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Mobile: 83493655147 Email: Address: tyagi.ajay90@gmail.



Career objective To have a growth oriented and challenging career, where can contri!"te my #nowledge and $#ill$ to the organi%ation and enhance my e&'erience thro"gh contin"o"$ learning and teamwor#. Academic Qualificatio Course 1..2 ,echanical .ngineering 19th grade 10th grade U iversit$0 0oard 3456 7niver$ity ,.5. 1oard ,.5. 1oard I stitute Year of #assi 1 +erce ta1e2 CG+A

(hri 8ri$hna n$tit"te o) Technology and ,anagement 6ictor <onvent =. (. (chool, ,orena 6ictor <onvent =. (. (chool, ,orena



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!oft"are #roficie c$ (o)tware #nown* Auto Cad %&'( ) %&'&* +ro,E -ildfire ./& +))ice $"ite* M!,office.

Area of I terest ,an")act"ring Technology -"tomo!ile .ngineering ,achine /e$igning

Mi i +roject

+roject Area +roject Title

: -''lication o) >l"id ,echanic$ : ?3$draulicall$ Actuated Arm4

I dustrial visits ,ar"ti ("%"#i, 4walior @. 8. Tyre, 1anmor

Trai i 1 u der1o e !ummer trai i 1: +rgani%ation : ,ar"ti ("%"#i, 4walior. /"ration : 30 day$ 8nowledge 4ained : Aearnt a!o"t a$$em!ly and wor#ing o) vehicle$.

+erso al Trait 3obbies 5hilo$o'hy B Coga 3eading novel$ Datching movie$ 5laying 1adminton, <he$$, 6olley!all Ai$tening (ong$ <reative and logical 5ro!lem $olving a!ility <o2o'erative and #een o!$erver 5roactive and o'en2minded

+erso al +rofile /ate o) 1irth 4ender ,arital $tat"$ Aang"age$ 8nown : : : : 93.11.1991 ,ale (ingle .ngli$h and =indi

here!y declare that all the detail$ )"rni$hed here are tr"e to the !e$t o) my #nowledge.


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