Burke Mccarthy Te407 Shakespeareup Assessment Ela

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Joe Burke & Collin McCarthy TE-407-001 November, 01!

9th Grade English language arts Unit: Romeo and Juliet final writing assessment "# ninth $ra%er#, many #tu%ent# &ill be encounterin$ 'hake#(eare )or the very )ir#t time, an% &ill be challen$e% by hi# &ritin$ in many &ay#* Becau#e the#e #tu%ent# &ill continue to encounter 'hake#(eare throu$hout the re#t o) their time in hi$h #chool, &e &ant to in#till a belie) in our #tu%ent# that 'hake#(eare+# &ritin$ i# im(ortant, entertainin$, an% beauti)ul, an% that hi# #torie# &oul% not be the #ame i) tol% any other &ay* More #(eci)ically, the entirety o) 'hake#(eare+# &ritin$ i# one o) the mo#t %etaile% an% ele$ant re(re#entation# o) human nature an% the human con%ition* " (er#on %oe#n,t nee% to $o any )arther than a -uick .oo$le #earch to )in% the multitu%e o) &ritin$ that ha# been %one on 'hake#(eare+# %elicate treatment o) human co$nition an% emotion, an% i) #tu%ent# can be$in to analy/e hi# &ritin$ )or the#e com(onent# than &e believe they &ill #ee ho& en%earin$ hi# &ritin$ i#, an% &hy it i# im(ortant to rea% hi# #torie# in their ori$inal )orm* 0e &ant to a((roach the te1t )ir#t an% )oremo#t a# 2u#t a te1t, to #ee it a# a )orm o) entertainment* To avoi% bein$ bur%ene% by com(licate% an% even out%ate% lan$ua$e, &e &ant to encoura$e #tu%ent# to #et a#i%e, or even overlook, tricky %etail# an% )ocu# on the bi$ (icture* The #torie# in 3omeo an% Juliet are #im(le, an% only once #tu%ent# 4$et the $i#t5 o) &hat i# ha((enin$ can &e be$in to really #tu%y the lan$ua$e an% the nuance#* "e#thetic a&arene## 6'ma$orin#ky, 7!8 %eal# &ith #tu%ent#+ in%ivi%ual a((reciation 6entertainment, beauty8 o) a te1t* Too, 4ba#ic #kill#5 can be ac-uire% throu$h a )ocu# on 4&hat matter#,5 or ae#thetic a((eal* " #tu%ent mu#t %elve into the com(le1itie# o) lan$ua$e in or%er to %etermine 2u#t &hy a certain te1t #too% out more than another te1t, both in term# o) it# $eneral ae#thetic a((eal, an% it# e))icacy in communicatin$ #omethin$ about the human con%ition* ")ter all, 4re(re#entin$, communicatin$, an% re#(on%in$ to human con%ition#, or human e1(erience#5 69irklan%, 4The 3o#e5 7 8 i# the core o) lan$ua$e art#, an% there i# no better &ay )or #tu%ent# to en$a$e &ith En$li#h te1t# than to )ocu# on that* 'tu%ent# can )ocu# on un%er#tan%in$ the im(act o) a te1t on the &orl% an% on the #el)* They can evaluate &hat they %o or %o not a$ree &ith, an% they can )orm their o&n o(inion# both about re(re#entation# o) the human con%ition, an% about the human con%ition it#el)* '0B"T analy/e 'hake#(eare:# (articular u#e o) lan$ua$e an% ho& it make# the te1t inherently #(ecial* More #(eci)ically, '0B"T un%er#tan% ho& 'hake#(eare:# &ritin$ e))ectively communicate% an% re(re#ente% the human con%ition, an% they &ill be able to analy/e ho& hi# &ritin$ create# a more com(le1 an% %etaile% e1(erience )or rea%er# &ith re#(ect to the emotion an% %ee( characteri/ation that occur#* To a((reciate &hy thi# i# relevant to )uture en$li#h cla##e#, to everythin$* To un%er#tan% that it i# relevant* The )inal a##e##ment )or thi# unit &ill be a 4-7 (a$e e##ay* '0 #elect a (a##a$e o) te1t 6 0 line# o) te1t or more - a #(eech or %ialo$ue8 an% tran#late it into a more un%er#tan%able )orm o) collo-uial

En$li#h a# they #ee )it* ;n a%%ition to thi#, the #tu%ent &ill com(o#e an e##ay, &ith thorou$h #u((ort, com(arin$ their tran#lation &ith the ori$inal te1t* Their e##ay #houl% a%%re## &hat the te1t may or may not have lo#t in tran#lation, their rea#onin$ )or tran#latin$ it the &ay they %i%, an% their un%er#tan%in$ o) &hy 'hake#(eare may have &ritten it the &ay he %i%* 61- (a$e# )or ori$inal te1t & tran#lation, -4 (a$e# )or re#(on#e & com(ari#on*8

Romeo and Juliet Final Assignment Instructions Part 1: 'elect a (a##a$e o) te1t you )in% intere#tin$ )rom Romeo and Juliet* <our (a##a$e can be an in%ivi%ual #(eech or #olilo-uy, or a %ialo$ue bet&een more than one character, a# lon$ a# it i# at lea#t 0 line# o) te1t* Co(y the (a##a$e a# it i# &ritten in the te1t, an% then tran#late it into collo-uial En$li#h* <our tran#lation #houl% enca(#ulate everythin$ that i# bein$ communicate% in the #ection o) te1t, but #houl% be un%er#tan%able to #omeone &ho ha# no e1(erience &ith 'hake#(earean lan$ua$e* <ou are not #ummari/in$ the (a##a$e= your tran#lation #houl% be &ritten in the tra%itional #cri(t )ormat, inclu%in$ character name# an% #ta$e %irection#* Part 2: 0rite an e##ay com(arin$ the ori$inal te1t to your tran#lation* 0hat i# %i))erent, 0hat i# the #ame, 0hat %i% you intentionally chan$e, an% &hy, 0hat %i% you leave the #ame, an% &hy, <our e##ay #houl% be at lea#t 700 &or%# lon$, ty(e% an% %ouble #(ace%, #i/e 1 Time# Ne& 3oman )ont* <our e##ay #houl% a%%re## &hat the te1t may or may not have lo#t in tran#lation, your rea#onin$ )or tran#latin$ it the &ay you %i%, an% your un%er#tan%in$ o) &hy 'hake#(eare may have &ritten it the &ay he %i%* Important note: Thi# a##i$nment %oe# not require out#i%e re#earch* 0e are lookin$ (rimarily )or creative i%ea#*

Romeo and Juliet Final Assignment Rubric Grade Cate$ory >

Bet&een 17 an% 0 line# Communicate# the #ame overall me##a$e a# the ori$inal te1t* May not be )ully un%er#tan%able to a rea%er &ithout e1(erience* "%%re##e# #ome %etail# )rom the ori$inal te1t*

Bet&een 14 an% 17 line# Bi))er# #li$htly )rom the overall me##a$e o) the ori$inal te1t* May be le## o) a tran#lation an% more o) a #ummary* 'election o) ori$inal te1t make# #en#e, but a rationale i# not (rovi%e%* "%%re##e# only a )e& chan$e# ma%e in tran#lation*

Ae## than 14 line#

?ri$inal te1t More than 0 line#* 610@ o) $ra%e8

E))ectively communicate# the #ame overall me##a$e a# the ori$inal te1t* ;# un%er#tan%able to a rea%er &ithout 'hake#(earean e1(erience* "%%re##e# #(eci)ic %etail# )rom the ori$inal te1t*

Tran#lation 6 7@ o) $ra%e8 E##ayC rea#on )or choo#in$ ori$inal te1t 610@ o) $ra%e8 E##ayC i%ea# an% com(ari#on 6 7@ o) $ra%e8 E##ayC )ormat an% #tructure 617@ o) $ra%e8

;# either %ramatically %i))erent )rom ori$inal te1t, or i# nearly i%entical to ori$inal te1t* ?ri$inal te1t a((ear# to be cho#en at ran%om* Boe# not a%%re## chan$e# ma%e in tran#lation*

"%%re##e# every chan$e ma%e in tran#lation* ;nclu%e# rea#onin$* More than 700 &or%#* No $rammatical mi#take#, no #(ellin$ error#* 0ell %e)ine% (ara$ra(h#, inclu%e# an intro%uction, bo%y, an% conclu#ion* ;%ea# are coherent an% )lo& to$ether*

"%%re##e% mo#t chan$e# ma%e in tran#lation* Bet&een 470 an% 700 &or%#* " )e& error# in #(ellin$ or $rammar* ;nclu%e# an intro%uction, bo%y, an% conclu#ion, but #ome i%ea# are not )ully elaborate% on* Da# a the#i#, but &an%er# )rom to(ic to to(ic*

Bet&een !70 an% 470 &or%#* 'everal #(ellin$ an% $rammar mi#take#* Boe# not have a clear the#i#* 'eem# to a%%re## #(eci)ic i%ea#, but &an%er# -uite a bit* Mo#tly C#*

Ae## than !70 &or%#* ;ncoherent*

E##ayC the#i# E##ay i# )ocu#e% on a an% conclu#ion #in$le ar$ument relatin$ 617@ o) $ra%e8 to ae#thetic a((eal* Total 6100@ o) $ra%e8
Mo#tly "#*

;# not )ocu#e%*

Mo#tly B#*

Mo#tly B#*

#or$s !ited 9irklan%, Bavi% E* EThe 3o#e That .re& From ConcreteC Go#tmo%ern Blackne## an% Ne& En$li#h E%ucation*E En$li#h Journal H7*7 6 00I8C JH-77* 0eb* 1 ?ct* 01!* 'ma$orin#ky, Geter* Teachin$ En$li#h by Be#i$nC Do& to Create an% Carry out ;n#tructional Knit#* Gort#mouth, NDC Deinemann, 00I* Grint* Knite% 'tate#* National .overnor# "##ociation Center )or Be#t Gractice# an% Council o) Chie) 'tate 'chool ?))icer#* Common Core 'tate 'tan%ar%# ;nitiative* 010* 0eb* 7 Feb* 014* Lhtt(CMM&&&*core#tan%ar%#*or$MN*

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