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1/21/14 In regards to bad page breaks and typos in lesson plan: If I were a mean administrator, I could take these lesson plans and throw these at your face. 2/4/14 In response to me making a calculation mistake on a problem in front of the students: These mistakes should not be happening, especially when you are student teaching 3/18/14 In response to a lesson that didnt go well: That was horrible. These are still my students and you just wasted a good 40 minutes of their time when they could have been doing 3 or 4 more PSSA practice problems. Go look up what else you can do during prep because you are not doing that with the other classes. 3/19/14 In response to me asking my CM how to do something on the graphing calculator. You dont know how to do it? I dont understand how youre a graduate student and you dont know how to use a calculator. 3/20/14 Your student teaching experience in the fall was a joke and you know it Unrecorded dates While discussing the next set of lesson plans she wanted me to do: Linda, I hear you saying that no one else in your program is doing as much as you, but this is what student teaching is. Get used to it. Life isnt easy so Im not going to make this easy on you In response to my attempt at expressing how overwhelming things have been: I dont want your excuses

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