elop$ Assess elderl" patient3s response closel"$ 4onitor patient for o*ersedation$ 4onitor CBC and li*er function tests$

disease or acute angle closure glaucoma$

2it#dra,al s"mptoms are similar to t#ose of barbiturates

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