Company Proadsfperty Form - LIM KUAN JOO

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Syntronixs Asia Sdn Bhd Employee Receipt for Company Property Employee name : ZULFAKAR BIN SAHAK

Employee number : 0044 Department : PR DU!"I N SUPER#IS R

I a$%no&le'(e re$e)pt o* t+e belo& l),te' $ompany property:./ ! 0PA1 2.. Noteboo% 3Ser)al 4 : !NU0054B6N7 &)t+ ba( 8 mou,e - . un)t 9/ 5/ I a(ree to ma)nta)n t+e property )n (oo' $on')t)on an' to return )t &+en I term)nate employment &)t+ t+e $ompany or &+en re:ue,te' by my ,uper;),or/ In a'')t)on< )* I no lon(er nee' any o* t+e )tem,< I &)ll report t+), )n*ormat)on to my ,uper;),or/ I a(ree to not)*y t+e $ompany )* any o* t+e )tem, are 'ama(e'< 'e,troye'< or lo,t/

S)(nature Name: ZULFAKAR BIN SAHAK Date: 9>?0@?90.5

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