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Mathematics has been an important subject at school or college.Many poeple expected that math is really fun and so challenging. But also many people expected that math is the most complicated subject. Because those who do not love math are those who do not understand what math is all about. Math teachs you how to figure out the solution of the problems (problem solving). By learning mathematics can enhance your skill at reasoning power.When you are trying to solve mathematics problem, actually you are coaching yourself for sharpening your logical thinking .First you analyze the problem and then you will find how to understand what is expected of the problems and then you will know all of the details surrounding the problems that you faced.But to understand matehematics you need to love them and you need to parctice more. Just as we don't really know what mathematical reasoning is, so we don't know very much about how it develops. Research does support a few general conclusions. First, successful learners are mathematically active [Anderson, Reder, & Simon, 1996].Everyday we use math,whether we realize it or not, for example salles use math to calculate price, change, tax and etc.Even when you are cooking, you still use math to calculate the amount of foodstuff that you will make. It is not the methodology of formal deduction that makes mathematics useful for ordinary work so much as the mathematical habits of problem solving and the mathematical skills of calculation [Packer, 1997]. Mathematics is not only talking about the methodology of formal education, but it talking about our habits to solve the problem.


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: Anne Sukmayani : 1310122007

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