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Bobbitts Classroom Newsletter

1/6/2014 Volume 1, Issue 1

Educational Autobiography
My name is Jennifer Bobbitt. I am one of the five people who will be teaching the upcoming Fourth Graders at Sumter Elementary School. My passion is Science, and it is my absolute favorite subject! Contents
Educational Autobiography Reason for Newsletter Contact Information Classroom Rules Class Calendar Class Projects Supply List Standardized Test Test Taking Tips Weekend Activity Ideas Class Pet Detailed Calendar 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4

I have taught here for the past eight years. I have my Bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education, and Im currently working on my Masters in Administrative Education. I received my Bachelors in Education right up the road at Georgia Southwestern State University.

Reason for Newsletter

My reason for this newsletter is simple: to keep you, the parents and guardians, up to beat about the events, projects, and lessons going on in our classroom. Throughout the upcoming year, we will have various activities, field trips, class parties, and etc. that will be announced on here at least two weeks in advance. We, as a class, will be having a project towards the end of fall that I would like the parents to be involved with as well, if possible. There will be a newsletter released each Friday for the next weeks events and lessons. In each newsletter, I will include pictures of the previous weeks events and each weeks newsletter will have a special entry from one of our new classmates. This entry will feature a random story written from a student and a current picture of that student. Not every newsletter will be as long as this one, most of them will be one page front and back. Feel Free to sign up for our weekly Newsletter email, if you would prefer it over a paper copy.

Contact Information
Phone Number:


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Classroom News

Ms. Bobbitts Newsletter

Classroom Rules
Treat others how you would like to be treated Keep your desk and our classroom clean and neat Keep our hands to ourselves Raise your hand to share Do your best and have fun learning! These are our simple rules. Follow them and we will get along splendidly. Also, at the end of the week I give out rewards to the students who obey these rules and do what they are supposed to do during the week. Rewards vary from candy jar to homework passes, and etc.

Classroom Calendar
Monday: Science, Reading, P.E., Lunch, Math, Language Arts, and Social Studies Tuesday: Science, Reading, Music, Lunch, Math, Language Arts, and Social Studies Wednesday: Science, Reading, Library, Lunch, Math, Language Arts, and Social Studies Thursday: Science, Reading, Computer Lab, Lunch, Math, Language Arts, and Social Studies Friday: Science, Reading, P.E., Lunch, Math, Language Arts, and Social Studies
***Detailed Calendar at end of Newsletter

Above: This is an inspiring quote for our leaders of tomorrow.

Class Projects
Our class will have several projects, notwithstanding the other teachers projects. Our first major Science project will be to create a model of our solar system. This is a half and half project. Our students will partner up with one another, and do half of the work in class and half of the work at home. I will give the major details in a few weeks, at which time you, the parent/guardian, will sign the letter

stating that you know what is expected of your child to do at home. Our first complete in class project is a book report. This book report is to be due on August 29th. It is to be a detailed 5 paragraph essay summarizing the book and describing why you would want to recommend it to your peers. The exact details will be given next week. Every class project that requires the children to work at home will need a parents/guardians signature stating that they know what is expected of their student or work will NOT be accepted!

You may say Im a DREAMER, but Im not the only ONE.

~John Lennon

Classroom Supplies
General Classroom Supplies:
3 Boxes of Tissue Pack of pencils Pack of Expo Markers Germ-X Lysol Wipes

Student Supplies:
Crayons/Markers 2 inch binder Dividers (5 Subject) Loose Leaf Paper Composition notebook Pens/Pencils

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School Newsletter

Grade Level News

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Standardized Tests
At our school, the students take Standardized Tests at the end of every school year. If they are in grades 3, 5, and 8, they must pass the tests for English, Math, and now Science. Our grade is break, but the test are still brutal and carry a lot of weight to where your child is placed in the coming year, so fasten your seatbelts and get studying! The following link is for more 3. information about the Georgia Standardized Tests feel free to check them out at any time. 610006?access_key=key26dn81ji2s5uu8edsd2o&allow_share=fals e&escape=false&show_recommendation s=false&view_mode=scroll

Test Taking Tips

Before each and every test your child or children will take this year, you as a parent or guardian should take a look at some helpful tips for your future Honor Roll Member! 1. Get a good start the morning of the test by eating a well-balanced breakfast. 2. Read one chapter a night before the big test.

4. 5.

Ask questions throughout the week to see if they retain the content. Make sure to get a good nights rest the night before the test. And always DO YOUR BEST!!!!

Heres a power point of more tips. 562451?access_key=key28zeulbjcupfam8urbcm&allow_share=f alse&escape=false&show_recommenda tions=false&view_mode=slideshow

Weekend Activity Idea

Each Newsletter will have a weekend Idea that will be fun and cheap for you and your family to do.
This weeks idea is to help you and your family cool down. Making KoolAid Kool Pops are an easy way to have quality time with your family. They are extremely fun to make together. What You Need
2 qt. (8 cups) prepared KOOL-AID Grape Flavor Sugar-Sweetened Soft Drink Mix Ice cube trays or plastic cups Pop Sticks or Plastic Spoons

Make It
POUR prepared drink into 16 paper or plastic cups. FREEZE 2 hours or until almost firm. INSERT wooden pop stick or plastic spoon into center of each cup. Freeze 4 hours or until firm. Remove from cups before serving.

Kraft Kitchens Tips

Variation - Sugar Free KOOL-AID Kool Pops Prepare using KOOL-AID Sugar Free Grape Flavor Drink Mix. Variation Omit cups and wooden pop sticks; pour prepared drink into plastic ice cube trays sprayed lightly with cooking spray. Freeze 3 to 5 hours or until firm. Substitute Prepare using your favorite flavor of prepared KOOL-AID Drink Mix.

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Classroom Pet
Our class pet is a turtle named Franklin. He is a male Yellow-Bellied Slider Turtle. He is to be fed 6 reptile pellets each morning after morning announcements by the teacher helper of the day. This is to teach the students about responsibilities. The helper turns on his lamp at morning announcement time. The teacher helper of the day will also turn his light off at the end of the day. I have had Franklin for the past 8 years. I originally got him from Florida at a Pet Store. The children from my very first Pre-K class named him, and it stuck to him after I moved to fourth grade four years ago.

Detailed Class Schedule

1/6/2014 8:208:30

Morning Announcements: Pledge AR Restroom Break Science: Earths Day & Night Cycle Free Time Stretches Reading: Restroom Break P.E. Free Time - Stretches Language Arts: Free Time - Restroom Break Lunch Recess Restroom Break Math: Art: Social Studies: N.A. Settlements Northern Regions

Morning Announcements: Pledge AM Restroom Break Science: Moon Phases Free Time Stretches Reading: Restroom Break Music Free Time - Stretches Language Arts: Free Time - Restroom Break Lunch Recess Restroom Break Math: Computer Lab: Social Studies: N.A. SettlementsPlateau and Plains

Morning Announcements: Pledge AR Restroom Break Science: Earths Revolution Free Time Stretches Reading: Restroom Break Library Free Time - Stretches Language Arts: Free Time - Restroom Break Lunch Recess Restroom Break Math: Art: Social Studies: N.A. Settlements Southern Regions

Morning Announcements: Pledge AM Restroom Break Science: Lets Go to Space Free Time Stretches Reading: Restroom Break Computer Lab Free Time - Stretches Language Arts: Free Time - Restroom Break Lunch Recess Restroom Break Math: Music: Social Studies: N.A. Culture

Morning Announcements: Pledge AR Restroom Break Science: Quiz Free Time Stretches Reading: Restroom Break P.E. Free Time - Stretches Language Arts: Free Time - Restroom Break Lunch Recess Restroom Break Math: Library: Social Studies: N.A. Culture

8:309:10 9:109:20 9:2010:00 10:0010:05 10:0510:55 10:5511:05 11:0511:45 11:4511:55 11:5512:15 12:1512:45 12:4512:55 12:551:25 1:252:05 2:052:45

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