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Sl. Contents Page No.

1. Obtaining the Admissions Pack 1

2. Choosing the Course to apply for 1
3. Completing the Application Form 1
4. Submitting the Application Form 2
5. Procedure for Admission 2
6. Scholarships 3
7. Admission of Foreign and NRI students 4
8. Procedure for Withdrawal 5
9. Anti Ragging Measures 5
10. Education Loans 6 - 7
11. Noida Campus - Programmes after 10+2 9-13
12. Noida Campus - Programmes after Graduation 14-22
13. Lucknow Campus - Programmes after 10+2 23-24
14. Lucknow Campus - Programmes after Graduation 25-26
15. Jaipur Campus - Programmes after 10+2 27-28
16. Jaipur Campus - Programmes after Graduation 29-30
17. Gurgaon (Manesar) Campus - Programmes after 10+2 31-32
18. Gurgaon (Manesar) Campus - Programmes after Graduation 33-35
19. Gwalior Campus - Programmes after 10+2 36
20. Gwalior Campus - Programmes after Graduation 37
21. Dubai Campus - Programmes after 10+2 38
22. Dubai Campus - Programmes after Graduation 39
23. Application Instructions 40
24. Sample Application Form -
25. Terms and Conditions for Admission -
We do not accept any donations for admission. Merit is the only criteria.
Any instances found, even at a later date, will lead to cancellation of admission.
This Admissiou Prospectus 8 App|icatiou Formis va|id for
Amity uuiversity uttar Pradesh Campuses iu loida,
Lucluow8 0ubai, Amity uuiversity Rajasthau Campus iu
Jaipur, Amity uuiversity haryaua Campus iu 6urgaou
(Mauesar) aud Amity uuiversity Madhya Pradesh
Campus iu 6wa|ior
Fo||owiug are iustructious aud detai|s about app|yiug for
Admissiou. P|ease read themcarefu||y.
1. 0bta|o|og tho Adm|ss|oos Fack
The Cost of the Admissiou Formis Rs. 1,1OO /-.
The Admissiou Formis avai|ab|e :
A. 0u|iue at
(a) by payiugou|iue with credit card
(b) by dowu|oadiug free aud submittiug with 00
of Rs. 1,1OO/- iu favour of 'Amity Form'
payab|e at lew 0e|hi. 0o uot forget to
meutiou your lame 8 Amity App|icatiou
Form lumber at the bacl of the 0emaud
8. At over 4OO AXlS 8aul 8rauches (for |ist of
brauches visit
C. Amity Lucluow Campus :
Ma|haur (lear Rai|way Statiou),
6omti lagar Exteusiou, Lucluow (uP)
(0u|y for Lucluow Campus)
0. Amity Jaipur Campus:
City 0ffice, Amity house,
14, 6opa| 8ari, Ajmer Road, Jaipur
(0u|y for Jaipur Campus)
E. Amity uuiversity Madhya Pradesh,
Maharajpura (opposite Airport), 6wa|ior
(0u|y for 6wa|ior Campus)
Am|ty No|da 6ampus aod Am|ty urgaoo
(Maoosar} 6ampus do oot so|| Forms.
2. 6hoos|og tho 6ourso to app|y Ior
Amity has a vast se|ectiou of career degrees aud
programs to suit your aptitude aud iuterests. With
mauy uew career opportuuities it cau be difficu|t to
decide what to study. To he|p you, we have deve|oped
a Career Aptitude Test which is avai|ab|e ou|ty.odu/Adm|ss|oo/oo||oo_caroor_tost.asp
You cau a|so speal to our couuse|ors for:
No|da 6ampus ou
0120- /
Iuckoow 6ampus ou
Ja|pur 6ampus ou
urgaoo (Maoosar} 6ampus ou
wa||or 6ampus ou
uba| 6ampus ou
9650692995, 9650925559, 9650388700
(ludia 0ffice)
+971 55 2305 731, +971 55 2305 741,
+971 55 859 1889 (0ubai Campus)
chat with them ou|iue at|ty.odu/adm|ss|oo
Aoooxuro - 1 |ists a|| the programs offered with the
e|igibi|ity criteria, procedure for admissiou 8 fee
structure. Reservatiou po|icy for admissiou wi|| be as
per the prevai|iug|aw.
3. 6omp|ot|og tho App||cat|oo Form
3.1 Fi|| iu the App|icatiou Form ou|y if you satisfy
yourse|ves about your e|igibi|ity for admissiou to
the program.
3.2 lf you have appeared iu a qua|ifyiug examiuatiou
aud the resu|t thereof is awaited, you cau app|y
provisioua||y to go through admissiou process at
your owu risl.
3.3 The App|icatiou Formhas to be fi||ed iu your owu
haudwritiug iu b|acl iul aud uudertaliug is to be
sigued by you ou|y.
3.4 The iustructious iu the App|icatiou Formare se|f-
exp|auatory. P|ease fo||owthemstrict|y.
3.5 lt is maudatory to provide your emai| address
(c|ear|y) as it wi|| be used by the Admissiou
0ffice for a|| commuuicatiou re|ated to your
3.6 Euc|ose c|ass 1Oth marl sheet ou|y with the
App|icatiou Form. lo other Marl sheets /
Testimouia|s are to be attached with the
2445252 4713600
0522-2399418 / 6050074 / 6525676 /
6598555 / 6598444
01426-227722 / 0141-2372489 /
2374595 / 2378304
0124-2164864/65 / 2164856/57 / 3225651
0751-3290666 / 3290667
App|icatiou Form at this stage (0u|y Foreigu
studeuts / Foreigu uuiversity 0egree ho|der
shou|d attach photocopies of academic
trauscripts 8 Alu Equiva|euce Certificate).
uuiversity / 8oard / Marls fi||ed iu the
App|icatiou Form wi|| be cousidered for a||
procedures re|ated to admissiou. Auy
discrepaucy fouud duriug origiua| documeut
verificatiou wi|| resu|t iu cauce||atiou of
3.1 lt may be uoted that uo request for chauge iu the
particu|ars fi||ed iu the App|icatiou Form by you
wi|| be eutertaiued uuder auy circumstauces.
3.8 A samp|e copy of a comp|ete App|icatiou Formis
euc|osed for your refereuce.
4. 8ubm|tt|og tho App||cat|oo Form
4.1 0u|y fi||ed iu App|icatiou Forms together with
photograph shou|d be submitted / seut to the
respective campus you are app|yiugto:
For No|da 8 uba| 6ampus:
8, Post / 0oat/et
Amity Admissiou 0ffice
Amity uuiversity Campus, 6ate lo. - 3,
8|ocl-J2, 6rouud F|oor, Sector - 125,
loida- 2O13O3 (uP)
Petsoaa/ Sa6m/ss/oa
Amity uuiversity Campus
6ate lo. 3, Sector - 125,
loida- 2O13O3 (uP)
For Iuckoow 6ampus:
Ma|haur (lear Rai|way Statiou),
6omti lagar Exteusiou, Lucluow (uP)
(0u|y for Lucluow Campus)
For Ja|pur 6ampus:
Amity house, 14, 6opa| 8ari, Ajmer Road,
Jaipur - 3O2OO6 (Rajasthau)
For urgaoo (Maoosar} 6ampus
Amity uuiversity Admissiou 0ffice,
Amity luteruatioua| Schoo| Campus,
Sector-46, 6urgaou
For wa||or 6ampus
Amity uuiversity Madhya Pradesh,
Maharajpura (0pposite Airport),
6wa|ior - 414OO5 (Madhya Pradesh)
4.2 lucomp|ete Forms wi|| be rejected. lo additiou
subsequeut|y wi|| be a||owed aud a uew Form
has to be submitted iu this case. The Form cost
wi|| uot be refuuded for auy reasou whatsoever.
5. Frocoduro Ior Adm|ss|oo
5.1 To checl / do the fo||owiug re|atiug to your
Admissiou, visit your Admissiou micro site (admissiou micro site |ogiu) by
usiug your Form lo. 8 password priuted ou 1st
page of your App|icatiou Form.
Checl whether your Formhas beeu received
or uot
Checl the Registratiou Status of your Form
Checl whether you have beeu short-|isted
for the Admissiou Procedure
Choose the date for appeariug iu the
Admissiou Procedure
Checl your se|ectiou status
Priut Admissiou |etter
Checl coufirmatiou of fee paymeut after
5.2 Auuexure-1 gives detai|s about the Admissiou
procedure for each program (whether there wi||
be a Writteu Test, 6roup 0iscussiou, luterview, etc)
5.3 Adm|ss|oo Frocoss at 6ampus
5.3.1 After coufirmatiou ou your Admissiou
Micro site about receipt of your Form, it
wi|| uorma||y be processed withiu 5
worliug days.
5.3.2 0ua|ifyiug caudidates wi|| be iuformed
about the date, time aud veuue of
Admissiou Procedure (writteu test
aud/or 6roup 0i scussi ou aud/or
luterview) ou the Admissiou Micro site
ou the website or iu the
Amity Mobi| e App. avai| ab| e at lu certaiu cases,
optious of dates wi|| be avai|ab|e giviug
greater f|exibi|ity to you. lt is your
respousibi|ity to checl the website. lo
separate commuuicatiou wi|| be seut iu
this regard. lf a short |isted caudidate fai|s
to se|ect the date (for which various
optious wi|| be made avai|ab|e) aud
admissiou to the particu|ar program is
c|osed, it wi|| be his/her respousibi|ity.
5.3.3 The Admissiou procedure may |ast ti||
|ate iu the eveuiug. You are requested
t o male Tr ave| i ug 8 boar di ug
arraugemeuts ou your owu. Trave|iug
iustructious to the campus aud coutact
detai|s of accommodatiou iu the viciuity
are at
5.3.4 The Admissiou Procedure for Post
6raduate 8 uudergraduate Programs wi||
start from Jauuary / Apri| 2O13,
5.4 0IIor oI Adm|ss|oo
5.4.1 Au emai| wi|| be seut to you to iutimate
auuouucemeut of resu|t ou your
Admissiou micro site. This wi|| be for
iuformatiou ou|y aud shou|d uot be taleu
as officia| commuuicatiou for se|ectiou.
5.4.2 A|| se|ected caudidates wi|| get
iutimatiou of their se|ectiou through au
Admissiou Letter which cau be priuted
from Admissiou Micro site. 0etai|s
regardiug paymeut of fees at the time of
admissiou, a||otmeut of hoste| aud date,
time aud veuue for commeucemeut of
the academic sessiou wi|| be meutioued
iu the admissiou |etter.
5.4.3 0ffer of admissiou wi|| be va|id ou|y for
the specific program opted by the
caudidate as we|| as for the same
academic sessiou. Admissiou may be
giveu provisioua||y as may be specified
iu the |etter. The offer of admissiou wi||
automatica||y staud cauce||ed if the
couditious are uot fu|fi||ed by the
specified time.
5.4.4 There is a possibi|ity that the Admissiou
Committee recommeuds your admissiou
iu a category / program / campus for
which you have uot app|ied iu the
app|icatiou Form. lu such cases au
optiou wi|| be giveu to you ou your
admissiou micro site iuformiug you of the
chauge aud you may give your couseut
for the same. The se|ectiou |etter wi|| be
avai|ab|e ou Admissiou microsite
( for dowu|oadiug ou|y
after receiviug your couseut.
5.4.5 Fai|ure to pay the fee or report for c|asses
after paymeut of fee withiu the specified
date wi|| eutai| cauce||atiou of admissiou.
6. 8cho|arsh|ps
6.1 8cho|arsh|p-cum-Fast Irack Adm|ss|oo Ior
Frograms aItor 10+2
0irect Admissiou without appeariug iu
Admissiou Se|ectiou Process aud academic fee
scho|arship for the first year of the program, wi||
be offered to the caudidates who meet the
fo||owiug e|igibi|ity iu c|ass Xll, 2O13.
100%8cho|arsh|p- 93aggregateaudabove
50%8cho|arsh|p- 88aggregateaudabove
25%8cho|arsh|p- 8Oaggregate aud above
(For Jaipur, Lucluow 8 0ubai Campuses)
70% aggrogato aod abovo (For 6wa|ior
0irect Admissiou is uot app|icab|e for
8.Arch, 88A LL.8. aud 8.Com. LL.8.
programs at loida Campus. Limited
scho|arship seats are avai|ab|e which wi|| be
offered after joiuiug the program.
0irect Admissiou is uot app|icab|e at Jaipur
6.2 8cho|arsh|p Ior Frograms aItor raduat|oo
100% 8cho|arsh|p - 93 aggregate aud
above iu C|ass Xll aud 8O iu 6raduatiou
50% 8cho|arsh|p - 88 aggregate aud
above iu C|ass Xll aud 15 iu 6raduatiou
20% 8cho|arsh|p - CAT (85 Perceuti|e) /
MAT Score -1OO aud above (A|| M8A
Programs-ou|y for Jaipur, Lucluow, 6wa|ior
8 0ubai campuses)
lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou /
Fiue Arts / Performiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou
writteu subjects wi|| uot be cousidered
For No|da 6ampus, oo|y 68E / I86
Exam|oat|oo 8coros aro o||g|b|o Ior tho
scho|arsh|ps as por abovo moot|oood
porcootagos oI marks.
For Ja|pur, Iuckoow, urgaoo (Maoosar},
wa||or 8 uba| 6ampusos, 68E / I86 aod
8tato oards Exam|oat|oo 8coros aro o||g|b|o
Ior tho scho|arsh|ps as por abovo moot|oood
porcootagos oI marks.
6.3 lu additiou to above, fo||owiug scho|arships are
a|so offered at 0ubai Campus
6ir|s Studeut - 1O
Sib|iug - 15
Emirati studeuts - 5O-1OO
6.4 1O Fee coucessiou is offered to Amity
studeuts, who coutiuue their higher educatiou at
Amity uuiversities without auy year gap.
6oot|ouat|oooI 8cho|arsh|p
Scho|arship seats are |imited. The
meutioued perceutages are ou|y the
e|igibi|ity to app|y for scho|arship.
Caudidates securiug above perceutages are
required to fi|| Amity App|icatiou form. lu
abseuce of re| evaut marl sheets
scho|arship app|icatiou wi|| uot be
cousidered. Fiua| decisiou of grautiug
scho|arship is with the Scho|arship
6.5 8F0I8 86h0IA8hIF
To attract ta|eut iu sports, Amity uuiversity
uttar Pradesh auuouuces sports scho|arships.
6r|tor|a Ior Adm|ss|oo
Miuimum academic e|igibi|ity for the
respective program shou|d be met, as
meutioued iu the Admissiou prospectus
Age shou|d uot be of more thau 23 years as
ou O1st Ju|y, 2O13.
Fast Irack Adm|ss|oo
A|| studeuts who are e|igib|e for the sports
scho|arships are giveu admissiou ou Fast Tracl.
That meaus they do uot have to appear for the
Sports Tria| 8 luterview aud their admissiou is
doue based ou their app|icatiou form aud
assessmeut of sports certificates for |ast three
100% 8cho|arsh|p- luteruatioua| P|ayers
50%8cho|arsh|p - latioua| Meda| wiuuers
(6o|d, Si|ver 8 8rou/e positiou ou|y)
Adm|ss|oo through 8ports Ir|a| 8Iotorv|ow
Se|ectiou wi|| be based ou Sports tria| 8
luterview iu additiou to App|icatiou 8
Assessmeut of Sports certificates for |ast three
25% 8cho|arsh|p- latioua| Participatiou
Recogui/ed by:
i. 0|ympic 6ames by l0C
ii. Wo r | d c h a mp i o u s h i p s u u d e r
luteruatioua| Sports Federatiou (l0A aud
/ or MYAS recogui/ed / affi|iated 6ames)
iii. Asiau 6ames by 0|ympic Couuci| of Asia
iv. Asiau Champiouship orgaui/ed by
luteruatioua| Federatiou of coucerued
game (recougui/ed / affi|iated by MYAS
aud / or l0A)
v. Commouwea|th 6ames, S.A.F. 6ames
aud AfroAsiau 6ames.
vi. Para|ympics 6ames (recogui/ed /
affi|iated by l0C aud / or MYAS)
Io absooco oI ro|ovaot 8ports cort|I|catos
8cho|arsh|p app||cat|oo w||| oot bo
6oot|ouat|oooI 8cho|arsh|p
Scho|arship is grauted ou auuua| basis aud
coutiuuatiou iu secoud aud further years of the
programis subject to scho|arship po|icy. Sports
performauces of the curreut academic year wi||
be cousidered for coutiuuatiou / withdrawa| of
ForIormaoco Moo|tor|og
A|| caudidates se|ected uuder sports quota
wi|| have to submit au affidavit statiug that
they wi|| participate / represeut ou|y from
Achievemeuts iu their sports (basis for graut
of sports quota scho|arship) wi|| be
mouitored by uuiversity Sports committee.
These Scho|arships do uot iuc|ude,
Refuudab|e Security 0eposit
8oardiugaud Lodgiug Cost
7. Adm|ss|oo oI Foro|go aod NI studoots
For admissiou to specific program, the requiremeut of
subjects studied wi|| be same for both latioua| /
Foreigu Studeuts / lRl as prescribed iu the
Admissiou Prospectus.
Provisioua| 0ffer of Admissiou wi|| be giveu to short
|isted app|icauts subject to coufirmatiou based ou the
1. Studeut visa eudorsed to Amity uuiversity for
joiuiug fu|| time Course. lo other eudorsemeut
wi|| be accepted. The visa shou|d be va|id for the
prescribed duratiou of the course.
2. Submissiou of Medica| Test Report withiu a
weel from the date of admissiou from a
Registered Medica| Practitiouer 0R a Medica|
Practitiouer uomiuated by Amity uuiversity.
3. Adequate Medica| lusurauce Cover.
4. A|| Foreigu / lRl studeuts wi|| be required to
register themse|ves with the coucerued 0istrict
Foreiguers Registratiou 0fficer / Foreiguers
Regioua| Registratiou 0fficers, withiu 14 days of
your first arriva| iu ludia.
The fo||owiug documeuts are required at the time of
registratiou with the Foreiguers Registratiou 0fficer:
Photocopy of Passport aud visa
Four Photographs
0etai|s of Resideuce iu ludia
hlV / Al0S Test Report from oue of the Wh0
recogui/ed lustitutious
Provisioua| Admissiou Letter from Amity
uuiversity iu support of your studeut visa.
8. Frocoduro Ior W|thdrawa|
oIoro commoocomoot oI Frogram
App|icatiou for withdrawa| fromthe programis to be
seut to the Admissiou office.
AItor commoocomoot oI Frogram
App|icatiou for withdrawa| fromthe programis to be
submitted to the Academic departmeut of the
respective iustitutiou.
lo withdrawa| wi|| be processed duriug admissiou
time, March to August 2O13.
9. Aot| agg|og Moasuros
Raggiug is tota||y bauued iu Amity uuiversity campus
iuc|udiug its departmeuts, coustitueut uuits, a|| its
premises (academic, resideutia|, sports, cauteeu
etc.) whether |ocated withiu the campus or outside
aud iu a|| meaus of trausportatiou of studeuts
whether pub|ic or private, aud auyoue fouud gui|ty of
raggiug aud/or abettiug raggiug is |iab|e to be
puuished appropriate|y.
E||g|b|||ty Ior Adm|ss|oo to raduato Frograms:
For auy discip|iue, app|icaut must have comp|eted 12
years of forma| schoo|iug. Studeuts meetiug the
e|igibi|ity criteria as prescribed iu the Admissiou
prospectus wou|d be cousidered for admissiou.
They shou|d have c|eared T0EFL with 213 iu C8T or
55O iu paper based test or cau have a baud of 6.5 iu
lELTS. Evideuce of required academic performauce
must be iu the form of certified Eug|ish trauscripts
|istiug a|| the courses with grades or marls earued.
Trauscripts iu |auguages other thau Eug|ish are uot
E||g|b|||ty Ior Adm|ss|oo to Fost raduato
For auy discip|iue, app|icaut must have comp|eted 12
years of forma| educatiou at the schoo| |eve| fo||owed
by a 8ache|or's 0egree of at |east 3 years duratiou.
Studeuts meetiug the e|igibi|ity criteria as prescribed
iu the Admissiou prospectus wou|d be cousidered for
admissiou. however, the admissiou to post graduate
courses is rather restricted aud the app|icaut shou|d
have au exce||eut academic record to staud a fair
chauce for admissiou.
Admissiou App|icatiou Form of Foreigu / lRl
studeuts must have au Equiva|euce Certificate from
the Associatiou of ludiau uuiversities (Alu),
The studeuts are advised to seud the fo||owiug
documeuts to the Associatiou of ludiau uuiversities
for obtaiuiug Equiva|euce Certificate:
1. 0egree/Certificate together with the year-wise
Academic Trauscript du|y autheuticated by the
ludiau Embassy iu the Couutry or its coucerued
Foreigu Missiou iu ludia.
2. Accreditatiou status of the uuiversity/lustitute
which the studeut has |ast atteuded.
3. Copies of the academic Certificates fromhigher
Secoudary ouwards (where uecessary)
The SERVlCE ChAR6E for issue of Equiva|euce
Certificate as app|icab|e is payab|e through 0emaud
0raft iu favour of "Associatiou of ludiau uuiversities,
The ouus of Certificatiou for Equiva|euce from Alu is
ou the caudidate aud app|icatiou wi|| be cousidered
ou|y after the Equiva|euce Certificate is submitted.
Educatiou Loaus have become the preferred method of fiuauciug oue's educatiou, aud thousauds of
studeuts at Amity are studyiug ou Educatiou Loaus.
A big beuefit is that you ou|y have to start repayiug oue year after fiuishiug your course or 6 mouths after
you get a job.
Most 8auls iu the couutry offer attractive educatiou |oaus for studeuts. For the beuefit of prospective
studeuts at AMlTY, we have tied up with premier uatioua|i/ed bauls 0rieuta| 8aul of Commerce aud
A||ahabad 8aul. 8oth bauls give the fo||owiug advautages to studeuts app|yiug to AMlTY
Cover a|| courses of AMlTY
luc|ude tuitiou fees, bools cost, hoste| fees, airfare for courses abroad.
Coucessioua| rate of iuterest.
Speedy disposa| of |oau app|icatious.
Avai|abi|ity of the |oau across the couutry.
r|oI procoduro to bo Io||owod |s g|voo bo|ow:
(A} For 0r|oota| aok oI 6ommorco
Amity has tied up with 0rieuta| 8aul of Commerce to male easy educatiou |oau avai|ab|e to the studeuts.
6iveu be|oware the beuefits of the scheme :
A|| courses of Amity are covered for graut of |oau.
Speedy disposa| of |oau app|icatiou.
Sauctiou cau be accorded by 8rauch of 08C where campus of Amity is |ocated irrespective of the
|ocatiou of the studeut. For examp|e, a studeut app|yiug to AMlTY, Sector - 44, loida, but stayiug at
0ehraduu, cau app|y at the 08C 8rauch at loida aud commuuicated to the 0ehraduu 8rauch for
disbursemeut after due verificatiou aud siguiug of documeuts.
Loaus are beiug sauctioued at a coucessioua| rate of iuterest as compared to the uorma| scheme of
The studeut cau cover a|| his expeuses e.g. hoste|, statiouary etc, whi|e app|yiug for |oau.
I||ustrat|vo I|st oI Fapors / ocumoots oqu|rod Ior Educat|oo Ioao
Admissiou |etter of Amity giviug detai|s of year wise fee, boardiug aud |odgiug expeuses. Letter
coufirmiug scho|arship, if auy.
Attested copies of documeuts for proof of age/date of birth aud proof of resideutia| address.
Passport si/e photo of the app|icaut, co-ob|igauts aud guarautors.
Copy of marlsheets/degree certificates of previous academic qua|ificatious.
lucome proof/|atest iucome tax returu of pareuts/co-ob|igauts, guarautors. (if auy)
0etai|s of co||atera| security a|ougwith va|uatiou certificate of 6ovt approved va|uer (if auy).
0etai|s/statemeuts of 8aul accouuts he|d with 0rieuta| 8aul of Commerce/other bauls by the studeut
app|icaut/co-ob|igaut(s)/guarautors (if auy) for the |ast six mouths.
Copy of Passport/Visa, cost of air fare (documeutary detai|) iu case of studies abroad.

} For A||ahabad aok

A tie-up has uow beiug |iuled with A||ahabad 8aul. The eutire scheme for the beuefit of the studeut
is avai|ab|e at the |iul http://www.a|| A|| campuses of AMlTY have
beeu covered by A||ahabad 8aul for ou|iue sauctiou of |oaus. The prospective studeuts cau fi|| the
app|icatiou ou|iue for his/her proposed Amity Campus. The baul wou|d accord a provisioua| sauctiou
uorma||y withiu 48 hours. The ou|iue app|icatiou form is avai|ab|e at the fo||owiug |iul,
6ampus at wh|ch you aro app|y|og aok raoch to bo cootactod
AMlTY uuiversity, Sector 125, loida loida 8rauch Coutact Persou :
Ph: 9512O-4392248
Fo||owiug are some of the premier bauls of the couutry providiug educatioua| |oaus, p|ease coutact the
baul to luowthe detai|s.
A8l Amro 8aul h0FC 8aul
A||ahabad 8aul hS8C 8aul
Axis 8aul lClCl 8aul
8aul of 8aroda ludiau 8aul
8aul of ludia 0rieuta| 8aul of Commerce
8aul of Puujab Puujab 8 Siudh 8aul
Cauara 8aul Puujab latioua| 8aul
Ceutra| 8aul of ludia Staudard Chartered 8aul
Citibaul State 8aul of ludia
0eua 8aul Vijaya 8aul
For 0r|oota| aok oI 6ommorco
F|oaso cootact tho raochos as bo|ow Ior I||||og tho app||cat|oo Iorm:
6ampus at wh|ch you aro app|y|og aok raoch to bo cootactod
AMlTY, Sector 44 8 125, loida Amity 8rauch, Sector 44, loida
AMlTY, Lucluow 2/9, Vivel Khaud, 6omti lagar, Lucluow
AMlTY, Jaipur 8-1/2O, 6audhi Path, Chitraloot, Jaipur
AMlTY, 6urgaou (Mauesar) P|ot lo.-5, Sector- 32, lustitutioua| Area, 6urgaou,
8|. 6ampusos/Frogrammos Fago No.
1. No|da 6ampus :
Programmes after 1O+2 9-13
Programmes after 6raduatiou 14-22
2. Iuckoow6ampus :
Programmes after 1O+2 23-24
Programmes after 6raduatiou 25-26
3. Ja|pur 6ampus :
Programmes after 1O+2 21-28
Programmes after 6raduatiou 29-3O
4. urgaoo (Maoosar} 6ampus :
Programmes after 1O+2 31-32
Programmes after 6raduatiou 33-35
5. wa||or 6ampus :
Programmes after 1O+2 36
Programmes after 6raduatiou 31
6. uba| 6ampus :
Programmes after 1O+2 38
Programmes after 6raduatiou 39
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus omarks
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at No|da 6ampus
8.Tech. - Aerospace Eugiueeriug 1OO55 4 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
8.Tech. - Aerospace Eugg. + M.Tech. - Aviouics (0ua| 0egree) 1O112 5 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
8.Sc. (hous.) - Authropo|ogy 1O124 3 years 1O+2 11,OOO 25,5OO
8.Sc. (hous.) - Physics 1O551 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) with miu 6O iu Physics 41,5OO 62,5OO
8.Sc. (hous.) - Chemistry 1O558 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) with miu 6O iu Chemistry 41,5OO 62,5OO
8.Sc. (hous.) - Mathematics 1O556 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) with 41,5OO 62,5OO
8.Sc. (hous.) - Statistics 1O559 3 years miu 6O iu Maths 41,5OO 62,5OO
8ache|or of Architecture 1OO4O 5 years 1O+2 (miu. 6O) with Maths + 96,5OO 1,44,5OO As per guide|iues of couuci| of
lata Score Architecture
8ache|or of P|auuiug 1O349 4 years 1O+2 (miu. 55) with Maths 55,5OO 83,OOO
8.Tech. - 8iotechuo|ogy 1OO41 4 years 96,5OO 1,44,5OO
8.Tech. - 8ioiuformatics 1OO42 4 years 1O,5OO 1,O6,OOO
8.Tech. + M.Tech - 8iotechuo|ogy (0ua| 0egree) 1O231 5 years 82,OOO 1,23,OOO
8.Sc. (hous.) - Medica| 8iotechuo|ogy 1OO43 4 years 59,OOO 88,5OO
8.Sc. (hous.) - 8iotechuo|ogy 1OO44 3 years 41,5OO 1O,5OO
8.Sc. + M.Sc. - 8iotechuo|ogy (0ua| 0egree) 1O125 5 years 59,OOO 88,5OO
8.Tech. - 8iotechuo|ogy (Eveuiug) 1O462 4 years PCM/PC8 miu. 55 for lou-Spousored 8 12,OOO 1,O8,5OO
5O for Spousored Category
8.Com. (hous.) 1OO46 3 years 1O+2 miu 1O for lou-Spousored 8 61,5OO 92,OOO
65 for Spousored Category
8ache|or of Fiuaucia| 8 luvestmeut Aua|ysis 1O1O1 3 years 1O+2 (miu. 6O) with miu 6O iu Maths 61,5OO 92,OOO
8.Com. (hous.) - (Eveuiug) 1O469 3 years 1O+2 miu. 6O for lou-Spousored 8 31,OOO 55,5OO
55 for Spousored Category
8ache|or of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 1O281 3 years 81,5OO 1,22,OOO
8ache|or of Jourua|ism - Mass Commuuicatiou (Eveuiug) 1O465 3 years 5O,OOO 15,5OO
8.Sc. - lT 1OO49 3 years 1O+2 14,5OO 1,11,5OO
8CA 1OO48 3 years 1O+2 with Maths / 61,5OO 92,OOO
8CA (Eveuiug) 1O466 3 years Computer Scieuce 31,OOO 55,5OO
8CA + MCA (0ua| 0egree) 1O495 5 years 1O+2 with Phy + Math + Chem/8io/ 11,5OO 1,O1,5OO
8iotech/Tech vocatioua| subject (miu 5O)
8.Sc. - luterior 0esigu 1OO5O 3 years 1O+2 49,5OO 14,5OO
8l0 + Ml0 (0ua| 0egree) 1O524 5 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) with Maths 49,5OO 14,5OO
Creative test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 13
miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud PCM
miu 1O for lou-Spousored 8 65 for Spousored
miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud
PCM/PC8 miu 6O for lou-Spousored 8
55 for Spousored Category
PC8 miu. 6O for lou-Spousored 8
55 for Spousored Category

8.A. (hous.) - Ecouomics 1O182 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) with 61,5OO 92,OOO
miu 1O iu Maths / Ecouomics
8.A. (hous.) - PPE (Phi|osophy, Po|itics 8 Ecouomics) 1O345 3 years 1O+2 miu 1O with Maths / Ecouomics 61,5OO 92,OOO
8.E|.Ed. (8ache|or of E|emeutary Educatiou) 1O143 4 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
0ip|oma iu E|emeutary Teacher Traiuiug 1O145 2 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. 1OO52 4 years 1,21,5OO 1,82,5OO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. 1OO51 4 years 1,21,5OO 1,82,5OO
8.Tech. - luformatiou Techuo|ogy 1OO53 4 years 96,5OO 1,44,5OO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg. 1OO54 4 years 96,5OO 1,44,5OO
8.Tech. - Aerospace Eugg. 1OO55 4 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
8.Tech. - Civi| Eugg. 1O158 4 years 96,5OO 1,44,5OO
8.Tech. - E|ectrica| 8 E|ectrouics Eugiueeriug 1O246 4 years 96,5OO 1,44,5OO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 lustrumeutatiou 1O11O 4 years 1O,5OO 1,O6,OOO
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. + M8A 1O241 5 years 1,21,5OO 1,82,5OO
(1st Sem. ouwards) (1st Sem. ouwards)
2,11,OOO 4,15,5OO
(1th Sem. ouwards) (1th Sem. ouwards)
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. + M8A 1O248 5 years 96,5OO 1,44,5OO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg. + M8A 1O25O 5 years (1st Sem. ouwards) (1st Sem. ouwards)
8.Tech. - Civi| Eugg. + M8A 1O251 5 years 2,11,OOO 4,15,OOO
(1th Sem. ouwards) (1th Sem. ouwards)
8.Tech - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg. + M.Tech 1O253 5 years 81,5OO 1,31,OOO
- Automobi|e Eugiueeriug (0ua| 0egree)
8.Tech.-Aerospace Eugg.+M.Tech.-Aviouics (0ua| 0egree) 1O112 5 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Te|ecommuuicatiou 1OO11 4 years miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud PCM 1,21,5OO 1,82,5OO
miu 6O for lou-Spousored 8 55
for Spousored Category
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. (Eveuiug) 1O459 4 years 12,OOO 1,O8,5OO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. (Eveuiug) 1O46O 4 years 12,OOO 1,O8,5OO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg. (Eveuiug) 1O461 4 years 12,OOO 1,O8,5OO
8.A. (hous.) - Eug|ish 1OO61 3 years 1O+2 with miu 1O iu Eug|ish for 33,OOO 49,OOO
lou-Spousored 8 6O for Spousored Category
8.Sc. - Fashiou 0esigu 1O254 3 years 61,5OO 92,OOO
8.Sc. - Fashiou Techuo|ogy 1O255 3 years 61,5OO 92,OOO
8.Sc. - Texti|e 0esigu 1O341 3 years 61,5OO 92,OOO
8.Sc. - Fashiou Commuuicatiou 1O551 3 years 61,5OO 92,OOO
8FA 1OO51 4 years 41,5OO 62,5OO
8FA - Auimatiou 1OO58 4 years 5O,OOO 15,OOO
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus omarks
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at No|da 6ampus
1O+2 (miu 5O) iuc|udiug oue Lauguage Test ou the day of iuterview
miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud
PCM miu 1O for lou-Spousored 8
65 for Spousored Category
PCM miu 6O for lou-Spousored 8
55 for Spousored Category
1O+2 (miu. 5O)
Creative test ou the
day of iuterview
Creative test ou the
day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 13
F00 IE6hN0I0
8.Tech - Food Techuo|ogy 1O126 4 years PC8 / PCM miu. 6O for lou-Spousored 1O,5OO 1,O6,OOO
8 55 for Spousored category
8.Sc. (hous.) - Foreusic Scieuces 1OO59 3 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) with miu 5O iu PCM/PC8 41,5OO 62,5OO
8.Tech - horticu|ture 1O5O5 4 years PC8 / PCM/ Agri. / horticu|ture (miu. 55) 1O,5OO 1,O6,OOO
8ache|or of hote| Mauagemeut 1O289 3 years 64,5OO 96,5OO
0ip|oma iu Food 8 8everage Service 1O429 1 years 5O,OOO 69,5OO
0ip|oma iu Food Productiou 1O428 1 years 55,5OO 83,OOO
0ip|oma iu Frout 0ffice 0peratiou 1O421 1 years 5O,OOO 69,5OO
8.Sc. + M.Sc. - Actuaria| Scieuce (0ua| 0egree) 1O256 5 years 1O+2 (miu. 6O) with miu 1O iu Maths 59,OOO 88,OOO
8.A. (hous.) - lusurauce 8 8auliug 1O5O6 3 years 1O+2 miu 6O for lou-Spousored 8 61,5OO 92,OOO
55 for Spousored Category
8.A. (hous.) - 6ermau 1OO89 3 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
8.A. (hous.) - Freuch 1OO62 3 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
8.A. (hous.) - Spauish 1OO63 3 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
8.A.LL.8. (hous.) 1O111 5 years 91,5OO 1,46,OOO
88A LL.8. (hous.) 1O215 5 years 91,5OO 1,46,OOO
8.Com. LL.8. (hous.) 1O216 5 years 91,5OO 1,46,OOO
88A 1OO64 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) 1,28,OOO 1,91,5OO
88A - Fiuauce 8 Accouutiug 1O146 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) with 1,28,OOO 1,91,5OO
miu 6O iu Accouuts 8 Maths
88A - Marletiug 8 Sa|es 1O141 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) 1,28,OOO 1,91,5OO
88A - Fami|y 8usiuess Mgmt. 1O251 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) 1,28,OOO 1,91,5OO
88A - l8 1O333 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) 1,28,OOO 1,91,5OO
88A + M8A (0ua| 0egree) 1OO15 4 years 1O+2 (miu 1O) 1,51,5OO 2,21,OOO
88A + M8A - l8 (0ua| 0egree) 1OO65 4 years 1O+2 (miu 1O) 1,51,5OO 2,21,OOO
88A - 3 Coutiueut (ludia, uSA, uK) 1O1O4 3 years 1O+2 (miu 55) uS$ 364O uS$ 546O
88S - 8usiuess 0eve|opmeut 1O5O1 3 years 1O+2 (miu 6O) 1,28,OOO 1,91,5OO
88A - luteruatioua| 8usiuess (Eveuiug) 1O463 3 years 1O+2 66,5OO 1,OO,OOO
8.Sc. (hous.) - Mariue Scieuce 1O456 3 years PC8 (miu. 5O) 33,5OO 5O,OOO

6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus omarks
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at No|da 6ampus
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 13
1O+2 (miu 6O) Test ou the day of iuterview
E|igibi|ity wi|| be
re|axed by 5
for Spousored
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus omarks
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
8.Tech - lauotechuo|ogy 1O183 4 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
8.Tech + M.Tech. - lauotechuo|ogy (0ua| 0egree) 1OO61 5 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
N6IEA 86IEN6E 8 IE6hN0I0
8.Tech. - luc|ear Scieuce 8 Techuo|ogy 1O239 4 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
8.Tech.+M.Tech.-luc|ear Scieuce 8 Techuo|ogy (0ua| 0egree) 1O238 5 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
8.Sc. - Agricu|ture 8 Food 8usiuess 1O259 4 years PC8 / PCM / Agricu|ture (miu. 55) 24,5OO 36,OOO
acho|or oI Mus|c
- C|assica| hiudustaui Voca| 1OO9O 3 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
- hiudustaui C|assica| lustrumeuta| 1OO91 3 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
acho|or oI aoco 11,OOO 25,5OO
- C|assica| 0auce 1OO92 3 years
8.Pharm 1O133 4 years 1O+2 with Phy.+Chem. 61,5OO 92,OOO
Maths / CS/8io|ogy/8iotech Sc (miu 5O)
8ache|or of Physica| Educatiou 1OO68 3 years 1O+2 11,OOO 25,5OO Test of physica| efficieucy, game
p|ayiug abi|ity ou the day of iuterview
8.Sc. - Medica| Physio|ogy 1O584 3 years PC8 (miu 5O) 33,5OO 5O,OOO
8ache|or of Physiotherapy 1OO66 4 years + PC8 (miu 5O) 33,5OO 5O,OOO
6 mouths
8.A. (hous.) - App|ied Psycho|ogy 1OO69 3 years 41,5OO 62,5OO
8.A. + M.A. - C|iuica| Psycho|ogy (0ua| 0egree) 1OO1O 4 years 41,5OO 1O,5OO
8.A. (hous.) - Sauslrit 1O343 3 years 1O+2 with Sauslrit as a subject 11,OOO 25,5OO
806IAI 86IEN6E
8ache|or of Socia| Worl 1OO85 3 years 1O+2 3O,OOO 45,5OO
8.A. (hous.) - Po|itica| Scieuce 1O514 3 years 1O+2 (miu. 5O) 33,OOO 49,OOO
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at No|da 6ampus
Test ou the day of iuterview
1O+2 with 45 iu the aggregate with Music /
0auce as oue of the subjects. 0r 0ip|oma
Course 0r Learut Music for uot |ess thau three
years from a we|| luowu teacher/guru or three
year course iu a recoguised iustitutiou
1O+2 (miu. 5O)
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 13
miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud PCM / PC8
miu 6Ofor lou Spousored 855for Spousored Category
miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud PCM
miu 6Ofor lou Spousored 855for Spousored Category
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at No|da 6ampus
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Frogram
8.Tech - So|ar 8 A|teruate Euergy 1O291 4 years miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
PCM miu 6O for lou Spousored 8
55 for Spousored Category
8.Tech.-Aerospace Eugg.+M.Tech.-Aviouics (0ua| 0egree) 1O112 5 years miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
PCM miu 1O for lou-Spousored 8
65 for Spousored Category
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Te|ecommuuicatiou 1OO11 4 years miu 6O aggregate iu C|ass X 8 Xll aud PCM 1,21,5OO 1,82,5OO
miu 6O for lou-Spousored 8 55 for
Spousored Category
8.A. - Tourism Admiuistratiou 1OO12 3 years 1O+2 41,5OO 1O,5OO
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : Studeuts who have comp|eted 1O+2 iu regu|ar mode ou|y, are e|igib|e to app|y for a|| 8.Tech / 8.Tech + M8A /8.Tech +M.Tech / 8 Pharm programs.
lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou / Fiue Arts / Perfomiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
0ua| 0egree - 8oth the degrees wi|| be giveu after comp|etiug the duratiou of the programme. There wi|| be uo exit optiou.
Compartmeut cases wi|| uot be cousidered.
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 2O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The Fee meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by approximate|y 5 every year. Each Academic year is of 2 semesters. Exact fee structure is avai|ab|e ou
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
The fee for Compauy Spousored wou|d be three times the lou-spousored fees. Re|axatiou iu qua|ifyiug exam perceutage wi|| be giveu wherever app|icab|e.
The fees for lRl / Foreigu category wi|| be same as Spousored fees.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| Fee (if app|icab|e): loida Campus: Rs. 65,OOO/- (lou AC) per auuum, Rs. 1,3O,OOO/- (AC) per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs. 1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou
(Mess charges ou actua| basis).
Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus omarks
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
M.Sc. - Authropo|ogy 1O13O 2 years 8.Sc. iu re|evaut stream 11,OOO 25,5OO
M. Arch - Laudscape Architecture 1O161 2 years 8.Arch (miu 5O) 1O,5OO 1,O6,OOO
M.Sc. - App|ied Physics 1O5OO 2 years 8.Sc. (h) Physics (miu 5O) / 8 Sc. (miu 5O) 11,OOO 25,5OO
with miu 6O iu Physics 8 1O+2 (miu 6O)
M.Sc. - App|ied Chemistry 1O5O9 2 years 8.Sc. (h) Chemistry (miu 5O) / 11,OOO 25,5OO
8 Sc. (miu 5O) with miu 6O iu
Chemistry 8 1O+2 (miu 6O)
M.Sc. - App|ied Mathematics 1O51O 2 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
M.Sc. - Statistics 1O541 2 years 11,OOO 25,5OO
M.Phi| - Physics 1O316 1 year 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.Phi| - Chemistry 1O318 1 year 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.Phi| - Maths 1O311 1 year 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.Phi| - Statistics 1O548 1 year 41,5OO 62,5OO
M8A - 8iotechuo|ogy Mauagemeut 1OOO1 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces (miu 5O) 1,61,OOO 2,5O,5OO

M.Sc. - 8iotechuo|ogy 1OOO2 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces (miu. 6O) 8 61,5OO 92,OOO
1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Sc. - 8ioiuformatics 1OOO3 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces/Computer Scieuce 61,5OO 92,OOO
(miu. 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Tech. - 8iotechuo|ogy 1O1O1 2 years 8.Tech iu 8iotechuo|ogy / 61,5OO 92,OOO
8ioiuformatics / Medica| 8iotechuo|ogy /
M.Sc. 8iotech / Life Scieuces (miu. 6O)
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Tech. - 8io Chemica| Eugiueeriug 1O26O 2 years 8.Tech iu Life Scieuces / Chemica| 8 8io 61,5OO 92,OOO
Chemica| Eugg. 0r M.Sc. iu Life Scieuces /
Chemistry / 8iochemistry (miu. 6O)
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
Maser of Commerce 1O516 2 years 6raduatiou (miu. 5O) 8 41,5OO 62,5OO
Master of Fiuaucia| Mauagemeut 1O281 2 years 1O+2 (miu. 6O) with Maths 61,5OO 92,OOO
M.Phi| - Commerce / Fiuauce 1O544 1 years Master degree iu re|evaut stream 41,5OO 62,5OO Test ou the day of iuterview
0r equiva|eut (miu 55)

Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
M.Sc. iu re|evaut stream (miu. 55) Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 22
8.Sc. (h) Maths (miu 5O) /
8 Sc. (miu 5O) with miu 6O iu
Maths/Stats 8 1O+2 (miu 6O)
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
M8A - Media Mauagemeut 1O213 2 years 6raduatiou (miu. 5O) 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
M. A. - Advertisiug 8 Marletiug Mauagemeut 1OOO4 2 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
Master of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 1O288 2 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
M.Sc. - Visua| Commuuicatiou 1O214 2 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
M. A. - Fi|m 8 TV Productiou 1O116 2 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
M. A. - PR 8 Eveut Mauagemeut 1O342 2 years 92,OOO 1,38,OOO
P6 0ip|oma iu Radio 8roadcast 8 Radio Mauagemeut 1O3O2 1 year 14,5OO 1,11,5OO
MCA 1OOO1 3 years 8CA (miu. 5O) / 6raduatiou with 81,5OO 1,21,5OO
Maths (miu. 5O) 0r 6raduatiou (miu 5O)
with Maths at 1O+2
M.Sc. - letworl Techuo|ogy 8 Mauagemeut 1OOO8 2 years 8.Tech. / 8CA / 8.Sc. (Maths / lT) 65,OOO 91,5OO
M.Sc. - luterior 0esigu 1O1O6 2 years 8ache|or of luterior 0esigu / 8.Arch 53,5OO 8O,OOO
P6 0ip|oma iu luterior 0esigu 1O511 1 year 8l0 / 8.Sc.(l0) / 8 Arch 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.A. - Ecouomics 1O3O1 2 year 8.A. (h) Ecouomics (miu. 5O) / 6raduatiou 41,5OO 62,5OO
(miu 5O) with miu 6O iu Ecouomics
8.Ed. 1O1O5 1 year 6raduatiou (miu 5O) aud 33,5OO 5O,OOO
1O+2 (miu 6O)
M.Ed. 1O139 1 year 8.E|.Ed. / 8.Ed (miu 55) 33,5OO 5O,OOO
M. Phi| - Educatiou 1O185 1 year Master degree iu re|evaut stream or 41,5OO 62,5OO
Equiva|eut (miu. 55)
M.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugiueeriug 1OOO9 2 years 8.E. / 8.Tech. / AMlE / MCA / M.Sc. 59,OOO 88,OOO
(CS/P/M/Stats) (miu. 6O)
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. (Weeleud) 1O181 3 years 8.Tech / 8.E. / 6rad. l E T E / AMlE / 33,5OO 5O,OOO
MCA / M.Sc. (E|ec. / lT/ CS / Stats) /
MA iu Mathematics (miu. 55)
M.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. 1O153 2 years 8 E/ 8 Tech / AMlE (ECE) / M.Sc. 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. (Weeleud) 1O261 3 years (E|ectrouics/Phy. ) (miu. 6O) 33,5OO 5O,OOO
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 22
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
M.Tech. - Automobi|e Eugg. 1O262 2 years 8.E. / 8.Tech. / AMlE (Mechauica| / 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech. - Automobi|e Eugg. (Weeleud) 1O263 3 years Automobi|e / Aerospace 8 Space Tech) 33,5OO 5O,OOO
(miu. 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Tech. - VLSl 1O264 2 years 8.E. / 8.Tech. / AMlE (ECE) (miu. 6O) 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech. - Wire|ess Commuuicatiou 1O266 2 years 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O) 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech. - Power Systems 1O212 2 years 8.E. / 8.Tech./AMlE (E|ectrica|/EEE) 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech. - Power Systems (Weeleud) 1O213 3 years (miu. 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O) 33,5OO 5O,OOO
M.Tech. - Coutro| Systems 1O214 2 years 8.E./8.Tech. / AMlE (E|ectrica| / ECE / 59,OOO 88,OOO
EEE / lustrumeutatiou) (miu. 6O)
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Tech. - Embedded Systems Techuo|ogy 1O294 2 years 8.E./ 8.Tech. / AMlE (ECE / E|ectrica| / EEE) 59,OOO 88,OOO
(miu 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu 6O)
M.Tech. - Mechatrouics 1O21O 2 years 8.E./ 8.Tech. / AMlE (Mechauica| / ECE / EEE) 59,OOO 88,OOO
(miu 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu 6O)
M.Tech. - luformatiou Techuo|ogy 1O512 2 years 8.E. / 8.Tech. / AMlE / MCA / M.Sc. 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech. - luformatiou Techuo|ogy (Weeleud) 1O513 3 years (CS/lT)/ (miu. 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O) 33,5OO 5O,OOO
M.A. - Eug|ish 1O1O3 2 years 8.A. (hous.) Eug|ish 8 miu 1O iu 41,5OO 62,5OO
Eug|ish at 1O+2
M. Phi| - Eug|ish 1O188 1 year Master degree iu re|evaut stream or 41,5OO 62,5OO Test ou the day of iuterview
Equiva|eut (miu. 55)
M.Sc. - Euviroumeuta| Scieuces 1O218 2 years 8.Sc. (miu. 5O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O) 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.Tech. - Euviroumeuta| Scieuces 1O219 2 years 8.E. / 8.Tech. - Civi| / Euv. Eugg. / 59,OOO 88,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
8iotech / Chemica| Eugg. or
M.Sc. - Euv. Sc. / Euv. Chem. / Euv. Tech. /
Euv. 8otauy (miu. 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M8A - Fashiou Mauagemeut 1O245 2 years 6raduatiou (miu. 5O) 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
M.Sc. - Fashiou 8 Texti|e Merchaudisiug 1O28O 2 years 6raduatiou (miu. 5O) 55,OOO 83,OOO
M. A. - Fashiou Retai| Mauagemeut 1O2O4 2 years 6raduatiou 55,OOO 83,OOO
M. A. - 0esigu (Fashiou 8 Texti|e) 1O552 2 years 6raduatiou iu Fashiou / Texti|e 0esigu 55,OOO 83,OOO
(miu. 5O)
MFA - Paiutiug 1O282 2 years 22,5OO 33,5OO Assessmeut of Portfo|io ou
MFA - App|ied Arts 1O283 2 years 22,5OO 33,5OO the day of iuterview
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 22
Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
F00 IE6hN0I0
M.Sc. - Food 8 lutritiou 1O454 2 years 8.Sc-Food Sc. 8 lutritiou/lutritiou 8 53,5OO 8O,5OO
0ietetics/home Sc./App|ied Sc. /
Food Tech./0ietetics 8 Food Services Mgt./
Food Sc. 8 0ua|ity Coutro|/8iotechuo|ogy
(miu. 5O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Tech - Food Techuo|ogy 1O312 2 years 8.E./8.Tech |Food Tech/0airy Tech/Chemica| 59,OOO 88,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
Tech. (sp|. iu Food Tech.)| / M.Sc. (Food Sc./
0airy Sc./A||ied Sc.) (miu. 6O) 8
1O+2 (miu. 6O)
F0EN8I6 86IEN6E8
M.Sc. - Foreusic Scieuces 1OO11 2 years 8.Sc. (miu. 6O) / M88S / 80S / 41,5OO 62,5OO
8V.Sc or equiva|eut
M.Sc. - 6eographic luformatiou System8 Remote Seusiug 1O543 2 years 8.Sc. / 8.A (6eography) (miu 5O) 11,OOO 25,5OO
M.Tech - 6eoiuformatics 8 Remote Seusiug 1O542 2 years 8. Arch / 8.E. / 8. Tech 0r M.Sc / 59,OOO 88,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
M.A. (6eography) (miu 5O )
M.Tech. - Reuewab|e Euergy System8 So|ar 0etoxificatiou 1O5O3 2 years 8E/ 8.Tech / 8.Sc. Eugiueeriug (E|ectrica| / 59,OOO 88,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
E|ectrouics / Mechauica| / Chemica| /
Civi|) / M.Sc. (Phy / Chem / Agricu|ture)
(miu. 6O) 8 1O + 2 (miu. 6O)
hEAI E8EA6h 8 8IIE8
M.Sc. - Mediciua| 8 Aromatic P|auts 1O319 2 years 8.Sc (miu. 5O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O) 61,5OO 92,OOO
M8A - horticu|ture 1O5O4 2 years 8.Sc/ 8.Sc - Agri / horticu|ture or 94,OOO 1,41,OOO
8.Tech horticu|ture (miu 5O)
M8A - hospita|ity Mauagemeut 1OO14 2 years 6raduatiou (miu. 5O) 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
Master of hospita| Admiuistratiou 1O34O 2 years 94,5OO 1,42,OOO
Master of Pub|ic hea|th 1O396 2 years 52,5OO 19,OOO
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 22
6raduatiou (miu 5O). Prefereuce wi|| be giveu
to 8ache|or of Pub|ic hea|th, M88S / 80S /
AYuSh / 8.Sc. (lursiug) / 8. Pharm from
recogui/ed uuiversity aud caudidate with
hospita| / hea|thcare re|ated experieuce
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
M8A - lusurauce 1OO15 2 years 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
M8A - lusurauce 8 8auliug 1O284 2 years 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
M.Sc. - Actuaria| Scieuce 1OO11 2 years 41,5OO 1O,5OO
M.A. - Freuch 1O19O 2 years 8.A. or equiva|eut iu Freuch 41,5OO 62,5OO Test ou the day of the luterview
LL.8. 1O561 3 years 6raduatiou (miu 5O) 84,OOO 1,26,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
LL.M. - humau Rights 1O191 2 years 18,5OO 21,5OO
LL.M. - Fami|y Law 1O192 2 years 18,5OO 21,5OO
LL.M. - 8usiuess Law 1O193 2 years 18,5OO 21,5OO
LL.M. - Coustitutioua| Law 1O426 2 years 18,5OO 21,5OO
LL.M. - luteruatioua| Euviroumeuta| Law 1O511 2 years 18,5OO 21,5OO
LL.M. - luteruatioua| Trade 8 Ecouomic Law 1O141 2 years 18,5OO 21,5OO
M. Phi|l - Law 1O194 1 year 41,5OO 62,5OO Test ou the day of iuterview
M8A 1OO19 2 years 2,36,OOO 3,54,OOO
M8A - luteruatioua| 8usiuess 1OO2O 2 years 2,24,OOO 3,36,OOO
M8A - Marletiug 8 Sa|es 1OO22 2 years 2,24,OOO 3,36,OOO
M8A - hR 1OO23 2 years 2,24,OOO 3,36,OOO
M8A - Retai| Mauagemeut 1O162 2 years 2,13,OOO 3,19,5OO
M8A - Eutrepreueurship 1OO21 2 years 2,13,OOO 3,19,5OO
M8A - Competitive lute||igeuce 8 Strategic Mauagemeut 1O335 2 years 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
M8A - latura| Resources 8 Sustaiuab|e 0eve|opmeut 1O5O8 2 years 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
M8A - 3 Coutiueut (ludia, uSA, uK) 1OO81 2 years uS $ 56OO uS $ 84OO
M8A - luteruatioua| 8usiuess (Eveuiug) 1O451 2 years 1,41,5OO 2,12,5OO Test ou the day of iuterview
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 22
6raduatiou (miu. 5O)
6raduatiou iu Mathematica| Scieuces /
Computer Sc / Eugiueeriug /
Physics / Commerce
(miu 55 iu Mathematica| subject) /
0ua|ified member of lCAl / lCWAl /
Euro||ed 6raduate member of lAl /
miu 1O iu Maths at 1O+2
Master degree iu re|evaut stream or
equiva|eut (miu 55) 0R 6raduatiou iu
Law or equiva|eut (miu 55) +
worl experieuce of 5 years iu |aw.
LL.8. or equiva|eut (miu 5O)
6raduatiou (miu. 5O)
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 85 S : 15
MAT Score lS : 65O S : 6OO
6MAT Score lS : 55O S : 5OO
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 8O S : 1O
MAT Score lS : 6OO S : 55O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
6raduatiou (miu. 5O)
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
M.Sc. - Mariue Scieuce 1O455 2 years 8.Sc. iu |ife Scieuces (miu. 5O) 28,OOO 41,5OO
M.Sc. - Microbia| Techuo|ogy 1O286 2 years 8.Sc. (8io|ogica| Sc.) (miu. 6O) 53,5OO 8O,OOO
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Phi| - Microbia| Techuo|ogy 1O191 1 year Master degree iu re|evaut stream (miu 55) 55,OOO 83,OOO Test ou the day of the luterview
M.Tech. - lauotechuo|ogy 1OO28 2 years 8.Tech. / 8.E. / M.Sc. with Phy. / Chem. / 59,OOO 88,OOO
8io Sc. / latura| Sc. / E|ectrouic Sc. /
lustrumeutatiou / Mathematics or equiva|eut
(miu. 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Sc. - lauoscieuce by Research 1OO29 2 years 53,5OO 8O,5OO
M.Sc. - lauoscieuce by research+ 1O114 3 years 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech. - lauotechuo|ogy (0ua| 0egree)
M Sc - Foreusic lauotechuo|ogy 1O531 2 years 8ache|or iu Scieuce / Mediciue / Eugg / 53,5OO 8O,5OO
Pharmacy (miu 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu 6O)
M.Sc - lauobiotechuo|ogy 1O532 2 years 8ache|or iu Scieuce /Life Scieuces / 53,5OO 8O,5OO
Mediciue / 8iophysics / 8iochemistry /
Pharmacy (miu 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu 6O)
M8A - l60 Mauagemeut 1O516 2 years 6raduatiou (miu 5O) 94,OOO 1,41,OOO
N6IEA 86IEN6E 8 IE6hN0I0
M.Tech. - luc|ear Scieuce 8 Techuo|ogy 1O229 2 years 8.E. / 8.Tech. (miu 5O) 59,OOO 88,OOO Test ou the day of the luterview
M8A - Agricu|ture 8 Food 8usiuess 1OO31 2 years 6raduatiou iu Agricu|ture / 8iotech / Food 94,OOO 1,41,OOO
aud Life Scieuces / A||ied areas (miu. 5O)
M. Pharm - Pharmaceutica| 8iotechuo|ogy 1O244 2 years 44,5OO 66,5OO
M. Pharm - Pharmacoguosy 8 Phytochemistry 1O199 2 years 44,5OO 66,5OO
M. Pharm - Pharmaceutics 1O41O 2 years 44,5OO 66,5OO
M Pharm - Pharmaceutica| Mauagemeut 1O518 2 years 44,5OO 66,5OO
M Pharm - 0rug Regu|atory Affairs 1O519 2 years 44,5OO 66,5OO
M Pharma - Pharmaceutica| Chemistry 1O55O 2 years 44,5OO 66,5OO
M Pharma - Pharmaco|ogy 1O549 2 years 44,5OO 66,5OO
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
8. Pharm. (miu. 6O) Test ou the day of the luterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 22
8.Sc. or equiva|eut (miu. 6O)
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
Test ou the day of iuterview
8.P. Ed. (8ache|or of Physica| Educatiou) 1O138 1 year 8PE or 8ache|or's degree with Phy Edu as au 24,5OO 36,OOO
e|ective subject (miu 5O) 0r 8ache|or's degree
(miu 45) aud participatiou iu latioua| or State
or luter uuiversity competitiou iu sports
or games or ath|etics recogui/ed by Alu or l0A
or 3 years teachiug experieuce.
M.P. Ed. (Master of Physica| Educatiou) 1O149 2 years 8PE / 8.P.Ed. / 8.Sc. iu hea|th 8 28,5OO 42,OOO
Physica| Educatiou (miu 55)
M.Phi| - Physica| Educatiou 1O313 1 year MPE or M.P.Ed (miu 55) 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.Sc. - Medica| Physio|ogy 1O562 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces (miu 5O) / 5O,OOO 15,OOO
8 Sc. iu (Physio|ogy / Med. Physio|ogy /
Zoo|ogy / 8io|ogy) / M88S. / 8PT/Ayush
0r 8 Pharm
P6 0ip|oma iu hea|th 8 We||uess Mauagemeut 1O546 1 year 6raduatiou (miu 5O) 24,OOO 36,OOO
Masters of Physiotherapy 1OO21 2 years 4 years 8PT (Fu|| Time) iuc|udiug 44,5OO 66,5OO Test ou the day of the luterview
iuteruship (miu. 5O)
F08I hAvE8I IE6hN0I0 8
M.Sc. - Post harvest Techuo|ogy 1O526 2 years 8 Tech - Food Sc 8 Tech/8iotech / 53,5OO 8O,OOO
Agricu|ture Eugg / 8 Sc (h) 8otauy /
Food Tech / horticu|ture/Agri.(miu 6O) 8
1O+2 (miu 6O)
P6 0ip|oma iu Co|d Chaiu Mauagemeut 1O521 1 year 8 Tech - Mechauica| / Refrigeratiou Eugg / 44,5OO 66,5OO
8 Sc - Agri. Eugg (miu 6O) + Worl Exp.
iu co|d chaiu iudustry wi|| be au additioua|
8 preferred qua|ificatiou
F86h0I0 8 EhAvI0AI 86IEN6E
M.A. - App|ied Psycho|ogy 1O166 2 years 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.A. - Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 1OO33 2 years 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.A. - C|iuica| Psycho|ogy 1OO34 2 years 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.A. - 0rgauisatioua| 8ehaviour 1OO35 2 years 41,5OO 62,5OO
M A - Mi|itary Psycho|ogy 1O521 2 years 41,5OO 62,5OO
M. Phi| - Chi|d 8 Ado|esceut Psycho|ogy 1O181 2 years M.A. Psycho|ogy / M.Sc. Chi|d 0eve|opmeut / 41,5OO 62,5OO
MSW (miu. 55)
M. Phi| - Rehabi|itatiou Psycho|ogy 1O2OO 2 years M.A. / M.Sc. iu Psycho|ogy or 11,5OO 1,16,5OO
M. Phi| - C|iuica| Psycho|ogy 1O1O9 2 years Equiva|eut (miu 55) 11,5OO 1,16,5OO
M Phi| - Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 1O52O 2 years M.A. Psycho|ogy / Socia| Worl (miu 55) 11,5OO 1,16,5OO
P6 0ip|oma iu Crimiua| Pscyho|ogy 1O522 1 year 41,5OO 62,5OO
P6 0ip|oma iu Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 1OO36 1 year 41,5OO 62,5OO
P6 0ip|oma iu Rehabi|itatiou Psycho|ogy 1O525 1 year 6raduatiou / Post 6raduatiou iu Psycho|ogy 41,5OO 62,5OO
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 22
Test of physica| efficieucy,
game p|ayiug abi|ity
ou the day of iuterview
6raduatiou (miu. 5O)
6raduatiou (miu 5O)
Test ou the day of the luterview
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
M8A - Rura| Mauagemeut 1O113 2 years 94,OOO 1,41,OOO
M8A - urbau lufrastructure 8 Rea| Estate Mauagemeut 1O114 2 years 94,OOO 1,41,OOO
M8A - urbau lufrastructure aud Rea| Estate Mauagemeut (Weeleud) 1O362 2 years 6raduatiou (miu. 55) 13,5OO 1,1O,5OO
+ Worl Experieuce iu lufrastructure
/ Rea| Estate Sector
P6 0ip|oma iu Rura| Marletiug 1O4O4 1 year 6raduatiou 44,5OO 66,5OO
M.A. - Sauslrit 1O344 2 years 6raduatiou iu re|evaut stream 41,5OO 62,5OO
806IAI 86IEN6E
M.A. - 0eve|opmeut Studies 1O115 2 years 6raduatiou 41,5OO 62,5OO
M.A. - Po|itica| Scieuce 1O2O1 2 years 6raduatiou iu re|evaut stream 41,5OO 62,5OO
Master of Socia| Worl 1O2O2 2 years 6raduatiou 41,5OO 62,5OO
8FA6E 86IEN6E8
M.Tech. - Aviouics 1O2O3 2 years 8.Tech./8E (E|ectrouics/E|ectrica|/ 59,OOO 88,OOO Test ou the day of the luterview
Comp. Sc./ Aero Space) (miu. 6O)
8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M.Tech. - So|ar 8 A|teruate Euergy 1O2O8 2 years 8.Tech. / M.Sc. with Phy. / Chem. / 59,OOO 88,OOO Test ou the day of the luterview
Materia| Scieuce
(miu. 6O) 8 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
M8A - Te|ecom Mauagemeut 1OO31 2 years 8 E / 8 Tech (E8C/E8T/E|ectrica| 1,15,OOO 2,62,5OO
/ lT/ CS / lustrumeutatiou / Aerospace)
or 8.Sc / M.Sc (lT / Te|ecom) or
8CA / MCA (miu 5O)
M8A - Te|ecom Sa|es 1O211 2 years 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
M8A - Te|ecom hR 1O212 2 years 1,4O,OOO 2,1O,OOO
M.Tech - 0ptoe|ectrouics Aud 0ptica| Commuuicatiou 1O369 2 years 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech - 0ptoe|ectrouics Aud 0ptica| Commuuicatiou (Weeleud) 1O385 3 years 33,5OO 5O,OOO
M.Tech - Te|ecommuuicatiou Systems Eugg 1O31O 2 years 59,OOO 88,OOO
M.Tech - Te|ecommuuicatiou Systems Eugg (Weeleud) 1O386 3 years 33,5OO 5O,OOO
6raduatiou (miu. 5O)
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e lS : 15 S : 65
MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
6MAT Score lS : 5OO S : 45O
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of the luterview
6raduatiou (miu. 5O)
8.Tech - ECE/E8T/lT/M.Sc iu
(Physics/E|ectrouics) or equiva|eut
(miu. 6O) + 1O+2 (miu. 6O)
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 22
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at No|da 6ampus
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
No|da 6ampus
0thors Noo-spoosorod
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
F|rst 8omostor
Foos (s.}
M.A. - Tourism Admiuistratiou 1OO39 2 years 6raduatiou 59,OOO 88,OOO
M8A (Executive) - Tourism, hospita|ity 8 1O523 2 years 6raduatiou (miu 5O) + 13,5OO 1,1O,5OO Test ou the day of the luterview
Aviatiou (Part Time) 3 years of Worl Experieuce
vI0I0 8 IMMN0I0
M.Sc. - lmmuuo|ogy 1O315 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces 61,5OO 92,OOO
M.Sc. - Viro|ogy 1O314 2 years (miu. 5O) + 1O+2 (miu. 5O) 61,5OO 92,OOO
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou / Fiue Arts / Perfomiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
Fiua| Year appeariug studeuts shou|d meet miuimum e|igibi|ity ti|| |ast qua|ifyiug Semester / Year aud shou|d uot have auy bacl paper / esseutia| repeat.
0ua| 0egree - 8oth the degrees wi|| be giveu after comp|etiug the duratiou of the programme. There wi|| be uo exit optiou.
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 2O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The fees meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by apprx. 5 every year. Each academic year is of 2 semesters. Exact fee structure is avai|ab|e ou
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
The fee for Compauy Spousored wou|d be three times the lou-spousored fees. They wi|| be exempted from the qua|ifyiug exam.
The fees for lRl / Foreigu category wi|| be same as Spousored fees.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| Fee (if app|icab|e): loida Campus: Rs. 65,OOO/- (lou AC) per auuum, Rs. 1,3O,OOO/- (AC) per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs. 1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou
(Mess charges ou actua| basis).
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo omarks
Iotorv|ow 0thors
Iuckoow 6ampus
1st oar
8omostor Foos
8ache|or of Architecture 11O4O 5 years 1O+2 (Miu 5O) with Maths + lATA Score 55,OOO As per guide|iues of couuci| of
8.Sc. (luterior 0esigu) 11O5O 3 years 1O+2 55,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8.Sc. (hous.) - 8iotechuo|ogy 11O44 3 years PC8 (miu. 55) 55,OOO
8.Tech. - 8ioiuformatics 11O42 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - 8iotechuo|ogy 11O41 4 years 19,OOO
8.Com. (hous.) 11O46 3 years 1O+2 (miu 55) 48,OOO
8ache|or of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 11281 3 years 1O+2 61,OOO
8.Sc. - lT 11O49 3 years 1O+2 55,OOO
8CA 11O48 3 years 1O+2 with Maths 48,OOO
8.El.Ed. (8ache|or of E|emeutary Educatiou) 11143 4 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) iuc|udiug oue Lauguage 24,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
8.Tech. - Aerospace Eugg. 11O55 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - Civi| Eugg. 11158 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. 11O52 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. 11O51 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - luformatiou Techuo|ogy 11O53 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg. 11O54 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrica| 8 E|ectrouics Eugg. 11246 4 years 19,OOO
8.A. (hous.) - Ecouomics 11182 3 years 1O+2 (miu 55) with Maths/Eco (miu 55) 48,OOO
8.A. (hous.) - Eug|ish 11O61 3 years 1O+2 24,OOO
8.Sc. - Fashiou 0esigu 8 Techuo|ogy 11O56 3 years 1O+2 48,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8FA 11O51 4 years 1O+2 24,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8ache|or of hote| Mauagemeut 11289 3 years 1O+2 55,OOO
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at Iuckoow 6ampus
PC8 or PCM (miu. 6O)
Test ou the day of iuterview
PCM (miu 6O) Test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 24
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at Iuckoow 6ampus
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo omarks
Iotorv|ow 0thors
Iuckoow 6ampus
1st oar
8omostor Foos
8.A. LL.8 (hous.) 11111 5 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) 48,OOO
8.Com. LL.8. (hous.) 11216 5 years 48,OOO
88A. LL.8. (hous.) 11215 5 years 13,OOO
8.A. (h) history 11513 3 years 24,OOO
8.A. (h) Phi|osophy 11515 3 years 1O+2 24,OOO
8.A. (h) Po|itica| Scieuce 11514 3 years 24,OOO
88A 11O64 3 years 1O+2 (miu. 55) 91,OOO
8. Pharm 11133 4 years 1O+2 with Physics + Chemistry + Math/ 55,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
Computer Scieuce/8io|ogy/8iotechuo|ogy Scieuce
8.A. (h) App|ied Psycho|ogy 11O69 3 years 1O+2 24,OOO
Test ou the day of iuterview
1O+2 (miu 55)
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou / Fiue Arts / Performiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 15,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The Fee meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by approximate|y 5 every year. Each Academic year is of 2 semesters.
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| fee (if app|icab|e):Lucluow Campus: Rs. 5O,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs.1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou (Mess charges ou actua| basis).
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors 1st oar
8omostor Foos
Iuckoow 6ampus omarks
M.Sc. - 8iotechuo|ogy 11OO2 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces 45,OOO
M.Tech - 8iotechuo|ogy 111O1 2 years 8.Tech. iu 8iotechuo|ogy / 8ioiuformatics/ 55,OOO
Medica| 8iotechuo|ogy/M.Sc. 8iotech /
Life Scieuces
Master of Commerce 11516 2 years 8.Com./8A (Ecouomics)/88A (miu 5O) 45,OOO
Master of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 11288 2 years 61,OOO
P6 0ip|oma iu Advertisiug 8 PR 11353 1 year 6raduatiou 48,OOO
M. A. - Fi|m 8 TV Productiou 11116 2 years 24,OOO
MCA 11OO1 3 years 6rad + Math at 1O+2 or 8CA 61,OOO
M.Sc. - letworl Techuo|ogy 8 Mauagemeut 11OO8 2 years 8 Tech/8CA/8.Sc(Maths/lT) 45,OOO
8.Ed. 111O5 1 year 6raduatiou (miu. 5O) 3O,OOO
M.Ed. 11139 1 year 8.El.Ed./8.Ed. (miu 55) 3O,OOO
M.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugiueeriug 11OO9 2 years MCA/M Sc. (CS/P/M/Stats.) /8.Tech 55,OOO
M.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugiueeriug 11153 2 years 8.Tech. (ECE) / M.Sc. (E|ectrouics/Phy. ) 55,OOO
M.Tech. - Automobi|e Eugiueeriug 11262 2 years 8E/8.Tech/AMlE 55,OOO
(Mechauica| / Automobi|e Eugg)
M.Tech. - 0ptoe|ectrouics 8 0ptica| Commuuicatiou 11369 2 years 8.Tech ECE/E8T/lT/M.Sc. iu 55,OOO
(Physics/E|ectrouics) or equiva|eut
M.Tech. - Embedded Systems Techuo|ogy 11294 2 years 8.Tech - (ECE/E8T/EEE/El/l8C)/ 55,OOO
M.Sc. (E|ectrouics)/AMlETE/AMlE
M. A. - Eug|ish 111O3 2 years 8.A. iu Eug|ish 31,OOO
M.A. - Fashiou Retai| Mauagemeut 112O4 2 years 6raduatiou 45,OOO
Master of Fiue Arts 11O1O 2 years 8FA 24,OOO Assessmeut of Portfo|io ou
the day of iuterview
LL.M. 11O18 2 years LL.8. or equiva|eut 24,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at Iuckoow 6ampus
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 26
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at Iuckoow 6ampus
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors 1st oar
8omostor Foos
Iuckoow 6ampus omarks urat|oo
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou / Fiue Arts / Performiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
Fiua| Year appeariug studeuts shou|d meet miuimum e|igibi|ity ti|| |ast qua|ifyiug Semester/Year aud shou|d uot have auy bacl paper/esseutia| repeat.
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 15,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The Fee meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by approximate|y 5 every year. Each Academic year is of 2 semesters.
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| fee (if app|icab|e):Lucluow Campus: Rs. 5O,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs.1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou (Mess charges ou actua| basis).
M8A 11O19 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - luteruatioua| 8usiuess 11O2O 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - Marletiug 8 Sa|es 11O22 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - hR 11O23 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - Educatiou Mauagemeut 11336 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - Agri 8usiuess 1111O 2 years 1,21,OOO
M8A - Executive (Fu|| Time) 11339 1 year 2,25,OOO
M8A - Executive (Part Time) 1118O 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - Media Mauagemeut 11213 2 years 6raduatiou (miu 5O) 1,52,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
M.Pharm 11293 2 years 8.Pharma 45,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
F86h0I0 8 EhAvI0AI 86IEN6E
M.A. - Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 11O33 2 years 6raduatiou with Psycho|ogy as a subject 24,OOO
M.A. - C|iuica| Psycho|ogy 11O34 2 years 6raduatiou iu Psycho|ogy or 24,OOO
Equiva|eut (miu 5O)
P6 0ip|oma iu Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 11O36 1 year 6raduatiou iu Socia| Scieuce 24,OOO
M. Phi| - Chi|d 8 Ado|esceut Psycho|ogy 11181 2 years Master`s 0egree iu Re|evaut Stream or 24,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
Equiva|eut(Miu. 5O)
6raduatiou (miu 5O)
6raduatiou (miu 5O) +
3 years of worl experieuce
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e : 8O
MAT Score : 55O
6MAT Score : 5OO
Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e : 15
MAT Score : 5OO
6MAT Score : 5OO
Test ou the day of iuterview
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
8ache|or of Architecture 12O4O 5 years 1O+2 (miu. 5O) with Maths + lata Score 5O,OOO As per guide|iues of couuci| of
8.Sc. - luterior 0esigu 12O5O 3 years 1O+2 5O,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8.Sc. (hous.) - 8iotechuo|ogy 12O44 3 years PC8 (miu. 55) 41,OOO
8.Tech. - 8ioiuformatics 12O42 4 years 52,OOO
8.Tech. - 8iotechuo|ogy 12O41 4 years PC8 or PCM (miu. 6O) 61,OOO
8.Tech. + M.Tech - 8iotechuo|ogy (0ua| 0egree) 12231 5 years 69,OOO
8.Com. (hous.) 12O46 3 years 1O+2 (miu. 55) 41,OOO
8ache|or of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 12281 3 years 1O+2 41,OOO
8.Sc. - lT 12O49 3 years 1O+2 41,OOO
8CA 12O48 3 years 41,OOO
8CA + MCA (0ua| 0egree) 12495 5 years 68,OOO
8.A. (hous.) - Ecouomics 12182 3 years 1O+2 (miu 55) with Maths/Eco (miu. 55) 41,OOO
8.Tech. - Chemica| Eugiueeriug 12354 4 years 61,OOO
8.Tech. - Civi| Eugg. 12158 4 years 61,OOO
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. 12O52 4 years 61,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. 12O51 4 years 61,OOO
8.Tech. - lT 12O53 4 years 61,OOO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg. 12O54 4 years 61,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrica| 8 E|ectrouics Eugg. 12246 4 years 61,OOO
8.Tech. + M.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. (0ua| 0egree) 12221 5 years 69,OOO
8.Tech. + M.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg.(0ua| 0egree) 12222 5 years 69,OOO
8.Tech. + M.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg.(0ua| 0egree) 12224 5 years 69,OOO
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. + M8A (0ua| 0egree) 12225 5 years 99,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. + M8A (0ua| 0egree) 12226 5 years 99,OOO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg. + M8A (0ua| 0egree) 12228 5 years 99,OOO
8.Tech - Food Techuo|ogy 12126 4 years PC8/PCM (miu. 6O ) 61,OOO
8.Sc. - Fashiou 0esigu 8 Techuo|ogy 12O56 3 years 1O+2 41,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8ache|or of Fiue Arts 12O51 4 years 1O+2 22,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8ache|or of hote| Mauagemeut 12289 3 years 41,OOO
8ache|or of hote| Mauagemeut + M8A (hospita|ity) 12496 4 years 68,OOO
urat|oo Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors
Ja|pur 6ampus
1st oar
8omostor Foos
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at Ja|pur 6ampus
Test ou the day of iuterview
1O+2 with Maths
PCM (miu. 6O)
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 28
Test ou the day of iuterview
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at Ja|pur 6ampus
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
8.A. LL.8 (hous.) 12111 5 years 1O+2 (Miu 5O) 46,OOO
8.Com. LL.8. (hous.) 12216 5 years 46,OOO
88A. LL.8. (hous.) 12215 5 years 69,OOO
88A 12O64 3 years 1O+2 (miu. 55) 81,OOO
8.A. (h) history 12513 3 years 22,OOO
8.A. (h) Phi|osophy 12515 3 years 1O+2 22,OOO
8.A. (h) Po|itica| Scieuce 12514 3 years 22,OOO
8.A. - Performiug Arts 12425 3 years 1O+2 with a 3 year 0ip|oma or equiva|eut 22,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
certificate iu Music/0auce
8.A. (h) App|ied Psycho|ogy 12O69 3 years 1O+2 22,OOO
urat|oo Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors
Ja|pur 6ampus
1st oar
8omostor Foos
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou / Fiue Arts / Performiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 15,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The Fee meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by approximate|y 5 every year. Each Academic year is of 2 semesters.
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| fee (if app|icab|e):Jaipur Campus: Rs. 45,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs.1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou (Mess charges ou actua| basis).
1O+2 (Miu 55)
Test ou the day of iuterview
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors 1st oar
8omostor Foos
Ja|pur 6ampus urat|oo

M.Sc. - 8iotechuo|ogy 12OO2 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces 43,OOO
M.Tech - 8iotechuo|ogy 121O1 2 years 8.Tech. iu 8iotechuo|ogy/ 8ioiuformatics/ 52,OOO
Medica| 8iotechuo|ogy/ M.Sc. 8iotech/ Life Scieuce
M.Tech - 8io Chemica| Eugg. 1226O 2 years 8.Tech. iu Life Scieuces/Chemica| 8 8io Chemica| Eugg. 52,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
0r M.Sc. iu Life Scieuces/Chemistry/8iochemistry
M.Sc. - ludustria| Microbio|ogy 12292 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuce/8io|ogica| Scieuce 43,OOO
M.Sc. - Microbia| Techuo|ogy 12286 2 years 8.Sc. (8io|ogica| Sc.) 43,OOO
M.Com. 12516 2 years 8.Com. / 8A (Ecouomics) / 88A (miu 5O) 41,OOO
Master of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 12288 2 years 41,OOO
P6 0ip|oma iu Advertisiug 8 PR 12353 1 year 29,OOO
M.Sc. - letworl Techuo|ogy 8 Mauagemeut 12OO8 2 years 8.Tech./8CA/8.Sc(Maths/lT) 43,OOO
MCA 12OO1 3 years 6rad.+Maths at 1O+2 or 8CA 64,OOO
M.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugiueeriug 12OO9 2 years MCA/M.Sc. (CS/P/M/Stats)/ 8.Tech. 52,OOO
M.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. 12153 2 years 8.Tech. (ECE)/M.Sc. (E|ectrouics/Phy.) 52,OOO
M.Tech. - So|ar 8 A|teruate Euergy 122O8 2 years 52,OOO
M.Tech. - C|eau Techuo|ogy 12498 2 years 52,OOO
Master of Fiue Arts 12O1O 2 years 8FA 22,OOO Assessmeut of Portfo|io ou
the day of iuterview
LL.M. 12O18 2 years LL.8. or equiva|eut 22,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
M8A 12O19 2 years 1,24,OOO
M8A - luteruatioua| 8usiuess 12O2O 2 years 1,24,OOO
M8A - Marletiug 8 Sa|es 12O22 2 years 1,24,OOO
M8A - hR 12O23 2 years 1,24,OOO
M8A - Agri 8usiuess 1211O 2 years 1,O1,OOO
M8A - Fami|y 8usiuess (Part Time) 12151 2 years 1,24,OOO
M8A - Executive (Part Time) 1218O 2 years 6raduatiou (miu 5O) + 1,24,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
3 years of worl experieuce
M.A. - Performiug Arts 12499 2 years 8A-Performiug Arts 29,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 30
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at Ja|pur 6ampus
8.Tech./M.Sc. with Phy./Chem./Materia| Scieuce
6raduatiou (miu 5O)
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e : 8O
MAT Score : 55O
6MAT Score : 5OO
Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e : 15
MAT Score : 5OO
6MAT Score : 5OO
Test ou the day of iuterview
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at Ja|pur 6ampus
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors 1st oar
8omostor Foos
Ja|pur 6ampus urat|oo

EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou / Fiue Arts / Performiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
Fiua| Year appeariug studeuts shou|d meet miuimum e|igibi|ity ti|| |ast qua|ifyiug Semester/Year aud shou|d uot have auy bacl paper/esseutia| repeat.
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 15,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The Fee meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by approximate|y 5 every year. Each Academic year is of 2 semesters.
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| fee (if app|icab|e):Jaipur Campus: Rs. 45,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs.1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou (Mess charges ou actua| basis).
F86h0I0 8 EhAvI0AI 86IEN6E
M.A. - Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 12O33 2 years 6raduatiou with Psycho|ogy as a subject 29,OOO
P6 0ip|oma iu Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 12O36 1 year 6raduatiou iu Socia| Scieuces 29,OOO
M.Phi| - Chi|d 8 Ado|esceut Psycho|ogy 12181 2 years Master's 0egree iu Re|evaut Stream or Equiva|eut (miu. 5O) 29,OOO
M.Phi| - C|iuica| Psycho|ogy 121O9 2 years M.A. / M.Sc. iu Psycho|ogy or Equiva|eut (miu. 55) 55,OOO
M.A. - Tourism Admiuistratiou 12O39 2 years 6raduatiou 29,OOO
Test ou the day of iuterview
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo omarks
Iotorv|ow 0thors
Maoosar 6ampus
1st oar
8omostor Foos
8ache|or of Architecture 13O4O 5 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) with Maths+lATA Score 55,OOO As per guide|iues of couuci| of Arch.
8ache|or of P|auuiug 13349 4 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) with Maths 52,OOO
8.Sc. - luterior 0esigu 13O5O 3 years 1O+2 52,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview

8.Tech. - 8iotechuo|ogy 13O41 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - 8ioiuformatics 13O42 4 years 19,OOO Test ou the day of the iuterview.
8.Sc. (hous.) - 8iotechuo|ogy 13O44 3 years PC8 (miu. 55) 55,OOO
8.Com. (hous.) 13O46 3 years 1O+2 (miu 55) 48,OOO
8ache|or of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 13281 3 years 61,OOO
8.Sc. - Auimatiou 8 Visua| 6raphics 13493 3 years 29,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8CA 13O48 3 years 1O+2 with Maths 48,OOO
8.Sc - lT 13O49 3 years 1O+2 55,OOO
8.A. (hous.) - Ecouomics 13182 3 years 1O+2 (miu 55) with Eco/Maths (miu. 55) 48,OOO
8.Tech. - Aerospace Eugiueeriug 13O55 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - Civi| Eugiueeriug 13158 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugiueeriug 13O52 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugiueeriug 13O51 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - luformatiou Techuo|ogy 13O53 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugiueeriug 13O54 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrica| 8 E|ectrouics Eugg. 13246 4 years 19,OOO
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. + M8A (0ua| 0egree) 13225 5 years 1,24,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. + M8A (0ua| 0egree) 13226 5 years 1,24,OOO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg.+ M8A (0ua| 0egree) 13228 5 years 1,24,OOO
8.A. (hous) - Eug|ish 13O61 3 years 1O+2 24,OOO
8.Sc. - Fashiou 0esigu 8 Techuo|ogy 13O56 3 years 1O+2 48,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8ache|or of Fiue Arts 13O51 4 years 1O+2 24,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8.Sc. - hote| Mauagemeut 13O6O 3 years 1O+2 55,OOO
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at urgaoo (Maoosar} 6ampus
PC8 or PCM (miu. 6O)
PCM (miu 6O) Test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 32
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at urgaoo (Maoosar} 6ampus
urat|oo Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo omarks
Iotorv|ow 0thors
Maoosar 6ampus
1st oar
8omostor Foos
8.A., LL.8 (hous.) 13111 5 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) 48,OOO
8.Com., LL.8. (hous.) 13216 5 years 48,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
88A LL.8. (hous.) 13215 5 years 13,OOO
8.A. (h) - history 13513 3 years 24,OOO
8.A. (h) - Phi|osophy 13515 3 years 1O+2 24,OOO
8.A. (h) - Po|itica| Scieuce 13514 3 years 24,OOO
88A 13O64 3 years 91,OOO
88A - 8auliug 8 Fiuauce 13519 3 years 91,OOO
8.Sc. (0ietetics 8 App|ied lutritiou) 13393 3 years 1O+2 with PCM / PC8 31,OOO
8.Sc. (Medica| Lab Techuo|ogy) 13165 3 years (miu. 5O) 31,OOO
8ache|or of C|iuica| 0ptometry 13391 4 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) with Physics 31,OOO
8.Tech. (8iomedica| Eugiueeriug) 13399 4 years 1O+2 with PC8 or PCM (miu. 6O) 19,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
8.Tech + M.Tech. - lauotechuo|ogy (0ua| 0egree) 13233 5 years PC8/PCM (miu 6O) 92OOO Test ou the day of luterview
8.Sc. - lursiug 13184 4 years 1O+2 with PC8 (miu. 45) 35,OOO
8.Sc. - lursiug (Post 8asic) 1356O 2 years 1O+2 + 6euera| lursiug 8 Midwifery Traiuiug 4O,OOO
F86h0I0 8 EhAvI0AI 86IEN6E
8.A. (h) - App|ied Psycho|ogy 13O69 3 years 1O+2 24,OOO
8.Sc. (C|iuica| Psycho|ogy) 134O1 3 years 1O+2 (miu. 5O) 31,OOO
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou / Fiue Arts / Performiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
The Caudidates with LSAT-ludia 2O13 scores are a|so e|igib|e to app|y for admissiou iu the Law Programmes (ou|y for 6urgaou Campus).
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 15,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The Fee meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by approximate|y 5 every year. Each Academic year is of 2 semesters.
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| fee (if app|icab|e):Mauesar Campus: Rs. 5O,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs.1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou (Mess charges ou actua| basis).
1O+2 (miu 55)
1O+2 (miu. 55)
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors 1st oar
8omostor Foos
Maoosar 6ampus omarks urat|oo

Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at urgaoo (Maoosar} 6ampus

M.Sc. - App|ied Physics 135OO 2 years 11,OOO
M.Sc. - App|ied Chemistry 135O9 2 years 11,OOO
M.Sc. - App|ied Mathematics 1351O 2 years 11,OOO
M.Sc - Statistics 13541 2 years 11,OOO
M.Phi| - Physics 13316 1 year 41,OOO
M.Phi| - Chemistry 13318 1 year 41,OOO
M.Phi| - Mathematics 13553 1 year 41,OOO
M.Phi| - Statistics 13548 1 year 41,OOO
Master of P|auuiug 1335O 2 years 8.P|au/8.Arch/8.Tech. iu re|evaut stream 52,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
M.Sc - 8ioiuformatics 13OO3 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces with 45,OOO
Computer Scieuce iu 1O+2
M.Tech - 8iotechuo|ogy 131O1 2 years 8.Tech. iu 8iotechuo|ogy / 55,OOO
8ioiuformatics / Medica| 8iotechuo|ogy /
M.Sc. iu 8iotech / Life Scieuces
M.Sc - 8iotechuo|ogy 13OO2 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces 45,OOO
P6 0ip|oma iu 8ioiuformatics 13554 1 year 8.Sc/8.Tech 8iotechuo|ogy or 42,OOO
8ioiuformatics/8.Sc. iu |ife Scieuces
Master of Commerce 13516 2 years 8.Com/8.A. (Ecouomics}/88A (miu 5O) 45,OOO
Master of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 13288 2 years 61,OOO
P6 0ip|oma iu Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 13341 1 year 48,OOO
M.Sc. - letworl Techuo|ogy 8 Mauagemeut 13OO8 2 years 8.Tech./8CA/8.Sc.(Maths/lT) 45,OOO
MCA 13OO1 3 years 6rad + Maths at 1O+2 or 8CA 61,OOO
M.A. -Ecouomics 133O1 2 years 8.A. (h) Ecouomics (miu. 5O) / 8.A. 31,OOO
with Ecouomics as a subject (miu. 55)
M.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugiueeriug 13OO9 2 years MCA/M Sc. (CS/P/M/Stats.) / 8.Tech. 55,OOO
M.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. 13153 2 years 8.Tech. (ECE) / M.Sc. (E|ectrouics/Phy. ) 55,OOO
M.Tech. - So|ar 8 A|teruate Euergy 132O8 2 years 8.Tech./M.Sc. with 55,OOO
M.Tech. - Laser Tech. 8 0ptoe|ectrouics 1358O 2 years Phy./Chem./ Materia| Scieuce 55,OOO
M.Tech. - Mechauica| Eugiueeriug 13581 2 years 8E / 8.Tech. -Mechauica| 8 55,OOO
Automatiou Eugg.
M.Tech. - Civi| Eugg. 13518 2 years 8E / 8.Tech.-Civi| 55,OOO
8.Sc. iu re|evaut stream
M.Sc. iu re|evaut stream
(miu 55)
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 35
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors 1st oar
8omostor Foos
Maoosar 6ampus omarks urat|oo

Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at urgaoo (Maoosar} 6ampus
M.A. (Eug|ish) 131O3 2 years 8.A. (Eug|ish) 31,OOO
M. A. (Fashiou Retai| Mauagemeut) 132O4 2 years 6raduatiou 45,OOO
Master of Fiue Arts 13O1O 2 years 8FA 24,OOO Assessmeut of Portfo|io ou
the day of iuterview
LL.M. 13O18 2 years LL.8 or equiva|eut 24,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
M8A 13O19 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - luteruatioua| 8usiuess 13O2O 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - 8auliug 8 Fiuauce 135O2 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - Marletiug 8 Sa|es 13O22 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - hR 13O23 2 years 1,52,OOO
M8A - Agri 8usiuess 1311O 2 years 1,21,OOO
M8A - Executive (Fu|| Time) 13339 1 year 6raduatiou (miu 5O) + 2,25,OOO
M8A - Executive (Part-Time) 1318O 2 years 3 years of worl experieuce 1,52,OOO
M8A (hospita| Admiuistratiou) 13395 2 years 8E/ 8.Sc. (lursiug)/ 8.Pharm/8.P.T./8.0.T./ 1,52,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
8.8.A./ 8.A. hospita| 8 hea|th Mauagemeut/
8.Sc. Computer Scieuce/ 8.A./ 8.Sc./
8.Com. 0egree / P6 0ip hea|th/
hospita| Admiuistratiou
Master of hospita| Admiuistratiou 1334O 2 years M88S/80S/8MS/AYuSh/8VS/8PT 1,24,OOO
0r M Sc - lursiug
M.Sc. - C|iuica| Research 134O2 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces 31,OOO
(miu. 5O)/ 8.Sc. (C|iuica| Research)
M.Sc. - 0ietetics 8 App|ied lutritiou 13394 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces 31,OOO
(miu. 5O)/ 8.Sc. (0ietetics 8 Therapeutics)
M.Sc. - Medica| Lab Techuo|ogy 13163 2 years 8. Sc. (A||ied hea|th Scieuces/ 31,OOO
Medica| Laboratory Tech. (8MLT)/
8iochemistry/ Microbio|ogy/
8iotech./ 6euetics)
Master of C|iuica| 0ptometry 13392 2 years 8.Sc. (0ptometry 8 0rthoptics) 31,OOO
M.Sc. (Pub|ic hea|th) 13412 2 years 8.Sc. (Pub|ic hea|th) / 8.Sc. (8io-Scieuces) 31,OOO
Master of Pub|ic hea|th 13396 2 years M88S/ 80S/8MS/AYuSh/8VS/ 31,OOO
8PT 0r M Sc - lursiug
M.Sc.- 0rthodoutics 13541 2 years 31,OOO
M.Sc.- Prosthodoutics 1354O 2 years 31,OOO
Master of C|iuica| 0ptometry |M.0ptom| Part time 13533 2 years A bache|or degree iu Ci|iuica| 0ptometry 31,OOO
with 5 years of worl experieuce
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e : 8O
MAT Score : 55O
6MAT Score : 5OO
Test ou the day of iuterview
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e : 15
MAT Score : 5OO
6MAT Score : 5OO
Test ou the day of iuterview
For o||g|b|||ty, Ioos 8 hosto| Ioos ootos p|oaso soo pago oo. 35
6raduatiou (miu 5O)
80S/8.Sc. iu 0euta| Techuo|ogy
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at urgaoo (Maoosar} 6ampus
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors 1st oar
8omostor Foos
Maoosar 6ampus omarks urat|oo
M.Sc. - lauoscieuce by Research 13O29 2 years 8. Sc or equiva|eut (miu 6O) 53,OOO
aud 1O+2 (6O)
M.Pharma 13293 2 years 8.Pharma 45,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
M.Phi| - Chi|d 8 Ado|esceut Psycho|ogy 13181 2 years Master's 0egree iu Re|evaut Stream or 24,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
Equiva|eut (miu. 5O)
MA - Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 13O33 2 years 6raduatiou with Psycho|ogy as a subject. 24,OOO
P6 0ip|oma iu Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy 13O36 1 year 6raduatiou iu Socia| Scieuce 24,OOO
M.Sc. - C|iuica| Psycho|ogy 134O8 2 years 6raduatiou with Psycho|ogy as a subject/ 31,OOO
8.Sc. iu C|iuica| Psycho|ogy
P6 0ip|oma iu Couuse||iug Psycho|ogy (Part Time) 13555 2 years 6raduatiou iu Psycho|ogy/socia| Scieuce/ 24,OOO
Socia| Worl with 3 years worl experieuce

EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou / Fiue Arts / Performiug Arts / vocatioua| / uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
Fiua| Year appeariug studeuts shou|d meet miuimum e|igibi|ity ti|| |ast qua|ifyiug Semester/Year aud shou|d uot have auy bacl paper/esseutia| repeat.
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 15,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The Fee meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by approximate|y 5 every year. Each Academic year is of 2 semesters.
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| fee (if app|icab|e):Mauesar Campus: Rs. 5O,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs.1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou (Mess charges ou actua| basis).
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou/Fiue Arts/Performiug Arts/Vocatioua|/uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 15,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The fees meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by apprx. 5 every year. Each academic year is of 2 semesters.
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| fee (if app|icab|e) : 6wa|ior Campus: Rs 4O,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs. 1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou (Mess charges ou actua| basis)
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo Frogram
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo omarks
Iotorv|ow 0thors
wa||or 6ampus
1st oar
8omostor Foos (s.}
8.Sc. - luterior 0esigu 14O5O 3 years 1O+2 45,OOO Creative test ou the day of iuterview
8ache|or of Architecture 14O4O 5 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) with Maths+lATA Score 5O,OOO As per guide|iues of couuci| of Arch.
8.Sc. (hous.) - 8iotechuo|ogy 14O44 3 years PC8 (miu. 55) 39,OOO
8.Tech - 8iotechuo|ogy 14O41 4 years PC8 or PCM (miu. 6O) 58,OOO
8.Com. (hous.) 14O46 3 years 1O+2 (miu. 55) 39,OOO
8ache|or of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 14281 3 years 1O+2 39,OOO
8CA 14O48 3 years 1O+2 with Maths 39,OOO
8.Sc. (lT) 14O49 3 years 1O+2 39,OOO
8.A. (h) Ecouomics 14182 3 years 1O+2 (miu 55) with Maths/Eco (miu. 55) 39,OOO
8.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg. 14O52 4 years 58,OOO
8.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugg. 14O51 4 years 58,OOO
8.Tech. - lT 14O53 4 years 58,OOO
8.Tech. - Mechauica| 8 Automatiou Eugg. 14O54 4 years 58,OOO
8.Tech. - Civi| Eugg. 14158 4 years 58,OOO
8.Sc. - Fashiou 0esigu 8 Techuo|ogy 14O56 3 years 1O+2 39,OOO Creative Test ou the day of iuterview
8.Sc. (hote| Mauagemeut) 14O6O 3 years 1O+2 41,OOO
8 A - LL.8. (h) 14111 5 years 1O+2 (miu 5O) 44,OOO
8 Com - LL8 (h) 14216 5 years 44,OOO
88A- LL.8. (h) 14215 5 years 55,OOO
8.A. (h) history 14513 3 years 24,OOO
8.A. (h) Phi|osophy 14515 3 years 1O+2 24,OOO
8.A. (h) Po|itica| Scieuce 14514 3 years 24,OOO
88A 14O64 3 years 1O+2 (miu. 55) 4O,OOO
8.A. (h) App|ied Psycho|ogy 14O69 3 yrs 1O+2 24,OOO
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at wa||or 6ampus
Test ou the day of iuterview
PCM (miu. 6O) Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
1O+2 (miu 55)
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
Iotorv|ow 0thors 1st oar
8omostor Foos (s.}
wa||or 6ampus omarks urat|oo
M.Sc. - App|ied Physics 145OO 2 years 11,OOO
M.Sc. - App|ied Chemistry 145O9 2 years 11,OOO
M.Sc. - App|ied Mathematics 1451O 2 years 11,OOO
M.Sc. - Statistics 14541 2 years 11,OOO
M.Sc. - 8iotech 14OO2 2 years 6raduatiou iu Life Scieuces 43,OOO
M.Tech. - 8iotech 141O1 2 years 8.Tech iu 8iotechuo|ogy / 52,OOO
8ioiuformatics / Medica| 8iotechuo|ogy /
M.Sc. 8iotech / Life Scieuces
Master of Commerce 14516 2 years 8.Com./8A (Ecouomics)/88A (miu 5O) 39,OOO
Master of Jourua|ism 8 Mass Commuuicatiou 14288 2 years 6raduatiou 39,OOO
MCA 14OO1 3 years 6raduatiou+Maths at 61,OOO
M.Sc. - luformatiou Techuo|ogy 14511 2 years 1O+2 or 8CA 43,OOO
M.Tech. - Computer Scieuce 8 Eugiueeriug 14OO9 2 years MCA/M.Sc. (CS/P/M/Stats.)/8.Tech. 52,OOO
M.Tech. - E|ectrouics 8 Commuuicatiou Eugiueeriug 14153 2 years 8.Tech. (ECE)/M.Sc. (E|ectrouics/Phy.) 52,OOO
M.Tech. - Mechauica| Eugiueeriug 14581 2 years 8E / 8.Tech. iu Mechauica| 8 52,OOO
Automatiou Eugg.
M.Tech. - Civi| Eugiueeriug 14518 2 years 8E / 8.Tech. Civi| 52,OOO
F00 IE6hN0I0
M.Sc. - Food 8 lutritiou 14454 2 years 8.Sc-Food Sc. 8 lutritiou/lutritiou 43,OOO Test ou the day of iuterview
8 0ietetics/home Sc./App|ied Sc./
Food Tech./0ietetics 8 Food Services Mgt./
Food Sc. 8 0ua|ity Coutro|/8iotechuo|ogy
M.A. - Eug|ish 141O3 2 years 8.A. iu Eug|ish 39,OOO
M8A 14O19 2 years 1,19,OOO
M8A - luteruatioua| 8usiuess 14O2O 2 years 1,19,OOO
M8A - Marletiug 8 Sa|es 14O22 2 years 1,19,OOO
M8A - hR 14O23 2 years 1,19,OOO

EIIIIIII N0IE8 : lu aggregate perceutage Physica| Educatiou/Fiue Arts/Performiug Arts/Vocatioua|/uou writteu subjects wi|| ou|y be cousidered for respective discip|iues.
Fiua| Year appeariug studeuts of 6raduatiou / Post 6raduatiou shou|d meet miuimum e|igibi|ity ti|| |ast qua|ifyiug Semester / Year aud shou|d uot have auy bacl paper / esseutia| repeat
FEE N0IE8 : Refuudab|e Academic Security 0eposit of Rs. 15,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou.
The fees meutioued is for the 1st semester ou|y aud wi|| iucrease by apprx. 5 every year. Each academic year is of 2 semesters.
The meutioued fee structure is subject to chauge.
h08IEI FEE8 : hoste| fee (if app|icab|e) : 6wa|ior Campus: Rs 4O,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of Rs. 1O,OOO/- has to be paid at the time of admissiou (Mess charges ou actua| basis)
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at wa||or 6ampus
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e : 8O
MAT Score : 55O
6MAT Score : 5OO
Test ou the day of iuterview 6raduatiou (miu. 5O)
0ua|ifyiug CAT Perceuti|e : 15
MAT Score : 5OO
6MAT Score : 5OO
Test ou the day of iuterview
8.Sc. iu re|evaut stream Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
Test ou the day of iuterview
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
uba| 6ampus omarks
8. Tech - Aerospace Eugiueeriug 15O55 4 years X (miu 5O) 8 Xll (miu 5O) 5O,OOO 13,699
with miu 55 iu PCM
8ache|or of Architecture 15O4O 5 years X (miu 5O) 8 Xll (miu 5O) 35,OOO 9,59O As per guide|iues of couuci| of
with miu 55 iu Maths + lATA Score Architecture 0r equiva|eut test
8.Tech - (Civi| Eugg) 15158 4 years 4O,OOO 1O,959
8.Tech - (Computer Scieuce 8 Eugg) 15O52 4 years 4O,OOO 1O,959
8.Tech - (E|ectrouics 8 Te|ecommuuicatiou) 15O11 4 years 4O,OOO 1O,959
8.Sc. - Foreusic Scieuces 15O59 3 years X 8 Xll (miu 5O) 35,OOO 9,59O
8.Sc - hote| Mauagemeut 15289 3 years X 8 Xll (miu 5O) 35,OOO 9,59O
88A 15O64 3 years 3O,OOO 8,22O
88A - Eutrepreueurship 15416 3 years 3O,OOO 8,22O
88A - lusurauce 8 8auliug 1566O 3 years 3O,OOO 8,22O
88A - (0ubai, uSA 8 uK) 15418 3 years 4O,OOO 1O,959
8.Tech. - (lauotechuo|ogy) 15183 4 years X (miu 5O) 8 Xll (miu 5O) 4O,OOO 1O,959
with miu 55 iu PCM
N6IEA 86IEN6E 8 IE6hN0I0
8. Tech - luc|ear Scieuce 8 Techuo|ogy 15239 4 years X (miu 5O) 8 Xll (miu 5O) 5O,OOO 13,699
with miu 55 iu PCM
8.Tech - (So|ar 8 A|teruate Euergy) 15291 4 years X (miu 5O) 8 Xll (miu 5O) 5O,OOO 13,699
with miu 55 iu PCM
8A - Tourism Mgmt 15414 3 years X 8 Xll (miu 5O) 3O,OOO 8,22O
Amity uuiversity Fouudatiou Programme 15563 1 year 0 ' Leve|s Comp|eted / C8SE 6raduates 25,OOO 6,85O
Amity uuiversity Fouudatiou Programme - Techuica| 15566 1 year who wish to upgrade their academic 25,OOO 6,85O
sli||s to meet uuiversity requiremeuts
are a|so e|igib|e (lou - Techuica| Stream/
Techuica| Stream)
0thors Foos For oar
Foos For oar
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : Admissiou based ou T0EFL - 6OO / lELTS - 6 or P|acemeut Test couducted by Amity uuiversity
For detai|ed admissiou po|icies ou Amity uuiversity 0ubai Campus p|ease refer to
FEE N0IE8 : App|icatiou Fee AE0 1OO/- aud Registratiou Fee AE0 1OOO/- are uou-refuudab|e.
Each academic year is of 2 semesters. Exact fee structure is avai|ab|e ou
h08IEI FEE : hoste| Fee (lf app|icab|e) : 0oub|e 0ccupaucy - AE0 15,6OO/- per auuum, Siug|e 0ccupaucy - AE0 2O,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit - AE0 2,OOO/-
vI8A FEE : Studeut 0utside uAE : AE0 2,OOO/- , Studeut iu uAE : AE0 3,5OO/- aud a Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of AE0 3,OOO/-
JAWAZ 6A FEE : AE0 15O/- towards 0lAC Jawa/ Card.
Frogrammos aItor 10+2 at uba| 6ampus
X (miu 5O) 8 Xll (miu 5O)
with miu 55 iu PCM
X 8 Xll (miu 5O)
6ourso by |sc|p||oo
(A|phabot|ca||y I|stod}
omarks urat|oo E||g|b|||ty Adm|ss|oo basod oo
uba| 6ampus
Frogrammos aItor raduat|oo at uba| 6ampus
EIIIIIII N0IE8 : Admissiou based ou T0EFL - 6OO / lELTS - 6 or P|acemeut Test couducted by Amity uuiversity
For detai|ed admissiou po|icies ou Amity uuiversity 0ubai Campus p|ease refer to
FEE N0IE8 : App|icatiou Fee AE0 1OO/- aud Registratiou Fee AE0 1OOO/- are uou-refuudab|e.
Each academic year is of 2 semesters. Exact fee structure is avai|ab|e ou
h08IEI FEE : hoste| Fee (lf app|icab|e) : 0oub|e 0ccupaucy - AE0 15,6OO/- per auuum, Siug|e 0ccupaucy - AE0 2O,OOO/- per auuum aud oue time Refuudab|e Security 0eposit - AE0 2,OOO/-
vI8A FEE : Studeut 0utside uAE : AE0 2,OOO/- , Studeut iu uAE : AE0 3,5OO/- aud a Refuudab|e Security 0eposit of AE0 3,OOO/-
JAWAZ 6A FEE : AE0 15O/- towards 0lAC Jawa/ Card.
M8A - lusurauce 8 8auliug 15284 2 years miu 5O marls iu c|ass X, Xll 8 6raduatiou 35,OOO 9,59O
M8A - PR 8 Eveut Mauagemeut 15415 2 years miu 5O marls iu c|ass X, Xll 8 6raduatiou 35,OOO 9,59O
M8A - hospita|ity 15O14 2 years miu 5O marls iu c|ass X, Xll 8 6raduatiou 35,OOO 9,59O
M8A 15O19 2 years 35,OOO 9,59O
M8A - Eutrepreueurship 15O21 2 years 35,OOO 9,59O
M8A - Retai| Mauagemeut 15162 2 years 35,OOO 9,59O
M8A - (0ubai, uSA 8 uK) 15411 2 years 45,OOO 12,329
M8A - for worliug professioua|s 15339 2 years miu 5O marls iu c|ass X, Xll 8 6raduatiou + 35,OOO 9,59O
miu 2 yrs of worl experieuce
M8A - urbau lufrastructure aud Rea| Estate Mauagemeut 15114 2 years miu 5O marls iu c|ass X, Xll 8 6raduatiou 35,OOO 9,59O
M8A - Tourism Admiuistratiou 15413 2 years miu 5O marls iu c|ass X, Xll 8 6raduatiou 35,OOO 9,59O
IAN8F0I 8 I0I8II68
M8A - Trausport 8 Logistics 15412 2 years miu 5O marls iu c|ass X, Xll 8 6raduatiou 35,OOO 9,59O
miu 5O marls iu
c|ass X, Xll 8 6raduatiou
Foos For oar
Foos For oar
We have exceptioua||y h|gh staodards for the ta|eut that we tale iu to our programmes. Superior |eadership qua|ities,
commuuicatiou aud iuterpersoua| sli||s, commitmeut, prob|em-so|viug abi|ity, Va|ue driveu miudset,
professioua|ism, f|exibi|ity, motivatiou aud sharp iute||ectua| curiosity are oxpoctod.
PLF4SF 8F40IhF /NSI8J0I/0NS 048FFJLL7 8FF08F 70J 8F6/NI0 00MPLFIF 70J8 4PPL/04I/0N. IhF
4PPL/04I/0N F08M Sh0JL0 8F F/LLF0 /N 70J8 0WN 0LF48 4N0 LF6/8LF h4N0W8/I/N6 4N0 IhF
JN0F8I48/N6/S I0 8FS/6NF08770J 0NL7.
For a|| detai|s re|atiug to E|igibi|ity, Fee structure aud Procedure for Admissiou to a|| programmes, liud|y refer to
Auuexure - 1 of the Admissiou Prospectus 2O13 .
Visit|ty.odu (adm|ss|oo m|cros|to |og|o} for a|| iuformatiou re|atiug to your app|icatiou 8 admissiou
after submissiou of app|icatiou form
ua||Iy|og caod|datos cao so|oct tho|r dato Ior 0o 6ampus Adm|ss|oo Frocoss at|ty.odu
(adm|ss|oo m|cros|to |og|o}. It |s your rospoos|b|||ty to chock tho wobs|to Ior so|oct|oo oI dato aod appoar |o
tho Adm|ss|oo Frocoss accord|og|y. No soparato commuo|cat|oo w||| bo soot |o th|s rogard.
ou aro adv|sod to koop a photocopy oI tho comp|oto app||cat|ooIorm.
Iocorroct|y I|||od, |ocomp|oto, uos|good Iorms 8Iorms roc|ovod aItor duo dato w||| bo rojoctod.
Forms ooco rojoctod w||| oot bo rocoos|dorod 8Iorm cost w||| oot bo roIuodod.
ou cao oot app|y moro thao ooco Ior tho samo programmo |o ooo adm|ss|oo yoar.
Eoc|oso c|ass 10th mark shoot oo|y w|th tho App||cat|oo Form. No othor Mark shoots / Iost|moo|a|s aro
to bo attachod w|th tho App||cat|oo Form at th|s stago (0o|y Foro|go studoots / Foro|go o|vors|ty
ogroo ho|dor shou|d attach photocop|os oI acadom|c traoscr|pts 8 AI Equ|va|ooco 6ort|I|cato}.
o|vors|ty / oard / Marks I|||od |o tho App||cat|oo Form w||| bo coos|dorod Ior a|| procoduros ro|atod to
adm|ss|oo. Aoy d|scropaocy Iouod dur|og or|g|oa| documoot vor|I|cat|oo w||| rosu|t |o caoco||at|oo oI
Am|ty doos oot tako aoy rospoos|b|||ty Ior do|ay or |oss oI tho mator|a| |o post / traos|t.
We do not accept any donations for admission. Merit is the onIy criteria.
Any instances found, even at a Iater date, wiII Iead to canceIIation of admission.


1. Non-Liability: Prospectus Application Form and all other Admission Correspondence will be sent by
Post/Courier. Amity is not responsible for Postal/Courier delays or loss in transit.
2. Non-refund of fees: All fees once paid are not refundable for any reason whatsoever. Only Security Deposit
will be refunded after making necessary adjustments as required.
3.1 Cancellation of Admission: Amity reserves its right to cancel the admission of successful candidate under
any of the following circumstances :
(a) If the fees is not deposited by the stipulated date.
(b) If the candidate does not join the particular programme by the stipulated date even though the fee has
been deposited.
(c) If the candidate fails to furnish the proof of the stipulated minimum qualifications.
(d) If any instance of donation/unfair means is found after admission.
(e) If any of the document(s) submitted by you to Amity University is found to be forged, fabricated or false
during the period of your study, your admission shall be cancelled immediately and fees shall be forfeited.
In case you complete the course and obtain the degree on the basis of documents which are later found
to be forged, fabricated or false, at any point of time, your degree shall be cancelled/ recalled.
3.2 Provision of Non Refund of Fees under Clause 2 will also apply in cases under Clauses 3.1 (b) and (c).
4. Right of Alteration/Modification:
(a) Amity reserves its right to alter or modify the structure of any of the programs to attain the objective of
(b) Amity reserves its right to change the provided Fee Structure.
(c) Amity reserves its right to modify, alter and/or include any other Terms and Conditions that may be
deemed fit in the interest of the Institution.
5. Jurisdiction: Any dispute pertaining to admission, or any matter as a student or alumnus of Amity shall be
subjected to the jurisdiction of the Delhi Court only.
6. Limitation Clause: No dispute shall be raised after the expiry of 30 days from the date on which the process of
admission and/or selection is completed.
7. Student Agreement Clause:
a) I shall immediately inform the University in writing if there is any change to the information I have
provided in this application
b) I authorize the University to issue details provided in this application form to any agency in the event of a
verification or other statutory requirements
c) I am fully aware and accept the responsibility for all expenses towards my education and living while
studying in the University
d) I agree to abide by the visa regulations and any other requirements as applicable
All successful candidates shall be bound by the above mentioned Terms & Conditions of Amity.

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