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Evaluation 5

By Martha Hills

Unfortunately I couldnt upload my voxpop due to imovie complications. So I have now posted the answers to the questions on the next slide.

How did you attract/address your audience?

What era did you think the film opening was and why? Probably Victorian due to the music and mise en scene. Did you think the music was appropriate? Yeah, definitely it really built up tension right to the end. Did the music create any emotions/feelings? Made me feel really tense and also quite sad. Would you compare this film to anything you have seen before? If so what is it? Films like Woman in Black and Sweeny Todd. If you saw this film opening in an advert would you want to watch it and why? Yes, definitely, it made you, like, wonder what was going to happen in the end and left it on a cliff hanger.

I think the unique selling point of our Film Opening would be the fact that the theme we are using is one of an adult, but we have specifically chosen actors that are slightly younger. The female actress we used is 16- so this created even more innocence and so the audience could feel a real sense of empathy with the character. The male actor is 21- so he is still young but is also old enough that elder generations can basically hate the character without feeling any sympathy for him.

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