2009-10 Annual Survey - Compilation of Results

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2009-2010 LVQ Annual Survey – Analysis of Results

Question 1: Professional development

Based on previous surveys, members would like to see professional

development in the following areas. Please indicate if you feel each subject
is still relevant to your needs.

Top three results:

1) Student retention/motivation (8 out of 8 consider this relevant)
2) Community partnerships (exchange of ideas and examples of past
partnerships, events, etc.) (7 out of 7 consider this relevant)
3) Staff roundtable and sharing (7 out of 7 consider this relevant)

Topics of interest:
1) Innovative approaches to literacy service delivery (6 out of 7 consider this
2) Writing effective funding proposals (6 out of 7 consider this relevant)
3) Essential Skills (6 out of 6 consider this relevant)
4) Marketing your centre (6 out of 6 consider this relevant)
5) ICT (Information and Computer Technology) (6 out of 6 consider this relevant)
6) Statistics gathering (6 out of 6 consider this relevant)

Question 2: Professional development –

Indicate any professional development subjects you would like to see

presented this year not already mentioned above.

Topics mentioned:

1) Human resources (mentioned 6 times)

2) Effective board and committee meetings (mentioned 4 times)
Question 3: Priorities –Member organizations’ top three priorities for

Within the three top priorities, the ones mentioned most often are:
1) Student and tutor recruitment (7 mentions)
2) Tutor training (4 mentions)
3) Student and tutor support and retention (3 mentions)

Of note: community awareness and marketing also received mention several times.

Question 4: Priorities – Literacy Volunteers of Quebec

LVQ’s top three priorities for 2009-2010

Within the three top priorities, the ones mentioned most often are:
1) Professional development (6 mentions)
2) Publicity, visibility, marketing, communications, etc. (6 mentions)
3) Member support (3 mentions)

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