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NBC Rule X Mechanical Regulation p189 ACCIDENTAL CONTACT Any inadvertent physical contact with power transmission AIR CONDITIONING The process of treating air to control simultaneously its temp, hum, etc BALUSTRADE The frame on oth side of escalator BOILER A close vessel for heating BUFFER A device designed to stop a descending car from eyond its normal limit of travel CAGE/ CAB !nclosure for housing the operator etc of a crane CAPACITY OF WORK, PROJECT OR PLANT Total horse power CAR The load carrying unit of an elevator COMPRESSOR Mech device to increase pressure upon the refrigerant CONDENSER Arrangement of pipes" tu ing in which vapori#ed refrigerant is li$uefied y the removal of heat CONDEMED BOILER OR UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL Boiler unsafe or dis$ualified

CRANE Machine for lifting or lowering and moving hori#ontal DUCT %assageway made of sheet of metal for conveying air DUMBWAITER &oisting and lowering mechanism Area ' ()*+s$ cm &eight ' +,-.m Capacity ' -//0 ELEVATOR A hoisting and lowering mechanism with a car or platform which move in guides in a vertical direction ELEVATOR LANDING %ortion of a floor, alcony, or platform for loading or unloading ELEVATOR WIRE 1teel wire rope attached to the car ENCLOSED The moving parts of a machine are so guarded that physical contact y any part of the human ody is precluded or prevented ESCALATOR %ower driven, inclined, continuous stairway EVAPORATION 2i$uid refrigerant is vapori#ed to produce refrigeration EXTERNAL INSPECTION 3nspection made on oiler GUARDED HOIST

1hielded, fenced or otherwise protected Apparatus for raising or lowering a load y the application of a uilding force HOIST WAY A shaft for the travel of elevator or dum waiters INTERAL INSPECTION 3nspection when oiler is shutdown LIQUID RECEIVER A vessel permanently connected to system y inlet and outlet pipes for storage of a li$uid refrigerant LOCOMOTIVE BOILER Boiler mounted on a self' propelled trac0 LOW PRESSURE HEATING BOILER %ressure +,.40gs"s$m Temp -4.5 6 MACHINE The driven unit of e$uipment MACHINE HOUSE !nclosure for housing the hoisting mechanism and power plant MACHINE PARTS Any or all the moving parts of a machine MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MECHANICAL MACHINERY MECHANICAL PROCESS MECHANICAL WORKS MECHANICAL PLANT All that has a mech functions MOVING WALK

&ori#ontal passenger carrying device POINT OF OPERATION The part of a machine which performs an operation on the stoc0 2ocation where stoc0 material is fed to the machine PORTABLE BOILER 6ired oiler which is self' contained 3ntended for temporary location POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY Any device y which the motion of an engine is transmitted to or received y another machine PRIME MOVER Main function is to drive or operate either directly or indirectly, other mechanical e$uipment PROCESS MACHINE !$uipment designed and operated for a specific purpose REFRIGERANT A sorption of heat while e7panding or evaporating TON OF REFRIGERATION +-,... BT8"hr -.. BT8"min TRAVELLING CABLE A ca le made up of electric conductor s which provides electrical connection etween the elevator car and a fi7ed outlet in the hoistway UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL %ressure is o tained from e7ternal source or from an indirect application of heat

VENTILATION 1upplying or removing air y natural or mechanical means

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