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Ms. Jones, Ms. Pace, & Mr. Walker 7th Grade ELA William J.

Clark Middle School March 31- April 4

Daily Academic Vocabulary Week 2: Wednesday (Assignment Title) COPY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. Todays Word: intend Part of Speech: verb Definition: to have something in mind as a goal, plan, or purpose Example Sentence: The students intend to raise money to pay for a class trip. COPY AND RESPOND. 1. How would you complete this sentence? After school today, I intend to ___________________. 2. Match the person with the thing that he or she might intend to do. Write the correct letter to make your match. _____ runner A. publish a book of stories _____ postal worker B. appear in a musical _____ singer C. win a big race _____ writer D. finish delivering mail by 3:30 p.m. 3. List three (3) goals that you intend to meet this fourth nine weeks of school.




How would you complete this sentence? After school today, I intend to ___________________. Match the person with the thing that he or she might intend to do. Write the correct letter to make your match. C runner A. publish a book of stories D postal worker B. appear in a musical B singer C. win a big race A writer D. finish delivering mail by 3:30 p.m. List three (3) goals that you intend to meet this fourth nine weeks of school.

Page 9

Table of Contents
Characterization: F.A.S.T.

11 12 13

K-W-H-L: Life in Prison

Independent Practice Extended Study: Monster page 21 Conflict Notes

Time to COLLECT Homework!

Directions: Read the following quote from the novel Monster and answer the questions that follow.

First & Last Name

Most people in our communities are decent, hardworking citizens who pursue their own interests legally and without infringing on the rights of others. But there are also monsters in our communitiespeople who are willing to steal and to kill, people who disregard the rights of others. (Petrocelli,p.21).
1. Context Clues: Reread the first sentence. What do you think the word infringing might mean? Use the clues in the sentence to help you.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Conflict: According to the quote, write three examples of specific types of monsters in our community. For each example, write the problem that they bring to society. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Setting: The setting in this quote could be our own community. What do you see to be the biggest problem in your own neighborhood? Your response should be at least two sentences. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lets DISCUSS last nights Homework!

Directions: Read the following quote from the novel Monster and answer the questions that follow.

Most people in our communities are decent, hardworking citizens who pursue their own interests legally and without infringing on the rights of others. But there are also monsters in our communitiespeople who are willing to steal and to kill, people who disregard the rights of others. (Petrocelli,p.21).
1. Context Clues: Reread the first sentence. What do you think the word infringing might mean? Use the clues in the sentence to help you.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Conflict: According to the quote, write three examples of specific types of monsters in our community. For each example, write the problem that they bring to society. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Setting: The setting in this quote could be our own community. What do you see to be the biggest problem in your own neighborhood? Your response should be at least two sentences. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Turn in your novel notebook to your F.A.S.T. chart on page 9. Lets discuss what youve discovered about our main character, Steve Harmon.
Feelings Actions


Steve Harmon


DIRECTIONS: Using complete sentences, answer the following questions on page 11 of your Novel Notebook. Dont forget to write your page number and assignment title, Independent Practice, in your Table of Contents. You have 7 minutes to write your responses. 1. Describe Steve Harmon. What kind of person is he? 2. Describe how the setting of the jail cell affects Steve Harmon. 3. What kind of defense attorneys are Kathy OBrien and Asa Briggs? How does the author characterize these two attorneys? What is he saying about defense attorneys in the legal system?

DIRECTIONS: On page 13 of your notebook, number the page and write the title Conflict Notes. Copy the following information about conflict from the PowerPoint slides that follow. Write down the page number and assignment title on your Table of Contents page in the front of your notebook.

Who is Steve Harmon? Why is Ms. OBrien doubtful of the case? Why does the prosecutor call Steve Harmon a Monster? Do you believe Steve Harmon is innocent? Explain

Conflict is the action that drives the story. On a plot diagramConflict

PLOT DIAGRAM Conflict occurs during the rising action

Internal Battle betweenMan vs Self

External Battle BetweenMan vs Outside Forces

In movies, stories, and in real-life, man has to face himself: Fears, decisions, morals, change

Man vs Man

Man vs Society

Man vs Nature

Man vs Obstacle

Internal ConflictExternal Conflict:

Man Society Nature Obstacle

Turn to the last sheet of your novel notebook. On the back of the paper, write the assignment title Words Im Curious About. Next, draw the following chart on your paper. As we read Monster, you are to write five (5) words from the text that youre curious about. You may not be familiar with these terms and want to learn more. You are to write the word, the page number its found in the text, and its definition. You are responsible for determining the meaning of each particular term. Be prepared to share your new words with your classmates.
4/2 11. Word Page Number Definition

13. 14. 15.

Lets begin READING!


as we read, continue to look for examples of direct and indirect characterization. Also, read to discover situations of conflict in the novel. Remember to keep track of your Words Im Curious About. You much have at least 5 new terms a day.
1st Block pages 36-58 3rd Block pages 20-58 2nd Block pages 36-58 4th Block pages 25-58

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