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Hartley 1 Bryce Hartley AP English Literature (2) Mrs. Dunlap 27 No e!"er 2##7 $i!

eless Lessons Many "elie e %ha&espeare's play Hamlet "ears no rele ance to li(e in the 21st century. A(ter all (e)* i( any* aspects o( the Eli+a"ethan era re!ain in !o,ern li(e. $o,ay's society ,oes not re ol e aroun, -ings an, .ueens* "ut econo!ics an, co!!erce. Also* !any literary critics* such as Northrop /rye* assert literature itsel( ,escri"es a )orl, (ar ,i((erent (ro! our o)n that acts as a (or! o( escape (ro! chaotic !o,ern li(e. $his i,ea pro es true in Hamlet consi,ering ghosts are a pro,uct o( the i!agination* an, as such not rele ant to a person's li(e. An other reason so!e "elie e Hamlet is not pertinent inclu,es the (act that society has change, so ,rastically that any !essage contri e, ,uring that ti!e perio, can no longer "e applie, to,ay. /or these reasons a large nu!"er o( people "elie e Hamlet shoul, only "e rea, (or en0oy!ent "ecause none o( the in(or!ation or !essages re!ain applica"le to,ay. Although so!e thin& the lessons in Hamlet pro e irrele ant in !o,ern society* su"stantial e i,ence e1ists that suggest %ha&espeare's )riting re!ains pertinent to,ay. 2hile the plot in Hamlet ,oes not rese!"le !o,ern li(e* the lessons re!ain applica"le. Many philosophers* histories* an, sociologists preach the (act that history repeats itsel( an, the )ay hu!ans act an, react ,oes not change. Literary critics !irror this "elie( in that !any 3the sa!e literary patterns turn up )ithin ,i((erent cultures an, ,i((erent religions4 (Northrop /rye 115). $hus* e en though conte!porary culture ,i((ers greatly

Hartley 2 (ro! the )orl, o( %ha&espeare patterns e1ist that can "e applie, to,ay. $hree i,eas in particularly pro e Hamlet's rele ance6 the i!portance o( !oral con,uct* the e((ect o( po)er* an, hu!an !oti ation. $hrough e1a!ination o( the ,iction an, i!agery use, in Hamlet* %ha&espeare's )riting pro es pertinent to present ,ay rea,ers.

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